Voyeur (A student/teacher romance) (Voyeur Series)

Voyeur: Chapter 22


Ididn’t know what time it was when I first opened my eyes, but there was a glow coming out from behind my blackout curtains. I was mid-stretch when I saw my overstuffed chair pulled into the corner and remembered last night. Reaching out, expecting to find Callum, I instead met cold sheets.

A glance around showed no signs of him, unless he was hiding in the bathroom with the lights turned off, but the sheets were cold. He’d been gone for a while. I tried to ignore the doubt filling my mind as to why he had left in the middle of the night without waking me. Splashing cold water on my face at the bathroom sink, I remember how he’d said he would try, and I had to be grateful for that.

The pinch in my chest eased when I flicked on an overhead light and saw a piece of paper taped to my front door.


I HAD an early breakfast meeting and had to leave. You looked too beautiful sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you.

I can’t thank you enough for last night.


I DRAGGED my finger along the C, liking the sharp curve. His handwriting fit him. Perfectly in line, clean without any messy strokes between. I turned my back and leaned against the door and held the piece of paper to my chest like a love-sick fool. It was a reminder that last night had happened and hadn’t just been a crazy figment of my imagination.

Although, maybe his confession would have been better if it hadn’t been real. The breath left my body in a pained exhale as I remembered his story. I’d been in shock. My body had tingled with adrenaline as I hurt for the man in front of me. My mind had scrambled to process that Callum, six-foot-four, two-hundred-plus-pound Callum had been taken advantage of in the worst possible way. I couldn’t imagine the lasting effects that it must have had on him, but a lot of his actions made sense after his explanation.

A part of me had hated pushing him to tell me. I would have rather him have told me he was ashamed of himself for wanting a student. I would have rather heard almost anything other than that he’d been sexually abused.

My eyes burned all over again.

He was a more beautiful and amazing man than I’d already thought him to be.

And he’d pleasured himself for me. He’d wanted me to watch. He’d wanted to share that moment with me. He’d felt safe enough with me.

The emotions had washed over me on a wave and exhausted me by the time my orgasm had subsided, that I’d

selfishly asked him to stay. Needing the comfort as much as he did.

What was I going to do with all of these feelings over the long weekend? Left to my own thoughts until we went back to school on Tuesday. I had no way of reaching him. I even flipped the note over in hopes that maybe he’d left me his number, but it was blank. I kicked myself for throwing away his card in a moment of anger.

I could email him, but that felt on the edge of desperation, and I only had his school email. God forbid someone had access and opened it. What would it say?

Thanks for picking me up from the sex club I work at and taking me home. Also, for masturbating with me and holding my hand as we fell asleep. P.S. here’s my number because I’d love to do it again. See you in class this week.

That would go over great.

Accepting the next few days without communication, I decided to do my research and form a plan. The next time I was with Callum, I wanted to be more prepared and maybe try for something much more than just watching.

TUESDAY MORNING, I walked across campus with confidence.

I’d come prepared, in a baggy sweater that hung off my shoulder and a lace bralette underneath. It was skimpy and bright red to match my bold lipstick and nail polish. I’d left my hair down and slightly curled, taking time to appear ultra-feminine.

I just hoped Callum thought so too.

I could tell my plan worked when I watched him do a double take as I walked in class. He stood in his normal spot leaning against the desk, greeting students with a quick glance. But when I waltzed though the door, he’d said hello to me and began to move on to the next person when

he’d turned back to watch my progress across the classroom.

“Dayum, girl,” Olivia said when I sat. “You got a date later today, because you look hot as fuck.”

“Just needed a little confidence boost,” I said, shrugging as I pulled out my notebooks.

“Well, I think you’re boosting all the guys, if you know what I mean,” she said, her eyebrows waggling. “Hell, even Dr. Pierce had to pick his jaw off the ground.”

“Oh, he did not.” I didn’t want Olivia noticing Callum staring at me. I didn’t want that kind of scrutiny on me or him. “You’re hilarious, Liv.”

She pretend-flipped her hair and then focused her attention up front as class began.

I was pretty sure it was just me since everyone else seemed to be focused on the lecture, but the tension seemed higher than usual. Each time his eyes landed on me felt like he was shouting to everyone who would listen that we’d come in front of each other. The seconds he stared felt like minutes, and I was sure by the end of class my heart was going to explode in excitement. Somehow, I made it through the entire hour without combusting.

Olivia waited for me, removing any chance I had to try and talk to Callum. I’d hoped to at least exchange numbers, but I couldn’t do that with her by my side. Frustrated, but accepting having to wait another day, I packed my things and stood to go.

“Miss Derringer.”

His smooth voice stroked across my skin, and I had to fight the heat rising from my chest, trying to seep into my cheeks. Cool, calm, and collected. I needed to remain cool, calm, and collected.

“Yes, Dr. Pierce.”

“Can you please come by my office later to discuss your appointment time?” When he didn’t look up from packing away his stuff, my lungs deflated under the pressure of

what it could mean for him to avoid looking at me. Had I read it all wrong? Was he going to have me come up to his office and tell me what a mistake all of it was? Was he mad I’d come to class like this? Were we right back to where it all began with the back and forth? Him running hot and then cold?

All of it rushed through my head and created a dull buzz in my ear.

“Sure. I should be able to stop by this afternoon.” My words sounded hollow, lacking any excitement that I’d had earlier. I almost wanted to cry as I turned to head out the door. When I looked back one more time over my shoulder, he was watching me.

And he gave me a wink.

No, he wasn’t regretting anything. He was just better at hiding his emotions and needs than I was.

I wanted to give a sexy smirk back, but I was too giddy that he wasn’t going to brush me off. Rolling my lips between my teeth, I fought my smile, trying to hide my excitement from Olivia. The last thing I needed was for anyone to know what was going on between me and Dr.


My time in the biology department dragged, the minute hand taking twice as long to make its rounds around the clock. But soon, it was lunch and I had to fight from running through the halls to get to his office. I made myself walk at a normal pace when I reached the hallway and forced a neutral smile for Donna when I walked in, but she wasn’t there. No one was.

Except Dr. Pierce.

I snuck into his office and shut the door, locking it, ready to set my plan in place. I knew what I’d wanted to do, but I hadn’t known how it would be executed. Being able to sneak into his office undetected was perfect.

“Oaklyn, what are you doing?” Callum asked with wide eyes. He’d been looking at papers and didn’t notice my

presence until the click of the door. “I think people will be concerned to know a student went into a teacher’s office and locked the door.”

“No one saw me come in, and it’s not so uncommon to lock your door during lunch.”

Biting my lip, I fought to contain my smile and still take deep enough breaths to keep my heart rate under control.

It beat so hard, I was sure he could see it from his seat. He slid his glasses off and cocked his head to the side as he watched me approach. I held his stare until I’d rounded his desk and worked my way between him and the desk, leaning back against the hard wood, then I let my eyes drop to his lips.

The silence screamed across my skin, bringing it to life.

Nerves sparked through my body, and I almost began to talk myself out of it, but I needed to try. For him. I wanted it for him.

He groaned when I slicked my tongue across my lips.

“Kiss me, Dr. Pierce,” I said on a whisper.

He stood and framed my face in his hands. Every touch was gentle and soft, so I was surprised when his lips touched mine how rough he was, how desperate his kiss tasted. His tongue pushed past my lips and I met him half way, eager to have every part of his desire. When we needed to catch our breaths, we barely separated sharing the air between us.

“I missed you when I woke up and you were gone,” I admitted, hating the insecurity that tinged my words.

“I’m sorry,” he answered, avoiding eye contact by shifting his head to the side, as though he was hiding.

His reaction worried me. Had something more than his meeting pulled him away? “What happened?” He shifted a step back, but I held on to his arms, keeping him close.

“Talk to me. Please.”

“I . . .” He paused, the muscles in his jaw ticking, and I smoothed my hand up and down his arm, giving him time to

process his words. “I overreacted when I woke up.”

“Callum.” I hated that something bad had happened, and I hadn’t woken up with him. Guilt hit me at asking him to stay and causing whatever pulled him from my bed that morning.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to drag you into it.”

I hated how ashamed he sounded. Hated everything about the situation.

“Cal,” I said, my tone hard to pull his attention to me.

“Don’t apologize. I want to be here for you.”

Those were apparently the words he needed to hear because his light blue eyes darkened with desire and he attacked my mouth, kissing me harder than before. His hands gripping my hips to put me on the edge of the desk where he could step between my legs. Dragging his palms up my sides under my sweater, he cupped my breasts, massaging them, flicking his thumbs across my sensitive nipples. I groaned at the sensation and he pulled back to drag open-mouthed kisses down my neck and across my collarbone. I became lost in him, letting my hands travel up his thick arms encased in the soft material of his dress shirt, loving the way they flexed as his hands moved over me. One hand slowly worked its way up his neck and into his hair, giving him plenty of time to pull back or stop me.

His movements paused for only a split second before he continued his assault on my body.

But I needed to remind myself of what I came there to do. I needed to try to put all my research to work.

“Callum. Callum,” I said to get his attention. He only grunted against my neck until I tugged his hair, and he finally pulled back to look at me. “Do you trust me?”

His hazy eyes became focused as he considered my question. I held my breath, hoping he’d say yes, but preparing myself to bounce back if he said no.

“More than anyone else.”

His words formed a ball in my throat, and I had to swallow hard to work past it. I had to focus and not melt in his arms in a ball of mush. I hopped down off the desk and pushed him back until he sat. “I’ve been doing some research.” His brows furrowed in confusion. “For purely selfish reasons,” I said with a small smile.

Leaning back against the desk, I made it a point to keep my hands resting behind me. I watched his hands flex against the arm rests and I took a deep breath, beginning.

“If at any point you want to stop, talk, or do nothing, just say so. You are one-hundred percent in control. Okay?” He hesitated, scanning my face trying to figure out what my next move was—what my final goal was, but eventually nodded his head. “Unfasten your pants and pull yourself out.”

“Oaklyn.” My name escaped on an exhale, but when I glanced down to his crotch, his erection twitched. He may have been hesitant, but he was still excited.

“You are in control, but don’t look away from me.” He nodded again. “Who’s in front of you, Cal?”

“You.” His voice was deep with excitement and nerves. I hoped it paid off.

“Say my name.”


I nodded my head toward his pants and he began to work his buckle open with only a slight tremble in his hands. Matching his movements, I began undoing the buttons on my sweater. By the time it hung completely open, my red lace bra exposed, his cock was out of his pants and his hand wrapped around the thick length, his eyes on me.

“Just a little visual to keep you in the moment.”

He only grunted and stroked his hand up to the top before dragging it back down. My mouth salivated at just the idea of tasting him. I couldn’t wait to have him in my mouth. Slowly, still holding his eyes, I slid to my knees. I

watched his Adam’s apple bob as I worked my way between his legs and gently placed my hands on his knees.

I slid my hands up his thighs, but didn’t reach for him, continuing to let him stroke himself. “Remember, you’re in control. Don’t look away from me.”

I inched closer until my lips brushed the underside of his cock where I placed a gentle kiss. His chest heaved, but his eyes still blazed with desire as I opened my mouth and dragged my tongue from his base, over his fingers, and to the tip. His flavor exploded on my tongue when he directed his head into my mouth and I latched on. I desperately wanted to close my eyes and get lost in the taste of him, but I forced my eyes open and sucked on him.

His groan rewarded me, and his hand loosened its hold on his shaft. I took his free hand and moved it to my breast under my bra. Coming off him with a pop of my lips, I moved his other hand to my head, burying it in my long hair.

“You’re in charge, Cal. You move me how you want.” His hips flexed and bumped his cock against my chin. “Say my name, Callum. Who’s sucking your cock?”

“You. Oaklyn,” he moaned.

“Good. Now feel me to keep you in the moment.” I pressed my breast harder into his palm and he squeezed. “I won’t look away.”

With a groan that ripped from his chest, he thrust into my mouth. I couldn’t go deep because of the angle I needed to keep to hold his gaze, but I hollowed my cheeks on each suck as he pulled out. I rolled my tongue along his shaft, loving his hand in my hair, moving me how he wanted.

When he pinched at my nipple, I gasped around him and almost closed my eyes, but managed to hold them open.

“Oh, god. Oaklyn,” he said my name like a prayer. When I opened my mouth to let him watch me flick my tongue along his slit, tasting his pre-cum, he lost it. His head fell back against the chair and he pushed my head down

further. I closed my eyes and began sucking him like I was starving. I opened my throat and breathed through my nose when he thrust up hard, pushing past my gag reflex. Not once did I give him any resistance when his hand cradled the back of my skull hard and used me. I didn’t want to.

Every time I choked on his head, I loved it, because he was trusting me. He was losing control with me.

Short thrusts followed the long pushes, and I focused my attention on sucking harder.

“Gonna come, Oak. Gonna come.”

I latched on tight enough to let him know I wanted to swallow him, but loose enough that he’d be able to pull me off. I didn’t have to worry because an instant later, he was shooting warm, salty cum down my throat, and I worked to swallow every ounce of him. He came so much, I struggled to swallow it all and some slipped down my chin. His groans were music to my ears as he fought to hold them back behind a clenched jaw. Finally, his hold on my hair loosened and I pulled back, leaving soft licks, sucks, and kisses all over his softening cock, making sure he saw me wipe any excess cum and lick it off my fingers.

With another groan, he reached for me, placing me atop his desk and went to fall to his knees, but I stopped him, pulling him into me. He looked at me with wild eyes, questioning why I’d stopped him.

“Not me. Just you today. Just you.” I dragged my hand down his cheek and smiled, loving to see him so out of control. So relaxed and lost in the aftermath of pleasure.

His head dropped to my shoulder and his panting breaths brushed against my chest. When his shoulders began to shake, concern sent a chill through me, making my head light and my fingers numb. Fuck. I’d messed up.

I’d fucked up. I choked on my breath, panicking, as ideas of what to do next ran through my head.

But then I heard a laugh. And another one. Until he was full out laughing. I held him to me and let him laugh, letting

the sound fill me up, knowing I gave this to him. My fingers dug into his hair, and I laid kisses on the crown of his head until he began trailing his own kisses up my neck to my lips.

“Thank you. Thank you,” he murmured between kisses.

“Thank you, Callum. Thank you for trusting me.”

His hand slid into my hair and held my cheek. “What did I do to deserve you?”

“I don’t know, but I’m glad you did it.” I gave him one last kiss and pulled back. I dropped my eyes and stared at his soft cock resting above his open pants, smiling at the smear of red lipstick along the base and head. He was impressive even after coming, and I was the lucky woman who got to enjoy it—the one who got to leave her mark all over it. “As much as I could stare at you all day, I need to head to another class.”

Callum tucked himself into his pants and I buttoned my sweater up.

“How are we going to get you out of here? If someone is out there, they’ll hear the lock click and we can’t exactly come strolling out together. Especially with your sexy red lipstick smeared like it is.”

I covered my mouth only able to imagine what I looked like. He laughed at my reaction and reached in his desk, pulling out wet wipes.

“Of course, you have wet wipes on hand.”

“I have to be able to clean up any messes.”

I hid my smile, loving how much of a perfectionist he was. He unlocked the door and peeked out as I wiped at my mouth.

He left the door open and then walked down the hall.

Not wanting to go another whole weekend without talking to him again, I jotted down my number under the baby wipes. He’d find it when he put them away, which I knew he would.

He walked back in, and I snagged a kiss before he sat in his seat. I was just grabbing my bag when Donna popped in.

“Hey Dr. Pierce. Just wanted to let you know I’m back from lunch if you need anything. Oh hey, Oaklyn.”

“Hey, Donna.”

“What are you doing here today? I figured you probably get enough of this place.”

I looked over at Callum and held in my smirk at seeing him blush.

“I just needed to ask Dr. Pierce some questions about class, but I’m leaving now.” Putting on my most innocent look, I backed out of the doorway past Donna. “Bye, Dr. Pierce.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.