Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 41. EVELYN

E V E L Y N ′ S P O V :

Just watching Jason fall apart in a matter of hours showed me the extent of my destruction. Yes, I was the one who told Zander about the wanted wolf, but I didn’t think anything this major would come from it.

You see, to most people I am the stuck up snob of the pack that only wants to be by Jason for the Luna position. That is partially true, but there is much more to it.

For starters, I was never after the Luna position for myself. It would be amazing to have all the glamour and status, but there was more incentive from that. Alpha Zander just happens to be my uncle, and he wanted me to try and get this position. He wants to be in charge of the most powerful pack in the world, and the only thing standing in the way is the Silver Crescent Pack.

My uncle was never one for alliances. He said he would rather have all the power so he wouldn’t have to rely on others in times of need. So, because his youngest niece just happened to live in that pack and knew the unmated future alpha, he wanted me to seal the Luna position so that he could influence the packs decisions. In Alpha Zander’s eyes, this was the best he could do without breaking into an all out war.

I was up for the proposition, mostly because I knew better than to disobey my uncle. I met a witch from Zander’s pack who gave me a potion that would make Jason think I was his mate. Yes, it fooled people for a little while, but then he realized that he had a stronger bond with someone else. I’ve never met my mate, so I kind of felt bad that I had tricked him when his soulmate was right in front of him.

My uncle wasn’t pleased, though. He wanted me to dig a little deeper to find any kind of information I could to incriminate and remove Jason’s actual mate from the Luna position. Blinded by the fear of my uncle’s wrath, I obliged. In the end I discovered she was the wanted wolf everyone had been searching for. I called my uncle and shared the news after Jason presented her to the pack.

I will admit, I wasn’t always the nicest to Kara. After all, I saw her as a threat to the plan. Now that I know she was a wolf, I actually kind of feel bad, because the entire time she had to watch me with her mate. Watch me with the person that was supposed to end up with her while I called him my boyfriend.

When my uncle arrived, I thought of it as nothing. He was probably going to confront Jason about his mate’s true identity and then he would try to convince him to reject her. All in all, it would ultimately be Jason’s decision.

What I had not anticipated was that my uncle would right out kill Kara! I wasn’t heartless enough to be happy over someone’s death. I think it all really became reality when I saw Jason stumbling back into the pack house looking completely broken. He wasn’t his usual cheerful self, in fact, he looked like he’d never be happy again.

Knowing that I was part way responsible, I felt really guilty, a feeling I haven’t always been accustomed to. I had never intended to hurt anyone that badly. Yes, I had expected to turn into the Luna, and rule happily, without Kara in the picture. Now, though, she was completely knocked out of the picture. And there was no way we were bringing her back.

“Evelyn, you have been assigned to help Martha.” I was pulled away from my thoughts when I was assigned my job. Although reluctant at first, the pack had agreed to help out with the preparations for today’s funeral. Jason had spent all last night working on the plans, and we were in charge of putting his vision in motion.

I followed my directions and made my way over to Martha. When I approached, she was looking down upon the casket. Coming up to her side, I saw what she was looking at. It was Kara.

Her long blonde and purple hair had been brushed, and laid across the pillow beneath her head. According to those that had seen her when they retrieved the body, her expression was gruesome. A scream died on her lips as her eyes were wide in fright, but devoid of any life. Now, someone had closed her crystal blue eyes and fitted her lips into a small smile.

Martha had a light smile dancing on her face as she smoothed out part of her niece’s hair. “She did great. I taught her well.” I held the questions I had back, knowing that it wasn’t my place to intrude with questions.

Martha had her hair piled high in a bun, her rosy cheeks powdered with blush. She wore a long black dress, accompanied by bejeweled black flats. I currently wore a modest black dress as well, although mine stopped just below my knees and I was wearing black stilettos. This may have been a funeral, but that wasn’t going to stop me from wearing something fashionable even if it was in black.

Jason had requested that Kara was made to look angelic. I don’t typically compliment people, but I must say they had succeeded. Kara wore a flowing white gown, along with white sandal wedges. Her casket was a sparkling white with roses the color of snow draped on top. We were some of the only people who would view the body. The only others would be high ranking members of the pack, and of course, Jason.

Light sparkling make up was on Kara’s face, yet it didn’t look like it was caked on. It highlighted her features. What scared me most about Kara, though, was how sickly she looked. Yes, she was dead, but her skin was wrinkled, and fitted tightly over her bones. It was not a pretty sight. Her one side that had carried the fatal wound had been wrapped, and had not been treated. She was already dead, what good would it do?

Martha quickly ushered me away from the body before showing me the courtyard it would be held in. White benches made it look like a wedding, but the head stone leaning against the podium told you otherwise. Martha told me that we would have to lay out more white roses and help hand out pamphlets in memorial to Kara’s life.

I only saw Jason once or twice. He looked like he had somewhat pulled himself together, but the broken expression didn’t change, and his eyes were emotionless. Everything he said came out forced, and it looked like each syllable caused him a round of pain. I couldn’t help but feel an ounce of pain each time I saw this.

Martha, surprisingly, looked proud, almost. Instead of sorrowful, she looked like she was joyous at the idea that Kara had done so much in her life. From what I heard, she had been on the run for a while. Not such a legacy to leave behind, if you ask me.

We were informed that the casket was to be placed in the front of the seating area, but was only to remain open for the high ranking members. I watched as Jason’s hands shook just before he entered the building, new tears forming his eyes.

I typically don’t regret things. As you know, that’s not how I work. Thinking back on how I treated Kara, though, made me feel really bad. I was part of the reason the pack had been reluctant to accept her. I had known Jason for years, and he always wants to do what’s best for the pack. Knowing that his mate wasn’t accepted as the Luna must’ve been really hard for him.

“Let’s go head in to check on the preparations, okay?” I nodded and followed Martha in, wanting to get this over with. I was just ready for this depressing day to be over already.

“Thank you for coming,” I said to a gaggle of wolves from an allied pack as they entered the service. Since Kara was a future Luna, all the packs in the surrounding area had been invited to attend. Although none of them knew Kara personally, and some of them had tried to track her down, Jason’s father said it was helpful for saying goodbye. But really, who wants to say goodbye to their mate with so many people around?

I was busy helping people finding their seats, but something caught my eye. It was a girl, around my age, with long brown hair. Her green eyes stood out like gems on her tan complexion. She wore black like everyone else, but her expression showed her anxiousness and fear. But of what? Had she known Kara personally?

I got assigned to walk them to their seats. The girl smirked slightly at me - was my make up messed up or something? - before her eyes traveled to the front row. Jason had gotten here early to grieve before more people piled in, and this girl couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of him.


I brushed it off, giving them their seats which were a few rows from the front. Martha’s eyes lit up when she saw them and she went over to greet them. I watched with great suspicion as they talked happily, like they weren’t at a funeral.

I scrutinized the girl’s face harder, coming to the conclusion that she had similar features to the girl in the casket, and greatly resembled both Martha and the lady next to her. Perhaps she was a cousin or sister?

I shrugged it off as I walked back to bring more people in. Maybe she was just obsessed with Jason or something, or she just wanted to see who Kara’s mate was. Wait, what if she thought now that her relative was dead she could have a chance with him?

Oh heck no! Jason didn’t deserve that, not right at his mate’s funeral!

It wasn’t that I liked Jason that way, because I didn’t. I have known him for all my life, though, and I don’t think that he deserves that. Honestly, no one does.

I helped bring in more packs, with the slight hope of finding my mate. Hey, that is one positive thing about this whole ‘future luna funeral’ thing, right?

My wolf, Cameron, spoke. “Way to stay positive,” she said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, before continuing my job.

I found out once I had finished ushering everyone in that I would be sitting in the second row, just behind Jason.

When I got to my seat, I found Jason hunched over in his, silent tears making their way down his face. I reached over and hugged him, which was something he returned. No, I wasn’t trying to make him fall for me, I was simply trying to be their for him, to help him out. Sometimes, we all need a good shoulder to cry on.

He sobbed silently, and I was upset about how it could hurt my dress, but I put those thoughts aside. He had just lost his mate, and getting a hug was something he desperately needed.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a feral growl being directed at us. Jason was too absorbed in his own thoughts to notice, but I turned my head slightly, only to see a raging girl. The same one I had let in earlier, who couldn’t keep her eyes off Jason.

I glared at her, only to get a worse one back. Jeez, what was this girl’s deal? Did she really think my goal right now was to make a move on Jason?

Man, this girl was dense. I ignored her, however, and waited for the service to begin.

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