
chapter 8


I couldn’t tell Lucy that her brother was my next target. I know it would’ve destroyed her, but why should I care about that? I needed to get my head on right; I needed to keep my focus.

My anticipation is heightened as the sound of the door opened and Agent Black came to get me. It’s time.

“You need to change quickly, we have a set location on your next target.”

“What about my shower?”

“Get one when you come back in, we don’t have time.” Agent Black says with authority.

I grumble, not happy before stepping into the dressing room. I select my usual attire of a short black dress and heels, quickly I spray my body with perfume, at least I will smell nice. Agent Black hands me the small phone which I tuck inside my bra.

The night air has a coolness about it helping to clear my head. I sit in silence as I am taken to my destination and dropped off.

“Call us when you are done.”

I don’t bother to reply and walk over to the club. There is a line of mostly young girls waiting to get in. I spot the weakness at the door and walk straight up to the bouncer who already has his eyes glued to my body. I lean in and nibble his ear as I slide my hand over his trousers to his crotch, giving it a gentle massage.

“Meet me inside for a quickie when you get a chance.” I run my tongue along the side of his jaw and place a kiss on the corner of his mouth before I walk off inside.

The music is blaring and the place heaving. I walk along scanning the crowd, looking for Kade. I spot him sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand and a bimbo trying to get his attention. A desire to break and crush her boney little fingers which are tracing over his chest floods me and I’m sure my nails have left an imprint in my palms as I’ve squeezed them hard. My feet are stuck to the ground; I want to go to him, rip her away. He seems to be annoyed with her and starts looking around until eyes finally meet mine and we stare at each other.

“Hey, I remember you from the other night,” he said, coming up to me. The scent of him flooding my nose sends my body into an erotic spasm.

“Dance with me?” was all I could muster as my head was going neurotically insane with thoughts and doubts, questions and desires. I slid my hands up his jacket, moving closer to him and swaying my body; answering for him as I didn’t want him to deny me and have to end this right away.

His hands rest on my hips as I guide him with my movements. He pulls me in so close my breasts press against his chest; every sway of his body grazed against my hard nipples. My senses are in overdrive but I feel myself wanting more; wanting to feel him. I turn my body around keeping his neck a safe distance away from me in case my instincts strike. I push my ass into him and jerk my hips so my core is centered against his crotch. The hot throbbing pulses fire down inside me, igniting every tingling nerve to my now dripping wet pussy.

I wanted him. I want to do what Dax did with his victim. Have my way with Kade first before I was forced to complete my mission. My body was aching to feel his bulging cock rubbing up against me without the boundaries of clothing. I push my ass harder into him, grinding my flaming core aggressively against his erect cock until I feel it poking at my pussy. I let my head drop back at the wave of pleasure rushing through my body.

“Jesus fucking christ!” He moaned against my neck and his hot heavy breathing started making me spiral again.

He whipped my body around to face him. “What is it about you?” whispering as he narrowed his eyes at me. He feels it too and the proximity of his lips are too close for me to resist anymore. I break the space between us and relish in the taste of him. Sending my tongue down his throat; each fighting for control. The sexual tension continued to flood my mind and my instincts kept drawing me towards his neck. He grips my ass and tangles his hand in my hair roughly just the way I fucking like it. I let out a moan as I nibbled his bottom lip; feeling myself biting harder and harder, wondering if I’d break skin. He forcefully devours my mouth again, tangling our tongues together in a wild fight of dominance. I taste the venom in my mouth mixed with Kade’s saliva and my eyes jolt open. The image of Lucy flashed in my mind along with memories of Kade she told me about.

“I can’t do this!” I whisper, breathing heavily as I peel my lips from his. Realizing I didn’t want him to ingest any of my venom; which means I didn’t want to kill him.

“I won’t do this!” I push his body away from mine and see the confusion written on his face.

“Do what? Wait!” he grabbed my hand but I retracted being stronger and took off for an exit.

Why did I do that?

He’s my fucking target! My purpose is to kill him and that’s it! I was so angry with myself as I pushed people out of my way before blowing through the doors to the back alley. The cold hitting my flushed beading sweaty face was helping calm my racing heart as I took out my phone to call the van back to pick me up.

Just as I hit the call button, I felt something grip my wrist from behind. My instincts took over my body before I could even think. I gripped his neck and shoved him against the brick wall. Hissing as I glared into his eyes like an animal ready to pounce; I only saw the slightest inkling of fear in him. He looked just as fucking turned on as I was, making my body writhe and venom soaking my tongue.

I try to keep fighting the urge but I keep finding myself working my way to his neck. His pulse is beating profusely out of his veins, taunting me under the grip of my fingers before I can’t fight the urge to pounce anymore.

“You’re not a very wise man, are you?” I whisper against his skin before grazing my teeth right over his vein.

“Actually, I think I am,” I felt his reply vibrate under my lips before my body froze hearing the click back of a gun.

“You killed Levi, didn’t you?” he said and I moved my body slowly away from his.

“Didn’t you!” He pressed its cold barrel harder into my temple.


“Who the fuck are you?” he spat, still holding his hand firmly on the trigger.

“I work for the government, a secret department no one knows of. It was my mission to kill Levi.” I gazed into his eyes, “And you’re their next target. They sent me to kill you.”


“I don’t know. They just show me your record and whereabouts to find you.”

“And you just expect me to fucking believe this?” His hand grips my neck hard.

“They have your sister,” I paused letting him soak in my words. “They have Lucy.”

Kade slams me up against the wall and I see the anger surge through his body; his hand grips tighter around my neck choking me, little did he know he was turning me on even more.

“Where?” His face is millimeters away from mine.

“We are kept locked in cells in a secret underground compound. All I know is it’s on the south side of the city.”


“She hasn’t gone through the full process yet, but once she has, she won’t care that you’re her brother, she will kill you.”

His eyes came back to mine, searching to see if I’m telling him the truth. Feeling his hands on me rough just how I liked it made me squirm with erotic pleasure and I let out a moan showing off my sharp white fangs. I saw his eyes analyzing me, closing in on my teeth.

“If they sent you here to kill me, then why haven’t you done it yet, huh?” His grip around my neck was still tight.

“I-I don’t know,” I mumbled.

“You had your chance earlier. Why didn’t you?” he said so fiercely it winded me. This man was staring death straight in the face and I narrowed in on his eyes. He wasn’t afraid at all.

“You’re different. I’m designed to not feel any emotions towards anything. B-but I don’t know what’s happening to me when I’m around you.” I admitted, feeling a wave rush through me. Why did I just admit that to him? I let my guard down along with all my defenses and told him the honest truth.

“Designed?” he questioned.

“I’m not meant to have feelings. But with you...” I slide my hands up inside his top touching his skin, I think my pussy has gone into overdrive.

His breathing becomes heavier and I can see him battling his own emotions. Removing the gun from my temple, he relaxes his hold and slams his lips against mine, taking me by surprise. His tongue slides into my mouth and swirls around mine as if he was fighting a battle. I gripped his hair hard feeling my pussy crying for him. The sounds of tires screeching against the tar break our kiss.

“You need to go now. Get out of here, ok!”


“They can track me when I’m on a job. They will be here any second. You need to go!” I shoved him away while he kept pulling me in for more.

“What about you? How can I find you?”

“I’ll find you.” I throw myself into the light of Main Street knowing the van is around the corner looking for me. Kade grabs my hand and pulls me for one more kiss that I wish could last a lifetime.

“I don’t even know your name?” He whispered against my venomous lips.

I know I only have seconds but I kiss him again savoring the feeling, the taste, the high he brings me.

“It’s Scarlet,” I whisper to him and feel them curl into a smile before I push him hard, back into the dark shadows of the alley just as the van pulls up behind me and I get in.

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