Villain Retirement

Chapter 92: Between a Devil and a Goddess (1)

Chapter 92: Between a Devil and a Goddess (1)


The violent wind that wafted through Darkday's helmet instantly dispersed as soon as he stopped roaming in the skies… just a few seconds ago, his mind was busy comparing the beautiful screams he had heard so far.

However, he could not help but halt his flight as he suddenly saw Mega Woman's figure floating from afar. Was he so busy and engrossed that he couldn't even detect that the world's mightiest hero was blocking his path?

"..." Riley looked around the horizon before staring at Mega Woman for a couple of seconds. But after a few more moments, he let out a short but deep sigh… and flew away.

A skirt of wind flowed across his body as the clouds circled around him; following him as he tried to get away from Mega Woman as far as possible.

Riley glanced behind him, and seeing as Mega Woman still has not moved from her spot, she didn't seem to have any intention of following. And so, with a small sigh, Riley looked forward… only to see Mega Woman blocking her path.


And without even taking any pause, Riley shot straight towards the ground to once again avoid her. An echo reverberated through the air as Riley landed on the ground; causing a small crater to form beneath his feet.

Riley then looked around, only to see a horizon of stone mountains; waving green and flowing blue as far as the eyes could see-- if Riley was right, then he was currently somewhere in New Zealand.

He did not take in the sights for long, however, as his feet once again moved. But alas, as soon as he turned around, Mega Woman was once again there, blocking his path.

"..." Riley ran away once again-- perhaps for a full hour until he reached an area lush with trees.

"Stop running away, Darkday."

"..." Riley looked to the side, only to see Mega Woman flying beside him. Riley quickly stopped running as he saw her. He then slammed his hand on the ground, causing the trees and vines to block and bind Mega Woman.

But alas, they did nothing. Riley could only watch as Mega Woman starts casually walking towards him; ripping away the trees and vines like they were nothing.

"Hm," Riley looked around him for a few moments, before turning his head towards the approaching Mega Woman and getting into a fighting stance.

"You can't win, Darkday," Mega Woman, on the other hand, only shook her head as she continued to approach him.

"...Then kill me, Mega Woman."

"I can neutralize you without harming a single bone in your body," Mega Woman breathed out, "Just--"

And before she could say another word, Riley rushed towards her, the ground beneath him turning into a crevice as his whistling fist threatened to blow Mega Woman's head into smithereens.

The lush forest around them rippled; blown away by the sheer force of Riley's fist touching Mega Woman's face… even the small fauna and the ground beneath them were ripped away.

It, however, did absolutely nothing to Mega Woman, as her eyes just remained looking at Riley.

"That hurts, child," Mega Woman sighed.

"..." Riley did not seem to mind as removed his fist on Mega Woman's chin, using it instead to grab Mega Woman's shoulder as he used it to pull himself closer towards her, leaping as his knee threatened to crush Mega Woman's jaw.

But once again… it did nothing.

"That really hurts. Can you please stop?" Mega Woman then grabbed his helmet, and as soon as she did so, Riley rotated his body.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Mega Woman quickly let go of Riley's helmet to prevent his neck from snapping in half,

"...Is that why you're doing all of this, to commit some sort of fantasy suicide?"

"..." And as soon as Riley heard Mega Woman talk, he quickly leaped a few steps back; his head slightly tilting as he stared at her.

"I am not here to kill you or subjugate you," Mega Woman once again sighed, "I just want to talk, child."




"Of course you have to be weird," Mega Woman could not help but once again sigh as Riley's body began to relax without even a sign of hesitation, "Let's not talk here, it's suffocating."

"..." And with Mega Woman suddenly flying away, the only thing that Riley could do was follow her until they reached the area where he previously landed; the one with the view of the horizon-- serene and almost peaceful. The only sounds that one could hear were the violent gush of the waterfalls, the rustling of the grass, as well as the cries of aves.

"I know you are aware of what I wanted to talk about, you seem like a smart kid," Mega Woman then breathed out as soon as Riley landed on the cliff. contemporary romance

"...My pets-- I mean my guests?"

"...Guests; you call them that?" Mega Woman could not help but blink a couple of times as she glanced at Riley, "But yes… the missing supers. Right now there are 72."


"Are… all your guests still alive?" Mega Woman said as her breaths slightly became sedated.

"I am very saddened to say that 13 have died, Mega Woman."

Mega Woman's deep breaths quickly reached Riley's ears; her eyes closing as she looked to the ground, "Perhaps you want to tell me where they are staying?"

"If you kill me, I'll tell you."

"Pft," Mega Woman could not help but let out a giggle as she heard Riley's blunt words, "You could have just told me you don't want to."

"I was serious," Riley shook his head, "...Why not torture me to get their location, Mega Woman?"

"...Are you some sort of masochist?" Mega Woman shook her head with a sigh, "I would have already done that if I knew you would give me their location."


"Can… you tell me why you're doing all of this, Darkday?" Mega Woman glanced at Riley for a few seconds, before turning her eyes towards the beautiful horizon.

"I do not know, Mega Woman. Why do you need to breathe?"

"I don't need to breathe."


"Pft," Mega Woman once again giggled as she saw Darkday's somewhat confused movements, "I get what you were trying to say, you don't have to worry."


"So do I need to categorize you as some sort of psychopath?" Mega Woman then breathed out, "But I don't think any Asylum for Individuals with Super Abilities will take someone like you."

"I do not know, Mega Woman," Riley shook his head as his feet slowly made their way closer to Mega Woman, "I was diagnosed by the medical practitioners as having Asperger's Syndrome when I was younger."

"ASD?" Mega Woman once again glanced at Riley, "But you seem quite talkative to be one. I have met a couple of people and even misguided people in my life with the same condition as you, but none of them really… socialize the way you do."

"Because I like talking with you, Mega Woman," Riley muttered, "I find you quite... fascinating. Perhaps a little brutish, but still with the elegance of a performer of ballet."



"...So you're a psychopath."

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