Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)

Vile Boys: Chapter 22

Music blasts in my ears, the noise only partially drowning out the arousal still coursing through my veins.

Fucking her was the best aphrodisiac in the world, I’m not gonna lie.

I’ve never felt anything close to it before, not even when I’m with Ares.

And that … that’s a hard pill to swallow.

I take a big gulp of my whiskey on the rocks.

My door bangs open, and Ares barges in, slamming it shut behind him.

What is he doing here? I thought he said he wanted time alone after we left her in the maze?

He pulls the plug on the music, so I yell, “Hey!”

He waltzes over to me and smacks the glass out of my hand, shattering it to a million pieces before gripping my shirt and pulling me in for a kiss so possessive it melts every inch of my resistance away.

His kisses are about the closest thing one can get to peace.

Before he takes it all away again.

When his lips unlatch, he murmurs, “Go behind my back again, and I will kill her.”

“What?” I mutter, blinking rapidly.

“Have I ever lied to you?”

But I’m too flustered to even respond.

He’ll … kill her? But that doesn’t make any sense. He’s the one who’s obsessed with her.

He’s lying.

“Answer me.”

“No,” I reply swiftly.

“Then don’t ever try to claim her again without my permission,” he says, tilting his head as his tongue darts out to wet his lips.

He shoves me back into my seat, still towering over me like a goddamn god raining down thunder.

I adjust myself in my seat. “Is that why you didn’t let me finish twice?”

“She was not yours to take,” he seethes.

My brows furrow. “I thought you wanted to punish her?”

“Together.” He balls his fists. “Not separately.”

I swallow as he gazes down at me with disdain.

Is he upset that I used those pretty lips for myself?

Or is he jealous I wanted her instead of him?

He grabs his zipper, and my shaft bobs up and down as he slowly unzips.

“As a matter of fact, I don’t want you to touch her at all,” he says, pulling out his long, hard cock that makes my mouth salivate. “Until I give you permission.”

He grips my chin and pulls me off the seat.

“On. Your. Knees.”

I go to my knees in front of him willingly.

“Now wrap your hand around my shaft and make me come all over that goddamn filthy mouth of yours.”

“Yes, Sir,” I moan, and I do what he asks of me, desperate for more—like a beggar looking for scraps.

A day later

I pull out a cig, light it, and take a deep whiff. Not enough nicotine in the entire fucking world would be enough to still the boner in my pants.

But Ares made it very clear I will know hell on earth if I touch it.

I blow out some smoke and try not to look antsy even though I’m getting so aroused just from the mere memories plaguing my mind.

I can still see her in front of me on that bench, pussy fitting so snugly around my shaft it made me want to claim her all for myself. But then I saw that rage in Ares’s eyes, and I couldn’t fucking do it.

She isn’t fucking mine, and she never will be. He made her his obsession, and he’s intent on destroying her. The only question is … do I want to go along with his every whim?

I take another whiff.

All I’ve ever wanted was him. Even when I was with other men, I still desired Ares so much that the moment he let me have it, I caved and broke things off with another.

I know I’m hated for it.

But no one understands me the way he does.

No one understands him the way I do.

But now there is her … Crystal … A girl who’s managed to capture both our possessive souls. A girl hell-bent on making us her enemy. Even if she denies ever sending her mother to my father, she’s the reason they’re together, and she will pay the fucking price.

She made her choice … her body belongs to us now.

I take another drag.


Which means I can do with her whatever the fuck I want.

I don’t need Ares’s permission.

When she walks out of the building she had her first class in, I hold the smoke in my mouth and fix my eyes on her. With those jeans and that thick sweater, no one could ever tell she was railed into oblivion last night.

A smirk forms on my face as I wait until she finally lays eyes on me, and the terror in her eyes makes me breathe out the smoke through my nose like a goddamn dragon.

Destruction looks gorgeous on her.

She skitters off across the pavement, away from me, and toward her friends sitting in the grass, clutching her bag tightly like she’s afraid I might steal that too.

Don’t worry, Crystal, we’ll only steal your fucking soul.

Nothing more, nothing less.

And when we’re done with you, you won’t even want it back.

My phone rings, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Dad’s number makes me swallow, and I tuck my vape away before I answer.

“What’s up?”

“Hey, Caleb, your dad here.”

“Figured as much from your name on the screen.”

“Very funny,” my dad jests. “Anyway, I just wanted to call and ask how you’re doing?”


“And your studies?”

“Also fine.”

“You’re not very talkative, are you?”

“No.” I kick a little rock lying near my feet.

I know there’s always a reason when he calls me, and it’s never to catch up.

“So you’re not gonna ask how I am?”

“How’re things?”

“Right …” He clears his throat. “Anyway, I’m going to go on a date with my fiancée tomorrow…”

“Fiancée, wow,” I parrot, rolling my eyes.

But my father continues. “And I want you to entertain Crystal while we’re away.”

“What?” I bark through the phone.

“Caleb …”

“No. Fuck no.”

“Caleb, I’m trying to ask you nicely.”

God, I have to put a fucking stop to this before he asks something from me I cannot do.

“She’s a terrible liar and a shitty person, Dad.”

“Caleb!” he yells through the phone. “That’s no way to talk about your—”

“Don’t. Don’t say the word,” I interject. “Don’t call her that. She won’t ever be that to me, and her mom won’t ever be my fucking mother.

“No one said that.”

“Then why the fuck are you trying to forget my actual fucking mother still exists?”

I hang up the phone before things get even more heated, but damn, I really can’t control myself.

My phone buzzes.

Dad: I really wish that conversation could’ve gone differently.

Me: Maybe stop seeing that woman, then.

Dad: You know she’ll be my wife whether you like it or not.

Me: You’re pretending Mom doesn’t exist.

Dad: I’m not. But I have to move on. And so should you.

I almost crush the phone in my hand.

Dad: I want you to get to know her. Spend some time with both her and her mother. Who knows, maybe they’ll grow on you.

The only thing that’ll grow is my cock the second I get my hands on that fucking girl who caused all of this.

Me: Doubt that.

Dad: Try.

Me: I’m not going to entertain her like some goddamn clown.

Dad: If you don’t have the time, fine, but you will be nice to her, and you will behave from now on.

Me: And what if I don’t? What then? You’re just going to force me?

Dad: Do you want me to take away access to your bank account? Because I will do it.

I’m really trying hard not to chuck my phone into the nearest tree.

Me: Fine. I’ll be fucking nice to her. Happy now?

Dad: Good. It doesn’t have to be this way, you know? You could just try to put in some effort.

Me: I’m going to class. Bye.

I turn off my phone before he can send any more texts, and I look at all the unmarked skin on my wrist, wondering if I should get another tattoo just to take the edge off the rage inside my heart.


I knew I had to run in the opposite direction the second I saw those hazel eyes.

I couldn’t look at them for one more second without immediately being reminded of all the dirty things Caleb and Ares did to me on that bench in the maze. I can still feel them too … inside my pussy and throat, the mere memory enough to make me throb again, and I hate it.

I hate it so much I don’t want to think about it one more second as I barge across campus grounds.

“Hey, Crystal!”

Penelope’s voice stops me in my tracks. She and our friends are having a picnic in the grass, and all the guys from the Skull & Serpent Society are there too, though they don’t seem pleased to be there at all. I snort to myself.

“Hey,” I say, waving back, and I grin at Kayla, who’s there too. “Hi, Kay!”

“Come sit with us,” Kayla says, pointing at the blanket.

I suck in a breath and try to push away the evil thoughts floating through my head. I can’t keep avoiding them forever. I’ve already gotten so many messages asking where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. I don’t want to lose the last semblance of normalcy I have at Spine Ridge University.

I blow out a sigh and approach them in the grass. “I forgot it was lunchtime. I didn’t bring anything.”

“We’ve got extra sandwiches,” Penelope says.

“Yeah, want mine?” Dylan holds up a half-eaten one.

“Dylan!” Penelope swats his hand down. “Gross.”

Alistair snorts, and Dylan throws him a foul look. “What? I was just being nice.”

“Thanks, Dylan,” I say. “I appreciate it.”

“See? At least someone’s nice about it,” Dylan says.

“Go cry about it.” Felix rolls his eyes.

Dylan’s face scrunches up, and he pulls out his lighter and holds it underneath Felix’s jacket. My eyes widen when the fire immediately burns a hole into the fabric.

“Jesus F—” Felix pats down the jacket until the fire is out. “What the fuck did you do that for?”

“Well, if that isn’t a warm welcome,” I mutter.

Alistair laughs out loud, and everyone looks at him like he’s gone insane.

But then slowly, more people begin to laugh, even Dylan.

“Bitches,” Felix adds, but then he briefly laughs too.

“It’s been madness since they’ve joined our picnics,” Kayla says.

“Tell me about it.” Penelope rolls her eyes. “If only they would behave.”

“Hey. I behave,” Alistair says, taking a bite of his sandwich. “And I like this. What is it?”

“Salmon,” Kayla says.

He immediately spits it out. “Why the fuck would you let me eat this, Dylan?”

“Don’t look at me.” Dylan shrugs. “Wanna swap?”

Alistair sighs out loud and swaps their sandwiches.

“See, I’m nice,” Dylan says in a chipper voice.

Penelope holds out a box toward me. “Here, pick out whatever you want.”

I grab a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Thanks.”

My stomach growls, and Kayla and Penelope look at me like they’re about to burst into laughter.

“Guess we got you just in time,” Kayla says.

I take a bite out of my sandwich. “This is delish. Reminds me of how my mom used to make them.”

“Same. That’s why I bring them to class.” Penelope winks. “So … got any plans tonight?”

“What?” I swallow down the peanut butter.

“You know, the text I sent you?” she asks. “About the club?”

Wait, did she?

I pull out my phone and check the texts.

Shit. She’s right. I completely forgot I said yes.

But that was yesterday … before those two devils came to knock my world upside down and steal my literal breath away.

“Sorry, I forgot.” I swiftly take another bite and chug down my water. “I’ve been busy.”

“With what? I haven’t seen you in the library in days,” Kayla says. “It’s almost like you’ve got some kind of secret lover.”

I almost choke on my water. “No, no, nothing like that. Just some stuff going on with my mom. Nothing big.”

“Your mom?” Penelope frowns. “Is she okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” I say, putting on a big smile to hide the lie. “Anyway, what about the club?”

“You still up for partying with us?” she asks, biting her lip. “We’re going to Club RIVERA. Felix has a VIP pass because it’s one of his father’s clubs. Anyway, it’s gonna be a blast.”

“I can’t come.” Kayla slams her lips together. “Family thing. But you go have fun.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “Because I’m more than fine sitting this one out.”

“Yeah, of course!” she says. “I’ll come next time you go. No worries.”

“Perfect!” Penelope says, wrapping her arm around my neck. “This is gonna be a fabulous night. I can’t fucking wait.”

“Same,” I say.

Maybe I should just do it. What harm would it do to just have a little bit of fun? Besides, I could use the pick-me-up after everything last night.

My phone buzzes, and I check the messages.

Brooke: Hey, wanna come hang out at Club RIVERA? My friend got sick so now me and Lana are all alone. We’d love it if you’d come along.


“What?” Penelope asks.

“A friend, Brooke, just asked me to come to Club RIVERA too.” I look up into their bewildered eyes. “She says Lana is going with her too.”

“Wait, what?” Felix frowns and steals my phone away. “What the fu—”

“Felix,” Penelope warns him. “Give back the phone.”

Felix’s nostrils flare, but he still hands it back to me. “She’s my fucking sister. I didn’t give her permission.”

“She doesn’t need it,” Penelope retorts, lifting her brow. “She can enjoy her free time any way she wants to. If she wants to come to the club, that’s her choice.”

“She’s not going alone,” he barks back.

“She’s not,” I say. “Brooke’s with her.”

He seems really on edge. “That’s not enough.

“We’ll be there too. It’s fine,” Penelope says.

“What could happen?” Dylan mutters, taking another bite of his sandwich.

“Did you fucking forget about the Phantoms?”

Phantoms … I think Felix means Kai, Nathan, and Milo, as I heard from Penelope they were beefing. But I tend to stay far away from fights. At least, I used to.

“No, absolutely fucking not,” Felix growls.

“What if I went with her?” I’ve already said the words before I realized it. Everyone’s looking at me now. “I mean, Brooke asked. I could just … join them?”

Penelope sighs. “But I miss you. I really wanted to dance together.”

“It’s fine. Nothing’s stopping you guys from dancing together,” Kayla says.

I smile at Felix. “If Lana and Brooke want me there, I can join them. I’ll keep an eye out on her.”

“You sure?” Penelope asks me, grabbing my hand. “You don’t have to sacrifice yourself.”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun. Besides, you’re with plenty of people already, while they’re only with two. It’ll balance the groups a bit if I go with them instead.” I wink.

“Only if you’re sure,” Kayla says.

I text Brooke back.

Me: Sure! Would love to.

Brooke: Awesome! Meet us at Club RIVERA around eight.

Then I put my phone down. “There. It’s a done deal.”


I straighten my collar and clear my throat, then knock on his door.

“Come in.”

I push down the handle, the metal feeling like it weighs a ton in my hand as I open the door.

Five guys with tons of tattoos and piercings stand in front of his desk, their heads turned as their gazes fixate on me.

“Ares. Glad you could finally make room for me in your schedule.” It’s hard not to miss the sarcasm in his voice. My father points at a chair in the back. “Sit.”

I walk past the men and sit down, their gazes still upon me like hawks ready to strike their prey.

“Mi hijo … care to explain yourself?” my father asks.

“No.” I fold my arms.

“These men have told me you’ve been killing some of their guys. Is that true?”

I avert my eyes. “I don’t remember.”

My father’s fist comes down on the table, and my eye twitches in response.

“Speak the truth, now.”

“They came onto my property,” I say, crossing my legs too. “I have the right to defend myself.”

“They were there with orders,” one of the men in front of my father’s desk growls. “You had no right.”

“I had every right,” I retort, my fist balling. “I paid for that lot of land Tartarus was built on out of my own pocket. I own it.” I zero in on the men standing in front of my father’s desk, all high and mighty. “And I will defend it when someone trespasses.”

My father’s nostrils flare. “Regardless. They were there for a purpose.”

“Oh really? On campus grounds?” I rebuke. “Because I’m more than willing to explain to the dean what they were doing there. I’m sure the board members will be curious to know all about it.”

My father’s eyes widen, and the men seem on edge.


I know he’s been scheming with them, but I won’t allow it to happen on Tartarus grounds.

“I will make reparations,” my father tells the men, ignoring me. “You have my word.” He holds out his hand.

“Your word better be worth something,” the main guy says, shaking his hand. “Because if not, our mutual understanding will be over.”

“I will not risk any of our lucrative deals over my son’s indiscretions.” He throws me a brief glare. “You are valuable business partners.” He adds a snakelike smile before handing them a check. “I know it will not replace the lives lost, but please take this as an olive branch.”

“Thanks,” the guy says before he flicks his fingers at his other men. “You’ll hear from us.”

“Of course,” my father says as they turn around. “Rest assured, I will deal with my son.”

When his gaze settles on me, I can practically see the fire blazing behind his eyes, and as the door closes, the darkness surrounds us once again.

And the only sound is my heart as it beats wildly out of control.

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