
Chapter 25


“KADE!” I shouted his name for almost the tenth time as he stayed crouched down gripping his head with his hands.

“Baby! We don’t have much time! We have to get Lucy and get out of here!” I used my strength to pull him to his feet.

I could see his eyes were panicked and my heart hurt for him. He’s a man who’s only been behind bars for small harmless crimes and here he’s just killed a man in cold blood and watched him die in front of his eyes. I could justify that someone as evil as Kirkland deserved it but Kade was blind to how awful these people really are; the torture they have watched us endure with no sympathy whatsoever.

“What the fuck are we going to do now? We have less than fifteen minutes, man! We have to just get the fuck out of here!” his friend Mikey says, just as panicked acting like a fucking pussy and always relying on Kade to know everything.

“Not without Lucy!” Kade mumbles.

“Even guards are running down the hall fleeing! We need to bail, Kade!”

It’s too much pressure to bear and I know Kade is ready to break. He’s brought them all here, ready to risk their lives for me and Lucy as well as all the others.

“NO! I SAID-” Kade nearly explodes in anger as steam practically poured out of his body. I put my hand against his chest to simmer him down and stepped in front of him taking the load off his shoulders.

“We are not leaving here without Lucy! So pull your shit together because we don’t have much time!” Mikey and Ben cowarded from my dominant tone and I knew they had been knocked into shape. I looked between Mikey and Ben and an idea struck in my head. Mikey who was dressed in a guard’s uniform and Ben was wearing a hat that looked like a delivery man’s so perhaps they know where the antivenom is.

“Have you found where the antidotes are kept yet?” I asked.

“Yes, there are boxes of it in the storage closet down the hall. Made grabbed some.”

“Ok, here’s what we’re going to do. We need Dax’s help to fight against the guards if they try to retaliate against us. Mikey, you’re in a guard’s uniform so you’re going to pretend to escort me to the debriefing room. That’s where Dax has to be as they question us on our mission before we’re brought back to the cells. Any agents still lying around this place would most likely be in that room. Kade, you’ll be right behind us ready to fire. Ben, you need to work on bringing those boxes of the antidote to the exam room and prepare as many syringes as possible to be ready for injections.”

“Wait, we don’t even know if the antidote could actually work on you and all the others!” Ben pipes in.

“You say you pulled a couple of vials out? Why don’t we find out?” I wandered over to the countertop where there were several syringes. “Pass me a vial.”

We both hold our breath as I withdraw the golden liquid into the syringe. I gaze into Kade’s eyes as I plunge the needle into my vein and release the antivenom.

“How long do you think it will take?” He strokes my face and places a soft kiss upon my lips.

“We will find out, but first we need to find Dax.”

“But what about the alarm, it says noxious gases are going to be released.” Mikey chimed in frantically.

“Jenkins has something on him to stop it. I’m sure it has to be the same gadget he used to start the countdown with.” I glance between them all. “We stick to the plan! When the countdown gets to five minutes and we haven’t found Jenkins then you have my permission to leave. Move it!” I shouted at them and we all hurried off.

“Scarlet I need to get to Lucy.”

“I know baby, if I can find Dax he can help us.” I rest my hand on his chest, his eyes are full of pain.

“What room is it?” Mikey says as he is already a step ahead of us down the hall.

I give a quick glance at Kade and he gives me a nod to say he is ready. We pick up our pace and I overtake Mikey heading along a corridor until I come to the debriefing room.

“Any agents in here are going to be armed so get ready!” I glance back at Mikey and a Kade and they make sure their guns are loaded and ready to fire.

“Mikey, you have the guards suit on. Just open the door and keep your head down like you’re bringing a prisoner in. Once we’re inside, just open fire on them. Watch out for Dax and even Jenkins could be in here.”

We get into position, Kade and I hiding behind Mikey as he opens the door.

“Yo, what the fuck is going on? I missed all the action bringing in another prisoner,” Mikey spoke with his head down blending in perfectly to his surroundings until we were all the way through. I jumped my body out behind his and saw agents all around us. Kade and Mikey’s guns went off before the guards even knew what was happening.

I lunged my body at any guard sinking my teeth into as many necks as I could, never lingering to catch the high as my purpose was fully to kill.

“D-don’t bite me, please!” one agent said weakly with horror flooding his eyes. It caught me off guard in a quick massacre and I couldn’t help but smirk.

“Ok, I won’t,” I gently said, cupping his face in my hands before I grasped it firmly and tightly flicking it to the side breaking his neck. The gunfire dwindled and I turned to look around at a room of bodies splayed out on the floor. All in their black uniform attire and I knew we had successfully taken over the compound.

“Is everyone alright?” I asked and Kade and Mikey nodded reloading their weapons just in case.

“Scarlet!” Dax called out strapped down in a chair, in the corner of the room struggling against the restraints.

“Dax!” Relief flooded his face as I rushed over to him. “Help me get the restraints off him will you?” I said to Kade who came up beside me.

Kade quickly undoes Dax’s leg straps while I undid his arms. As soon as he was free, Dax took me in a hold and I could feel his emotions bubbling over.

“We need your help Dax, we don’t have much time left and we have to give Lucy and the others the antivenom and get them all out.”

“What about the countdown?” Dax asked, concerned.

“Kade and I are going to find Jenkins, I know he will be wanting to save his precious research so we’re going to check the computer room which I saw many times when the door was open. It’s just before you go down the stairs to the cells.”

“I’ll go with you!” Dax said sternly.

“No, I need you to take Mikey and Ben down to the cells with the antidote. Once everyone has gotten the shot, open the cells and get them out of here.”

“I’m not leaving your side!” Dax grabbed my arm and pulled me close. Kade pulled at my other arm and yanked me away and into his arms.

“Don’t touch my fucking girl! I can take care of her!” Kade was fuming and launched himself at Dax. His fist went to connect with Dax’s face but I grabbed Kade, hauling him off Dax.

“Kade! Stop, now’s not the time!” I slammed him up against the wall, looking at him briefly before Dax spoke angered again.

“I’m not letting you find Jenkins without me! Especially already having the antidote, you’re not a weapon anymore!” Dax argued.

“Dax, I’ll be fine! Go! We have ten minutes to find him and try to stop this. After that, we get the hell out of here.” I push his body towards the door.

“Scarlet,” Kade spoke, moving my chin to look at him and I expected him to be upset about Dax so I didn’t give him the opportunity as I spoke first.

“Kade, what happened between Dax and I is in the past, and that’s where it stays. I know he has feelings for me but it’s you I want. What we have is a different connection altogether.” Kade pressed his fingers to my lips and subtly smiled.

“I know,” he spoke in a gentle whisper and began caressing my cheek. “Your eyes, they’ve changed!” excitement poured off his tongue.

“It worked then, the venom’s not in my system anymore,” I exclaimed as we both smiled and he curled his fingers in my hair, pulling my face into his and smashing our lips together.

Our tongues rolled over each other dancing in a dominant fight without a care in the world; knowing that I didn’t have to worry about the poison seeping in. I felt the tingling of my insides creeping down to my core as my nipples perked against my jumpsuit and for the first time in forever I didn’t feel the venomous liquid seeping through my teeth, but it was only a reminder that I still had to live with my fangs.

“I still have my fangs though,” I whispered, pulling my lips from his.

“Good,” his lips twitched into a deadly smile as he pulled me back in for more. “I fucking love your fangs.”

“Hey, times a tickin’! You two can be all lovey dovey after we all get out of here alive!” Mikey shouted from the doorway and I was surprised they hadn’t left yet. I caught a glimpse of Dax who was waiting by the doorway with him and the hurt in his eyes pulled a string at my heart.

Kade pushed himself off the wall and pressed his lips to mine once more before taking my hand in his and walking us towards the door. I could tell I felt different. My senses around me weren’t heightened anymore like an animal but I felt a rush of all my emotions. Just Kade’s gentle kiss that lingered across my lips, the feeling of his warm hand in mine sent my stomach up in nervous yet excited bubbles. My feelings for him were real and they were strong. Lost in my own mind I wasn’t paying attention and I didn’t notice on our walk over until I heard the click back of a gun echo through the room. I whipped my head around but it was too late and I heard the sound of a gun go off. It was as if time stood still and I turned my head back to Kade. His eyes wide with shock and his expression just as mine showed a look of horror as he was knocked to the ground along with Dax.

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