
chapter 4


The clunk sounded as my door opened, letting me out and signifying another mission. The man who I know as Agent Black stands outside my cell so he can lead me to the information unit.

“You’re wanted for another mission.” His voice was rough and his eyes tired.

I look back on the little girl who seemed to think she was going to be rescued, she can hope all she wants because she ain’t getting out of here.

Agent Black leads me through and stands me in front of a screen. A picture of my next target shows up first. I imprint his image into my brain, along with his name, local hangouts, and last known location.

“You got it?”

“Yes,” I answered, taking another quick scan of his file. His name was Levi Johnson, an ex-con and now wanted for multiple murders throughout the city. He looked beastly; with broad muscular tattooed arms, scars, and tattoos across his face. I smiled knowing this one was going to be fun. It’s always the tough-looking guys who are three times the size of me that I take pleasure in; seeing their faces in the last moments before I take their life. Them realizing when it’s already too late what I really am and what I’m capable of.

Agent Black leads me to the dressing rooms. These rooms are much nicer than the cells we are subject to. A modernized dressing room with clothing options for both men and women, showers for us to scrub up and doll ourselves up; you know to look like nice normal human beings with all the regular living accommodations. I jump in the shower and spend some extra few minutes soaking in the steaming hot water; a luxury we get once we’ve graduated from being a newbie and start successfully completing our missions.

Just as I’m about to shut the water off, I’m startled at the feeling of something grazing my ass. I whip my head around and my venomous instincts release as I show my teeth with a hiss.

“Need some help getting ready for your mission?” Dax asked as he drew his naked body into mine. His hard cock poked between my legs and his arm came around front and pinched my nipples.

“Well, since you’re here,” I answered casually and unreacted towards his hardness. He pinched my nipple harder before jamming his finger in my pussy aggressively as I let out a moan.

“I believe your answer is yes,” he hissed in my ear before grazing it with his sharp fang. I felt my heart rate increase and with it the swarm of venom course through my veins. The metallic taste it releases in my mouth as my fangs drip the poison that is released into my victims. That’s how it works apparently the doctor once told me; the implanted fangs trigger the release of venom when my body’s heart rate increases. It’s also censored in my brain the pleasure we take from completing our missions, from doing our purpose is the same wave link of pleasure we get from sex. That pleasure also releases our venom.

Dax was one of the first subjects just like me to enter this place. Over the years we’ve either found ourselves out on missions at the same time, coming or going in the dressing rooms, once they even put us on a mission together for a high-powered senator who was up to no good and had ties with the mafia. Dax and I maneuvered ourselves into their invite-only party and massacred everyone. He and I get off the most on the sexual high and adrenaline the venom releases throughout our body.

He gets my attention, adding another finger and curling it straight to my spot before his fangs poked at my neck but not breaking through my skin. We’re free to bite each other succumbing to our instincts and desires as the venom is already in our system.

“I’m waiting for your answer,” he taunts me, removing his finger and stroking up and down my wet folds as I groan.

“Just shut up and fuck me!”

He whipped me around to face him as he pushed his cock against my wet folds, stretching them apart so he could penetrate me. My nails dug deeper into his shoulders as his throbbing cock pushed further in, sinking down until his balls touched my velvet pussy lips. His grunts met mine as he slammed harder into me each time while the steaming rain soaked us both.

“Scarlet.” His hot breath in my ear as he moaned my name was fucking sexy.

“Harder Dax.” I cried out as he slammed into me.

He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back as he bared his teeth, what was rhythmical between us turned violent and wild. His hands gripped me harder as the frenzied sex got out of control. I bit down on his neck as he brought me to a climax, I was ready to take every drop of fluid that flowed out of his cock.

“I’m going to cum for you Scar.”

I felt the pulse of his cock, his nickname for me had me on the peak of my orgasm and he knew it. His fangs sank into my neck as I clenched his cock with my walls, cradling his balls as he came. Our loud cries echoed around the room, our breathing heavy and erratic as we came back down from our high.

“HEY! NASH!” Black shouted angrily pounding on the door. “YOU’RE WASTING ALL THE FUCKING WATER! YOU’LL BE HOSED DOWN NEXT TIME IF YOU DON’T GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!” I knew he had heard us, fuck I’d be surprised if the whole compound hadn’t heard us.

“Thanks for the help,” I say with a flick of my eyebrow and one last nibble to his bottom lip. Fuck me that was just what I needed I rest my head on his shoulder and inhaled his manly scents.

“Anytime.” He nibbled my ear before withdrawing himself and turned off the shower stepping out as if nothing happened.

“Have fun out there.”

“Oh, I will. I always do.” I slide my tongue over my lips savoring the flavors from his mouth.

I get dropped off outside a bar that is supposedly my target’s hang-out. I’m straightening my dress on the opposite side of the road when the doors open and I watch two men leave. I run my eyes over the other guy and my heart pounds. Shaking my head wondering what that was all about, I have my target in sight. The two of them hurry across the streets and I follow them to a doorway where they disappear inside.

“Where are you going?” I mutter to myself.

Walking confidently up to the door, winking at the person standing on the inside. He checks me out and lets me enter, I could hear his growl in the back of his throat. Hordes of people are inside shouting and cheering as guys pummel each other. I work my way through the crowd and that’s when I spot him again. His eyes are staring straight at me, I’m meant to be working out where to do my kill and this devilishly handsome man is doing something to me. I watch my target enter the ring and start to fight, I’m impressed, to say the least.

Just as the first round ends, I close in on my target so he can notice me and begin to grow his interest in me. The gorgeous man who has my heart beating faster notices me and walks over to me trying to talk to me. I had to focus on my target but he kept drawing me to him.

He looked just as tough as the guys in the ring. His broad tan biceps stretched at his short sleeve shirt and I noticed the tattoos inked all up his arm; only emphasizing his strong veins ready to burst through his skin. His dark brown hair was slicked up with gel and he sported the scruffy unshaven face that I couldn’t help wanting to feel against my skin. Imagining it must feel like sandpaper, the harshness only adding an element of roughness and pain that I liked. What is happening to me? I’m getting aroused tasting the venom leaking in my mouth and I’m not even thinking about the kill. I have to stop this. I’m not supposed to feel anything towards anyone.

“Someone such as yourself shouldn’t be around these parts, especially at night,” he says coming up to me.

“I can handle myself just fine, thank you,” trying to keep my eyes focused on the fight.

“So, what brings you to these parts of the city then?”

“The fight.”

“You? You watch underground fighting?” he laughed.

“Who says I just watch!” I said with a wicked smirk knowing he has no fucking idea what I am capable of.

“Jesus Christ, how the fuck is that possible when you look...this!” He clearly eyes me up and down and just his lustful gaze is making me all hot and bothered. I have to end this now.

“You should go now.” I tried to sound cold, bringing my attention back to the fight.

“What?” He looked at me puzzled.

“You should go! I’m not here for you!”

“Not here for me?” He questioned me again, complete confusion was written all over his face.

“Exactly,” I glared at him, speaking through clenched teeth; irritated by his presence but I couldn’t help look at him. The waft of his cologne was driving my senses erratic. I stepped closer to him and trailed my eyes down his body devouring him.

“What’s your name?” He leaned closer asking in a whisper.

I shook my head, I had to get away from him, I heard one of the other guys talking about fighters leaving by a back door. Perfect I thought.

“Fuck off,” I whispered knowing my chances of ever seeing this person again were most likely never.

Disappearing I pushed my way out through the crowd and found myself back outside, giving me some relief. I work my way around to the back and see the fighters from the previous round leave counting their winnings. It’s not long until the door opens again and my target exits the building, alone.

He jumped at my initial appearance next to him, I mean who wouldn’t, but then his eyes drank me in, I could tell the way he sucked in his breath.

“Hey there, gorgeous.”

I wasn’t here to waste time. I slammed my lips to his and forced my tongue into his mouth, grabbing the back of his head letting my fingers gently scrape over his skull. His meaty hand grasped my ass, squeezing it as he moaned into my mouth.

“Fuck, you one sexy hellion, where have you been all my life?”

I roll my eyes as I lick my way down to his neck; it’s always so fucking easy. I feel his pulsating veins beating against my tongue and without hesitating, my incisors extended and I sank them in. They numb the skin on instant contact before diving into the vein and the venom explodes. Euphoria overtakes my body and I let go of his limp body. He falls to the ground and as I start walking away, I hear the back door open and a voice shouts out at me.


I start running away, my job is done for the night, I punch in the number which is pre-programmed into the small phone I was given and give my whereabouts for my pickup.

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