War for Uyrilia

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Jace opened his eyes slowly and looked around with a grown. His whole body ached as he rolled out of the bed. It had been two days since they had rescued Jaxton and Maximus and they were hiding in the town Pathstow while they all healed and recovered. Walking out of the little house, he found Liliana sitting under a tree with Jaxton beside her talking and smiling. She was still weak but she was healing and able to move on her own again. He walked over and bent in front of his sister and father. “Hey, you guys are looking better today.”

“We just need to rest.” Liliana smiled.

“We’ll be able to move in another day or two.” Jaxton told him and smiled as he looked between the two. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you both. I’ve missed you so much.” He pulled them both to him in a tight hug.

“We missed you too dad.” Jace grinned.

Christoph walked over. “I’m glad you three are up and about. Are you almost ready to start moving? The farther we are the better.”

“Where are we going to go? Zinnia and Kalman are bound to be searching for us.” Jace asked. “There’s nowhere we’ll be safe from them.”

“We can go to Kothus.” Robert said as he and Ryan joined them. “My mother is a supporter of yours, she would be glad to give you aid and help you in any way you need.”

“Are you sure? It could put your mother and your country in danger.” Jaxton said looking at the young man who nodded. “Then I guess we’re going to Kothus.”

“We should leave in the morning.” Liliana told her father. “We’re strong enough to move, and the faster we get moving the better.” Jaxton nodded in agreement. “I’ll let the others know.” Liliana said as she pushed herself to her feet and started towards the inn to talk to the others in the inn.


Robert led the way to the throne room where his mother was sitting upon her throne; her black hair pulled back into an intricate style with her delicate crown upon her head. She watched with grey eyes as they came to stand in front of her. In the throne beside her sat King Deimos a man, Robert hated. He was the father of Robert’s siblings, and his stepfather. He had his own crown sitting amongst his close cut blond hair and he sat straight glaring at Robert with dark green eyes. Several steps below them sat four thrones, two to each side. Three sat empty, the last held a little girl, her bland hair hung loose around her shoulders, and she smiled happily at her brothers, watching with emerald eyes like her brother Ryan’s. Liliana watched as Robert gave her a smirk before looking back at his mother.

He stepped forward, a head of everyone to speak. “Mother, we have accomplished what we set out to do and to honor the King of Atren and his family we have brought him here as an honored guest.” He watched as his mother’s eyes flicked to Marc who stood to the left before she looked back at him. She smiled and stood.

“This is joyous news. We will hold a banquet in his majesties honor.” She said with a slight bow of her head towards Jaxton.

“Her majesty flatters me.” Jaxton bowed to her making her smile broaden.

“Robert shows our guest to the rooms. We shall feast in their honor tonight.” Robert nodded again before leading the group down the guest corridors to the rooms giving them each their own. As he was giving Liliana hers Ryan arrived.

“Robert.” He said making his brother look at him. “Mother wishes to see us in the chambers.” Robert sighed and nodded. He told Liliana what room was hers and the brothers left to meet their mother, both wondering what she could possibly want.

“Good you’re all here.” Said Queen Erna as she looked at her three sons. They sat at the long table in the meeting room off to the side of the throne room watching as their mother stood with a smile. “There is some wonderful news I’ve just received. Discussions for whom you are to marry have been finalized. I have been able to secure each of you a wonderful seat of rank.” Robert and Ryan furrowed their brows as Marc smiled. “Ryan you will marry a wonderful girl. She is the princess of Didons. She is thirteen so there is still some time but she will make you a wonderful wife and queen.

“Robert you will marry the daughter of the Duke of Estreim. She is a lovely girl she will be a wonderful wife.”

“Mother-.” Robert began to protest but his mother would hear none of it. She shook her head and looked to her last son with a soft, loving smile.

“You my sweet Marc will take the hand of the princess of Atren.” Robert stood, slamming his hands on the table making everyone jump and look at him.

“You cannot do this. You cannot make someone marry because you want power. I will not marry someone I do not love and not one of these women should be forced to do so either. Liliana will not stand for her hand being pawned off like that and from what I know of her father he wouldn’t give her away to someone for bonds.” He told her.

Erna glared at her eldest son. “You will do as you’re told. As a ruler you have no right to pick who you are to marry, it is the job of the parent to choose the right person to help the royal line continue and grow. These bonds strengthen the land. They are not meant for the happiness of the ruler, it is to keep the land at peace.”

Robert hardened his blue eyes. “I will not marry someone I do not love, nor someone I have never laid eyes on.” He quickly turned and stormed from the room leaving his shocked mother in his wake. Ryan quickly stood and went after him, catching up with him down the hall.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked his brother. Robert still looked angry but Ryan knew he would never take his anger at his mother out on anyone. “What was that about?”

“I just don’t think it’s right.” Robert shook his head. “I have never met this girl and I am to marry her and share my life with her? You don’t think it’s wrong to have mother pick who we are to marry? To chose our path in life, what we are to do and accomplish?”

“Yeah, but… you know she’s right in a way that we need to strengthen the land, but I agree we should be able to choose for ourselves. She is the queen, our mother. What are we to do? We’re supposed to do her bidding and follow her rules.”

“I don’t know, Ryan. I don’t know but I’ll figure something out.” Robert walked off leaving his brother to heave a heavy sigh.

That night Robert sat in his throne next to Marc with his mother and stepfather above and his younger brother and sister on the other side. They watched as everyone introduced into the great hall as the music played softly and the scent of the food floated in the air, mixed with the soft chatter of people. Jaxton and his family were introduced and Robert saw his brother straighten and grin as Liliana and Jace walked to the bottom of the steps. Robert’s gaze drifted from his brother to Liliana who stood beside Jace, both dressed extravagantly. She was a sight he had never seen before. Her long brown hair pulled up into an elegant style, her red dress fit to her body, showing off her beautiful curves, she was a sight that lit up the room. Men and women all over the hall turned to stare as they bowed and moved off to the side to stand with their father.

Robert sat quietly through the ball, every once in a while he caught sight of Liliana wandering through the room, something that would always draw his gaze no matter if he was in mid conversation with someone or just sitting, and to his surprise many times he caught her eyes watching him before she quickly moved away. A commotion pulled his attention with most of the crowds as well. Liliana had shoved a young man and punched another in the gut as they tried to make advances on her and talk her into leaving with them to return to their beds. Robert made his way through the group as he heard Marc try his own lines before he was flipped and thrown to the ground.

“Not one of you has any shred of loyalty or decency in you.” Liliana spoke loudly so everyone around the group could hear her. “You may be royalty or have titles but not one of you is worth a straw of hay, nor do you look any better than a horse’s rear end. Although I have to admit some smell better than cow manure, not one of you will have a single chance in hell to take me to your bed. You are nothing but slobs who think women are nothing but tools to get you where you want to be. Women hold more power than any of you men; we are the ones who have to agree to bed you and I doubt very much you could prove your ability to have an heir without us. You need to treat us with respect we deserve or you will end up alone and in the streets having tomatoes thrown at you. Well…” She paused and looked around. “Some of you might have each other to hold on the cold nights.” She smirked before turning and storming out onto a balcony, leaving the hall silent as the men looked at each other and around, trying to save what little dignity they had left before asking the others what they were looking at and the ball continued.

Robert walked out onto the balcony overlooking the bright city to find Liliana standing there. The cool night breeze gently moved her robes and blew her long light brown hair before settling again. “Liliana…” He paused as she looked at him with bright amber eyes, surprised to see him there. “Look don’t worry about the others. They’re just idiots.” He walked closer to her. “They want one thing and that’s to prove they’re a man and to try to take power. You are right in how you spoke to them.” She gave a little smile but looked away.

“I know but…” She shook her head and sighed.

He reached out a hand and smiled softly at her as she turned her watery amber gaze back to him. “Well if their stupid enough to ruin a chance to see your eyes light up and to see the beautiful smile across their face they deserve the rain clouds that will follow them.” She gave a small laugh. “Would you like to dace?”

“I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go back in there right now.” She looked at the stained glass windows leading to the ball.

“It doesn’t have to be in there.” He lifted his hand to her and watched her look at it a minute before gently placing hers in his and looking up to meet his blue eyes with her amber ones. He pulled her to him before starting to waltz around the balcony making her smile and soon they were both laughing as they twirled and spun around forgetting all about the others in the ball who had cause her to become angry and upset. As they slowed to a stop, they looked at each other and time seemed to freeze. Their eyes darted from each other’s eyes to their lips.

“Lily!” They heard making them jump apart before Jace and Alexander ran out laughing. “Lily, after you belittled those guys no girl would dance with them, they looked horrified that not one girl fell for them.” Jace laughed making Liliana smile and glance at Robert.

“I should go check on Ryan and make sure he’s not getting into any trouble.” Robert told her as he made his way into the ball, leaving Liliana, Jace and Alexander Alone.

“Hey, was he bothering you?” Alexander asked as they walked closer.

“No.” She shook her head and tried to fight the blush that came to her cheeks. “We were just talking when you two rudely interrupted. A monkey has more manors than you two.” She sighed making them look at her a minute before she started towards her room. The two men stood with raised brows before shrugging and going back to the party. Liliana walked through the ball glancing around before walking into the corridors towards the guest rooms. Just as she turned down another corridor she heard footsteps making her turn quickly to find Robert. “I thought you had to make sure your brother was behaving.”

“Yes well I checked and he’s being good, so I figured you might like some company.” He watched her give a small smile as she nodded. “So what did your brother and Alexander want?”

“Just to chat.” She shrugged. As they reached her room, she turned to look at him with a small smile. “Well I guess this is good night.” He nodded and as he took a step forward she turned away opening the door.

“Good night.” He said softly as she smiled and went into her room. Robert sighed as he turned away and leaned against the wall. He bumped his head back once before walking back towards the ball only to run into Ryan who was laughing and smiling as he left.

He stopped and looked at his brother worried. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Robert waved him off.

“Rob, there’s something. Did you get chewed out by Liliana too?”

Robert smirked and shook his head. “No.”

“I saw you go out on the balcony with her and then you left right after her. What’s going on?”

Robert looked at his brother a moment before he gave a small smile. “We just danced and talked a bit. It’s nothing. Really.” Robert turned and went towards his own rooms to try to sleep that night.


Robert smiled as Liliana and he traded stories about their time on earth while he walked with her through the flower gardens. “It sounds like it was crazy for you.”

“It’s much calmer than here, let me tell you. I could be a crazy teenager there, here it’s all proper and stand up straight and talk right and stuffy rules.” She told him making him chuckled and nod in agreement. “You seem to fit in but there’s something about you that doesn’t seem quite right here.”

“I can’t stand being inside the castle walls.” He looked at the roses to his right. “Ever since I was a child I’ve always run the outdoors. I’ve been the one climbing and digging and running in the woods.” He gave a soft smile. “The rules of court are boring and stuffy like you said. Just because I was born into, a title does not mean I should not be allowed to climb a tree or run in the mud. Or even walk through the garden and tend to the plants.” He explained making her give him a bright smile

“It really isn’t right. When I have children, I’m going to let them run and be free. Of course they will have to learn the proper mechanics of the courts since I still have to be princess of Atren, but I want them to have fun and be children.” She smiled as she looked around thinking of having a family of her own. “I want the boys to be boys and even the girls to get dirty.” Robert could not help the smile that spread on his face as he listened to her describe how she wanted to be a parent to her future children.

“I hope I meet a woman like you who shares those ideas.” He said making her look up at him. “I am to be king of Kothus when it’s time, I don’t want to be in a marriage to a woman who lives for the courts. I want to have a queen who loves adventures and thinking of things other than needlework.” Liliana laughed making him look at her confused.

She smiled up at him. “From the girls I’ve meet here, I don’t think you’ll ever get your dream.”

Robert smiled down at her before plucking a blue rose and handing it to her, “I’ve already met the best one there is.” She gave him a soft smile, one he had seen her only give to him in the past year he had known her. She gently took the flower and looked up at him with a mystifying amber gaze that made his breath catch in his chest.

“You give me too much credit.” She smiled and shook her head. “You haven’t even begun to get to know me. How do you know I’m the best?”

“Well then I guess I better get to know you better before I make my final judgment on if you’re the best or not.” She laughed softly as she shook her head. “Will you give me that chance, or will I be holding my wounded pride when you’re done with me?” He asked with a chuckle as they remembered her rant at the ball Almost two and a half weeks before.

Liliana smiled as she tilted her head as if thinking about her answer before she gave a nod. “I think I’ll allow it this once.” She smiled happily, as he grinned at her. The two continued their walk through the garden talking about their lives growing up, telling the other the horror and the happy times in their lives as they went.

“Lily!” They heard making them look over to the doorway into the castle where Alexander stood. “Come on, your dad wants to talk to you about our plans.” He called to her before nodding and leaving as she told him she would be right there.

“I guess our time together is over.” Liliana told him. “I hope you’ve learned enough to make your judgment.”

“I will have to think on what I’ve learned today. Besides, our time can always continue whenever you’d like.” He smiled as he gave her a dramatic bow. “Princess.”

“Prince know it All.” She smiled as she gave him a slight bow and turned, leaving him alone in the garden. He could not tear his eyes from her until she disappeared into the doorway and out of sight. He smiled to himself as he wandered the garden alone, thinking about his walk with the princess Liliana. A women like none other he had ever met. One that was everything he could wish to meet, and one he had never thought he would fall for. He never expected to meet a woman that could make his heart beat wildly in his chest, or one that could take his breath from his lungs with just one glance. Sitting in the courts he had seen many attractive women but none of them could come anywhere near, what he felt when he was around Liliana.

He sighed. He knew he would never be with her, he knew it was impossible, something that not only could not happen but something that would be out right forbidden if his mother were to find out about his feelings. This woman was to marry Marc in her mind, no matter what Liliana or anyone else thought. He stopped walking and looked back at the doorway. Liliana deserved to have her life. She deserved to be able to make her own choices, to marry who she wanted, to raise her children the way she wanted, to be who she wanted. He smirked. Even if he were not the man she wanted, he would make sure she was given the best there is. Robert had made up his mind. He was going to give Liliana what she deserved no matter what it cost him. He left the garden and went to his chambers to begin his planning.

That night Robert could not sleep, he silently walked through the castle trying to empty his mind. As he passed the door to the garden, he noticed it open. Slowly he moved into the garden and looked around finding Liliana in a light dress sitting on a bench holding the rose he had given her earlier that day. He smiled as he walked over to her making her jump and gasp in fright. “It’s okay. It’s just me.” He chuckled and watched as she sighed and relaxed on the bench, turning her eyes back to the rose in her hands. “What are you doing up so late?”

“I could ask you that?” She replied making him smirk as he took a seat next to her.

“I couldn’t sleep. I have a lot on my mind.” He explained. “My mother has decided how she wants me to live my life and she has demanded I follow her rules.” She looked up confused. “She wants me to marry a daughter of a duke here in Kothus and together we will take the thrones, but I can’t marry one I don’t love. Besides the fact I’ve never even met the woman.” He sighed heavily.

“That is horrible.” Liliana told him. “You shouldn’t be told how to live your live or who to marry. You can’t pick who to love and care for. How can you rule a happy kingdom, if you’re not happy yourself?”

“Wise words from such a pretty face.” He mused making her roll her eyes and look away. “Does that embarrass the princess?” He teased as he saw the tint on her cheeks in the moon light.

She huffed. “Shut up.” He laughed making her glare at him. “It’s not my fault I’m so pretty. Not like I said when I was born, hm I think I’ll be pretty.” To this Robert laughed harder making her smirk.

He gently pushed brown strands behind her ear as he settled with a soft smile. “Beautiful, smart and funny. How could any man go wrong with you?”

“They could mouth off telling me I am a means to their title or whatever.” She shrugged making her smirk again. He watched as she looked around the garden with a sigh. “I wish I could just run in the forest, no worries, no tittles, and no nothing. Just me and the nature around me.”

“Well then…” He trailed off as he stood offering her his hand. Liliana looked at him a second before taking his hand and letting him pull her behind him through the dark castle. She saw the pale moon light at the end of a corridor and gasped as she looked at the dark woods not far from the exit where they stood. “I will give you your wish, at least for a little while. I don’t think our families would like it much if we went missing.” She smiled at him. It was that smile again. The one he had only seen her give to him, the one that made his heart beat wildly. He held his hand out again, this time she took it with no hesitation and they ran into the woods together.

They wandered the dark woods, climbed trees, ran through brush, looked at the wildlife and spent the little time they had left in a little meadow laying in the grass looking up at the stars as they talked about what they wanted for their lives. “I want to be a person; I want to have a husband who loves me and treats me for who I am. I want a husband who will sneak out and run in the woods and let our children be children…” She trailed off as he rolled onto his side and up on his elbow, looking down at her.

“That is some wish to have as one of the heirs to the throne of Atren. Your country is the unofficial ruler of all the human lands.” He said and watched her sigh and sit up.

“I know, that’s why it’s just a stupid wish of mine. My dad’s not going to tell me what to do or who to marry but I know what I have to do to keep my kingdom happy and to help others.” He sat up making her turn to look at him. Liliana felt her breath catch as she found him much closer than she had thought. Her amber gaze locked with his blue gaze, they slowly moved closer, letting their lips connect, and the world melted away.

Parting they looked at each other slightly surprised before they kissed again. As they parted the second time, they could not help but smile at each other. Robert reached up and gently tucked her hair back, resting his hand on her jaw and pulling her into a deeper kiss. Pulling back quickly he rested his head against hers with a heavy sigh, trying to gain back a level of control he had lost. “We need to get back. It’s going to be light soon and if we’re not there when everyone gets up, there will be trouble.” She just nodded before he stood and offered his hand to help her to her feet.

They made their way back in silence, both replaying their kisses and trying to keep their composure as they walked back into the castle. He walked her to her room as he had the night of the ball but this time when she turned to him, they kissed goodnight before she disappeared into her room. Robert sighed heavily as he leaned on the wall. He could not believe what he had just done. He had kissed the woman who his mother had picked to marry Marc; he had kissed the princess of a land who was on thin ice in his mother’s book. The court would never accept it, his mother would forbid it. However, he felt something he had never felt before.

He could not give that up; he was not going to let anyone take that from him. Nor was he going to let anyone take it from her. He slowly made his way back to his chambers to get changed and fight through the day with no sleep. He smirked as he dressed. Being tired for the day was worth the night he had had with Liliana.

“I’m telling you, it was the craziest dream.” Alexander said as he walked to the great hall for breakfast with Jace and Liliana. Robert and Ryan stopped at the doors to wait. “Did you get any sleep at all, Lily? You look exhausted.” He looked at his friend as she glanced at Robert.

“I slept.” She told him. “I had the best dream.” She smiled as they stopped in front of the brothers.

Alexander laughed. “Oh yeah, what was it about?”

“You really want to know?” She asked making him nod; Robert looked at her unsure what she was planning. “It was about the most handsome guy. We met in the woods and you’ll never guess what we did-.”

“Okay!” He cut her off as Jace shook his head and Liliana laughed. “You keep going and I won’t be able to eat anything for years.” He walked past the brothers who were chuckling.

“We better get breakfast before he eats it all.” Jace chuckled.

Ryan laughed and agreed knowing from their travels how the friend could eat. “You coming?” He asked Robert.

Robert waved him off. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.” He looked at Liliana. “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” She nodded as their brothers shrugged and went to get their breakfast. “About last night, the courts-.”

“I know.” She cut him off looking up at him sadly. “I know the courts would never let us… and I know you said your mother wants you to marry that duke’s daughter.” He grabbed her elbow and pulled her around the corner into a dark nook.

“Look, I don’t care what the courts want or don’t and I couldn’t care less about what my mother has planned. Do you want this?” He asked and watched as she furrowed her brows in confusion. “Do you want to go against what others say?” He asked as he looked into her amber eyes.

“We can’t cause a problem between our countries. It is bad enough we have a war with Zinnia who is slowly trying to take over the world and kill my brother and me. I won’t be the cause of another senseless war-.”

“Do you want to continue what happened last night?” He cut her off making her go silent. “Just say yes or no. It’s your choice.”

“I do but-.” He leaned down capturing her lip, effectively making her go quiet.

Robert pulled back and gave her a little smirk. “I do too.” He whispered as they kissed again. Pulling apart, he put his forehead to hers. “I’ll find a way. If this is what you want I will give you whatever you want.”

“I don’t want a war or fighting because of us. I will take a broken heart over people dying.” He nodded and kissed her again.

“I’ll figure it out.” He told her. “Come on we better go in there before our brothers come snooping around.” She smiled and the two took deep breaths to regain their composure and enter the great hall talking about plans of what would happen next. “So where are you going to go?” He asked as they took their seats.

“My father has planned to make a camp for refugees and anyone wanting to help in the battle. We’ll most likely have several camps as we already know there are too many for one who wants to help us regain our home.” She explained before Alexander and Jace turned the conversation into a topic of being the mighty heroes the girls swooned over.

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