Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 123: Rivals

< Blue team has been eliminated >

<Red team wins >

For a moment both sides of the crowd were silenced as they were shocked at what had just happened. That's when both teams exited from their VR capsules and went out to the arena floor.

"Did we really just win?" Ashley said.

"Novis you crazy guy, you did it again," Dan said as he looked at Novis.

"I knew you were strong," Frank thought, "but not that strong."

The players then soon noticed that the whole crowd was quiet. The cheers they were expecting where unheard of, but that's when a young boy screamed at the top of his lungs.

"You did it, Bro, you really showed the world who you are!" Bill shouted.

And soon after the whole of Montem side started to go out into a cheer. Even the Woo Woo supporters couldn't help but start clapping at the performance that they had just seen.

An as if Novis's body had taken control over him, he lifted both of his hands into the air and the crowd began to cheer louder.

Meanwhile up above in the reporter's section, multiple people were starting to scramble up information on Montem and the unknown player known as Novis. They had already written drafts up on Woo Woo for their victory and now their reports were useless.

They had never expected a total upset to happen and didn't even bother doing a detailed screening of the Montem team. All except Tick that was. They had quickly published information on Montem and made it public.

The press release had information about what was said in the interviews, how Dan was fighting for his orphanage and Ashley was a kendo player. They had even written about Alex being the number one genius in school, even though he hadn't played in the game

But there was one person whose information hadn't been released and that was Novis, his section had remained blank. All it said was to find out about the truth of who Novis is, tune into the live stream now.

And it had worked, the information of the Upset had quickly spread online to the other schools and the local area. Even those that hadn't watched the game had decided to tune it to hear about how Montem was able to cause an upset against Woo Woo.

On Tick's live stream the chat was moving like crazy.

"Hey did Montem really beat Woo Woo?"

"Not just that but it was one player, this Novis guy took out the last five of them on his own and got a Penta."

"Ha, ha stop lying."

"He's not lying I'm at the arena now, we all saw it in person."


"Yeah, I saw it too, who is this Novis I never heard of him before?"

"The information they released on their website says nothing about him."

"Guy's, I think Josh is going to talk about it now."

Now that the game had finished, the live stream focused on Josh and Cindy who were sitting on two chairs each with a microphone in their hand. The live stream went through the highlights of the game which first showed how Woo Woo dominated the first half and had killed all of Montem's players.

It then went on to the second half of the game where it showed Novis defeating all of the Woo Woo team.

"Josh I can see many people online are amazed how you were able to call it before the game, saying that Novis was the player the Woo Woo team needed to watch out for." said Cindy "Just who is this Novis person and how did you come to know of this information?"

"Well because of my hard information-digging I managed to find out something about Novis that the others didn't know about and when I did there wasn't a doubt in my mind that Montem would win this game."

Of course, this was a lie, after watching the Montem team get taken out one by one and watching the previous games of Montems, Josh had at one point lost all hope for the Montem team. But he said this because the next bit of information Josh was going to tell them was going to be even more shocking than the upset. And would create huge amounts of traffic for their next live stream.

"For you see, Novis had already accomplished a great feat that no one his age has accomplished before, in a one on one duel he managed to defeat Lucas Bell."contemporary romance

The chat went even crazier as the information was revealed.

"Wait so the rumours were true, Lucas lost to a kid the same age as him and they were in this tournament?"

"It must be, it all makes sense now, that person was Novis."

"Why didn't know one know about this earlier?"

"Hey, don't you guys realise what this means, if Westgate wins their next game then the two of them will have a faceoff in the semi-finals."

"My hands are shaking just thinking about it."

Cindy then took over from Josh and started to speak about tomorrow's game.

"Of course, Lucas is known to be just as good as pro players and aims to go pro next year. It came as a huge surprise to us all when we found out he decided to enter this tournament. Many people thought it would be a waste of time for him."

"Yes and know I think we know why he entered?" Josh replied.

"Yes indeed, and as long as Westgate win their Quarterfinal match tomorrow, we will be able to see a face-off against these two players."

With the match over and done with, the Montem went back to their supporters and was welcomed with cheers and praise and Novis for once was the centre of attention.

So much so that Novis was unable to move and was getting asked questions non-stop. At first most of the questions were about the game he had just played but slowly the questions changed.

"Hey is it true that you beat Lucas in a one on one fight?"

"Huh who told you that?" Novis asked.

"It's all over the internet, I don't think there's a person in our county that doesn't know about it."

Novis immediately grabbed out his phone and started to look up what was said about him.

"What the hell, I told him I lost, did he dig up this info about me?"

Although Novis was annoyed he wasn't annoyed for long, there was nothing he could do about it now and as long as Westgate won their game the two of them would face off in the next match.

"I did my part Lucas, now it's your turn to do yours."


Special thanks to yogoboi and AsuraNineThoughts for the gifts they really help me out by supporting my work.

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