Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 6. Dreaming of Wolves

K A R A ′ S P O V :

“What happened today?” Aunt Martha asked while she tended to the garden out back.

“Nothing.” I was surprised she even heard me, I had mumbled it so quietly. Today had passed by in a blur of people and new sights. Charlotte’s group had been extremely welcoming to me, but despite their attitude, I was still in the dumps.

I knew that Evelyn and her boyfriend wasn’t what I should be worrying about right now. If anything, I should be staying away from him at all costs. If I was found out... I am not going to even think of the possibilities. I closed my eyes for a split second. It was the same image burned into my mind, Evelyn and Jason kissing. Ugh, talk about disgusting.

My Aunt must’ve realized that I had zoned out because she sat back and wiped her dirty gloves against the blanket she had been sitting on. “First days aren’t always perfect. You shouldn’t judge people or situations based on that.”

I nodded, distracted. I didn’t want to return to that school as long as I lived. Don’t get me wrong, the building is very nice, the teachers are okay, and Charlotte and her friends are more than welcoming. That is not the problem. It’s Evelyn and Jason. Seeing them together makes my stomach want to twist in a weird direction.

“Umm... Aunt Martha, you don’t happen to know anything about the Alpha of this pack, do you? Or the future Alpha?” I bit my lip immediately afterward. Aunt Martha was incredibly good at reading people, being a witch and all, and she looked up from her work. A questioning look clouded her face, but she answered my question none the less.

“This is one of the most, if not the most, powerful pack in the nation. That should tell you enough about the leaders. However, it’s funny you should bring Jason Montgomery up. He actually sent out a pack mind-link just before you arrived home.”

One benefit about being a witch is being able to see into mind links. In some instances, this can be seen as a threat to a pack. But in this case, however, she was a quiet witch who had no one to run to. She also brought in the frequent trade traffic for products and ointments, which was always good for a pack.

I looked at her surprised. Had he seen me? Did his wolf pull apart my scent and realize that under the layers of perfume, I was a werewolf - and not only that - but a rogue? Aunt Martha saw my bewildered and worried look and shot me a sympathetic smile.

“Oh, I’m sure it doesn’t concern you. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. I know that for a fact. It was just about a meeting being held among the future alpha, beta and gamma, and that once they decided the correct plan of action, they would notify the pack. Knowing how the werewolf system works out here, I’d say that it is a mission for future leaders to get used to holding their positions. If I’m not mistaken, they are due to take power quite soon.”

She dusted herself off and stood, looking at me under her large flower hat. “It is rather funny you mention Jason, though. What happened today?”

I shook my head. I honestly didn’t think I was quite to the point where spilling my guts made any sense. “Nothing, just saw him across the hall, I guess.”

Aunt Martha gives me a stern look and moves her hands to her hips. “Amy, I may not have lived by you all your life, but I know you well enough to know something is bothering you. Whatever happened today could give us a clue as to what they are investigating. Maybe that way you won’t be worried as much. Come on inside and we can discuss this over a good afternoon snack.”

Following her inside, I couldn’t help to think she was right. And who better to open up to than her.

I sat back in my chair. I had just finished telling Aunt Martha the events of my day, and she too sat back with a thoughtful look on her face. I took another bite out my small sandwich we had prepared, and thought about how my day could’ve gone.

It definitely could’ve been better, but it also could’ve ended in flames. Complete and utter flames.

“Well, that is definitely interesting.”

“Yep.” I popped the “p” as I looked around the room.

“I wonder if Jason realized what actually happened. I doubt it though, with all his duties...”

“What?” My eyebrows quickly scrunched in confusion. What could she be talking about? What “actually” happened?

My aunt had a guilty glint in her eye, suddenly realizing I was still sitting in front of her. “Oh, nothing. I’m sure tomorrow will be must better, though. That girl Charlotte sounds like she will become a good friend of yours.”

I nodded, wondering how tomorrow would go. Would Charlotte be there to help me out? Or would I be left on my own to fend for myself all day?

“I don’t know about you, but I am in a mood for some chess. Want to play?” I shot her a smile and moved my chair so I was now across from her. Honestly, anything that could take my mind off this was a good thing.

I saw a house with utter beauty, on my right and left were two boys about my age flanking me.

Three girls burst from the front door, and ran out into the front lawn and into our arms. What did I feel? Instead of feeling happy like you’d expect, I felt disgusted and confused. I didn’t choose this life, it was instead chosen for me.

I woke up in a pool of sweat. What just happened?!

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