Vicious Bonds: A Dark Romantic Fantasy (The Tether Trilogy Book 1)

Vicious Bonds: Chapter 79

I’m not sure what to make of what just happened. Even now, as I drink tea while sitting on the balcony that faces the waterfalls with the others, none of what happened makes sense. Who were those people, and why did they attack Beatrix? The questions sink deep as I chew on a chunk of the protection morsel Caz gave me moments ago.

Luzian and Clara bring out more tea for us to settle in. We’ll be staying another night in the palace, in hopes that Beatrix will feel better enough to fill us in by morning.

Music plays, the sound of harps and violins, and everyone chats amongst themselves as if nothing happened, and I don’t understand it. How can they just move on after all that? Drink their tea and laugh and continue life, like they weren’t just facing death? It’s a good thing Alora sent two of her guards to look over Beatrix while she’s healing. At least she isn’t dead.

My eyes swing to Caz, who is standing near the balcony. He’s been quiet since we’ve gotten here. Something is clearly on his mind that he doesn’t want me to hear because he’s blocking me out.

Luzian and Clara bring out a tray of fruits and crackers, offering some to me, but I pass. Instead, I walk over to Caz and stand next to him, absorbing the sounds of the trickling water.

“You okay?”

He glances at me. “Define okay.”

I rest my elbows on the marble guardrail. “I didn’t expect that at Beatrix’s.”

“Yeah. Me neither. But I suppose it comes with the territory. There are ears everywhere and whoever they were, they were probably looking for me. Not even Mythics are safe.” He pauses. “It’s just…I keep thinking they were Rippies, but they didn’t look like Rippies. Their body types weren’t the same…and that one who almost got away…” His head shakes. I can’t help feeling like I knew him or saw him before, I just don’t remember where.”

“How could you tell with his face so butchered?” I ask, shuddering at the reminder.

“It was the angle of his chin that I could see, the hair…” Caz sighs, digging into his pocket and pulling out a bloom. “Or maybe I’m just being paranoid and it’s all in my head.” He lights the bloom, takes a pull from it, then offers it to me. I take it, pull, and exhale. “I’ll be glad when that boat is built and I get this shit over with for The Council. Perhaps they’re right and waking Selah will take away some of our burdens.”

Right. He filled me in about that—his mission to ride a boat through a dangerous sea to an island practically made of fire. He claims the island isn’t fully made of fire, and that there are paths to take that are safe, but either way it, sounds like a death trip. I can’t believe he agreed to that. But at least the Council has agreed to protect us from Mournwrath aka Decius so Caz can fulfill his end of the bargain. So much can happen in three days, though.

“I’ve been thinking,” I start. “It might be best if I go back home until you complete your mission.”

His eyes find mine—sharp, serious. “Why do you say that?”

“It just seems like me being here is bringing you more trouble, and you and I both know so much can happen between now and when that boat is built.”

“There’s always trouble for me, Willow Woman. That’ll never change.”

I laugh at the nickname, and he moves in closer. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I just don’t think I should stay, Caz. I don’t know why, but it feels like those people were trying to kill Beatrix because of us. And there’s no telling how many people know about our Tether by now. I hate saying it, but Killian was right. They can use me as leverage against you and that can prevent what you need to do.”

“I won’t let them get to you.”

“You can’t promise that.”

He takes another pull before putting out his bloom. Then he wraps his arms around me, bringing my cheek to his chest and holding me close.

“I’ve missed this,” he sighs, and I smile, taking a deep breath and then burying my face deeper into his chest. “You must understand. I don’t think I can let this go again. Us.”

I’m not sure what to say to that, so I remain quiet.

“But if you want to go back—if you don’t feel safe here—I understand, and I won’t make you stay.”

I lean back, tipping my chin to look up at him. “You think I want to go back?”

“Don’t you?”

“I’m not in a hurry to go, Caz. I want to be here, with you. I want more moments like this, on a balcony that faces a waterfall. Beneath starry night skies, with your family laughing around us.” I pause. “I don’t have this at home. Family. But if there’s danger everywhere…we have to be careful. We have to play our cards right.”

He looks from me to everyone else. He studies them a moment, then takes my hand and leads me away from them. We venture along the rest of the wraparound balcony until we’re alone, still facing the moon. When we are, he brings me to him and cups my face in his hands, pressing his lips to mine. I expect his lips to be warm, but they’re not. They’re cold. But I take it because I’ve been dying for another kiss since he left for Luxor.

I lace my arms around the back of his neck, press my chest to his, but his body feels cold too. I break the kiss. “Are you okay? You feel cold.”

“I’m fine. Just a bit nippy out here.” He smiles, bringing his mouth down to mine again, then he picks me up, pressing my back against a marble column.

“Maybe there are ways I can come and go?” I offer.

“There may be. But we won’t know until tomorrow when we see Beatrix.” He drags his lips over the crook of my neck, and I shudder.

“Caz, you’re really cold.”

He frowns then, studying my face before placing me back on my feet. I grab his hands, and even through the gloves, they feel like blocks of ice.

“Let’s go to your room and light a fire,” I insist. Worry tugs at my gut, but I keep it at bay as I grab his hand and lead the way to his chambers. I enter the room swathed in gold and ivory and hurry to the fireplace, tossing logs into it and then asking for his lighter. He hands it to me, and I get the fire going, and suddenly I’m shivering so hard my teeth are chattering.

“You all right?” he asks.

“I’m f-fine.”

“Willow.” He steps closer. “Your lips are turning blue.”

I try to speak again, but I can’t. Though the fire is going now, I can’t feel the heat of it. And then I hear a chuckle, deep and sinister. When I look at Caz, his eyes are as black as coals.

I gasp, stumbling away, but he walks closer to me, smirking.

“Did you think it would be that easy?” he asks, but his voice is different. Darker. The air around me freezes, ice splintering up the walls. The fire is no longer burning hot. The flames are frozen solid. He steps closer.

“Caz,” I whisper.

“You didn’t listen to me, now I’m taking him. But don’t worry. It won’t be long before I take you too.”

“W-who are you?”

He puts on a wicked smile. And right before my very eyes, he vanishes.

“Willow!” someone shouts, and I gasp when Juniper’s face comes into view. “Love of Vakeeli, what’s happened to you?” I look around. I’m back on the balcony, seated. But Caz isn’t where he was last standing. In fact, he’s not on the balcony at all.

“Where’s Caz?” I ask, shooting out of my chair.

“He’s in his chambers. He said he wasn’t feeling well after you guys were all lip-locked and goo-goo-eyed around the corner.”

Wait…what? “When was this?”

“About five minutes ago.”

“Is everything all right?” Rowan asks, concern etching his face.

I shake my head. “No. It’s not.”

Then I run down the corridor and into the palace. “Caz!” I scream, storming up the stairs. I scream his name repeatedly, my heart beating harder. As I run, I feel the cold still in my lungs, as if I’ve inhaled that nightmare. I don’t stop, even when the cold seems it will paralyze me.

I run to his room and shove the door open. And when I see him, my heart drops to my stomach.

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