
chapter 11


With little food given and rest was irregular, being kept underground you lose track of time and days. I know I haven’t been here that long but I’ve already lost track of time. When Scarlet came back happiest than I’ve seen since knowing her, I only thought the worst knowing of her killer instincts. I was in shock after Scarlet’s confession. She couldn’t kill her target; my brother, and he knows I’m in here. I have to contain my joy as one of the guards came to take me out. Scarlet pulled on my arm and whispered in my ear.

“Stay strong Lucy.”

I’m dragged off in a different direction and pushed roughly through another door. There are three men in white lab coats, my eyes grow wide in fear as there seems to be some sort of torture chair and on the counter what looks like to be sharp teeth implements. The older man glanced up from his clipboard he had.

“Sit her in the chair would you, Agent Moore.”

“W-what’s going to happen?” I stutter out as I’m pushed forwards.

My whole body is shaking and tears fall uncontrollably. I’m strapped down and held in place as the men busy themselves behind me. The agent called Moore leans over me and strokes my face.

“Don’t worry you won’t remember who you are by the time we have finished with you.”

“I’ll rip all your heads off when I’m done here.” I put all the anger I had into the glare I gave him. I see a slight flicker in his eyes and a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He blinks and turns away from me as I catch him looking back at me, I smirk evilly; I’m going to stay strong, I know Kade is going to come for me.

“Hold her head still.” The voice came from behind me.

Hands clamped my head and I couldn’t see it, but the pain of a needle being inserted into the side of my neck made my eyes water. I let out a piercing scream which got lost as a tube was forced into my mouth and down my throat, making me gag.

“Don’t worry, soon you won’t be able to feel anything.” The hot breath was close to my ear.

“Start pumping the liquid down and let’s see how much she can handle.” I can’t move, I know I’m strapped into the chair but even with my fingers I can’t clench or grip the sides of the chair, it’s as if I’ve been paralyzed.

“Inject the next serums into her. See how her body reacts to the venom, then we start on her incisors. Prepare the drills and the new canine teeth with fangs.”

The clatter of metal sounds behind me as they prepare things, one of them taps my wrist before inserting an IV needle into my vein and strapping it down. Two syringes are placed in front of me, a yellow substance is injected into me followed by the next one which is a blue aquamarine color. Immediately a rush surges through my body and I start convulsing uncontrollably. My body shakes in the chair and the pipe they shoved down my throat is like sandpaper against my esophagus. White foam froths at my mouth and through my nose and I can’t breathe.

“Shit, pull the tube out.” One of them shouts out.

It is roughly pulled out of my throat, I’m sure cutting my throat to shreds and the contents of what they poured into me came gushing out along with the tube. With my breathing slightly easing up I’m gasping in air through my mouth.

“She’s not taking the serum well. We’ll have to do the incisor implants later but we can at least drill the holes and get her ready for the venom to be released for the final stage when she comes back.”

I’m still paralyzed, my eyes are wide open and burning, my veins are large and pumped up. I watch the serum crawling along my veins as my skin feels like it is on fire.

“We can bring her into the room for phase three after this then,” Moore said.

“Bring me the mouth clamp.”

The sound of a dental drill rings in my ears and a metal contraption is put in my mouth fixing my jaw open. The seat is tipped back and needles jammed into my gums. My mouth is numb and I can hear them talking as they move about. The drill starts up and I pass out after they drill through into my gums.

I don’t know how long I had been out but when I woke up I seemed to be in a different world. Fighting and war, I jump back and try to hide as I watch men setting ablaze storefronts, beating one another with weapons, stabbing people gruesomely as they scream and gag blood before death takes them. Panic overtakes my body, wondering what the fuck is happening when a delicate voice echoes in my ears.

“You are programmed to fight, you are designed to kill.”

I have to endure watching what was going on while listening to the voice repeating itself over and over again.

“You have a purpose. Created to make the world a better place. Granted the strength of an army to defend humanity against the devils that walk the earth. You are the government’s secret weapon, you are destined to change the world.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing at first. I could never ruthlessly kill like Scarlet. I told myself I wouldn’t do it.

“Stay strong,” I hummed to myself as the images blur into soft colors before turning black. I only hear my heavy panicked breathing for a moment until I hear faint-like whispers of voices in the background.

“How’s she doing? Has she gotten to part two yet?” I heard Conway’s familiar husky voice.

“Going into it now. We’ll see if her mindset changes and how easily she can get aroused.”

“Can I stay and watch?” Conway asked.

“Sure, I have to take a piss anyway. Monitor her progress until I get back. Just don’t go jerking off, I don’t want to clean up your mess!”

The fuzzy picture comes into focus and I’m shocked at what I see. People having sex and the same voice echoes in the background.

“This is the pleasure you will receive when you bite,” the voice says and a shock is pulsed through me to my core, awaking a sensation of pleasure I’ve never felt before. The people in front of me are moaning making the experience more intense. I’m zoomed in close up, watching, I reach out to touch but then I realize it’s not real.

“Where am I?” I think to myself as my brain is confused. I realize I’m in some sort of virtual reality setup. The videos flick back and forth, the bloody fights, loud crashes followed by guns going off around me then I’m shuffled back to the two people having sex.

I’ve never been with a man before and only seen porn on occasion at a friend’s house. Just seeing two people intimate together made my skin flush with embarrassment. But this, I was forced to watch this. It was so vivid, so real I felt like I could reach out and touch their bodies. The voice that echoed in repetition in my brain began to fade as I paid closer attention to the woman’s reactions; her moans and cries of pleasure every time the man touched her, licked her, kissed her. The way her body shuddered as he played with her pussy, sending his fingers curling inside her as he licked her clit. I felt my skin begin to sweat, my heart was thumping out of my chest and a wave I’ve never felt before came over me. It was like I could feel her pleasure just watching and listening to her moans. The tingling sensation between my thighs, the wetness building as he sent his hard cock surging in her and her head dropped back with her echoed scream. I felt myself wanting to be her, to be in her place as he fucked me instead.

“This is the pleasure you receive when you bite. This is the pleasure you feel when you fulfill your purpose.” The voice continued to chant in my ear like a soothing lullaby and I found my sexual highs, soon overlapping as I’m getting myself off. I brought my attention back to the male and female and saw his fangs release from his gums while my pussy is throbbing like never before. The pulsating wave hit my core sending my muscles into spasm at what I could only describe as euphoria coursing through my veins. This is what an orgasm must feel like, I thought to myself as my out of rhythm heart was finally coming down. And it didn’t even consist of anyone touching me or pleasuring me through penetration. To think what that must feel like got my heart pumping again.

The room fades to soft colors before going black again as the voice kept talking to me soothingly.

“You are programmed to fight, you are designed to kill.” I’m brought back to the outside world of violence and killing happening all around me. It’s almost like I have a newfound outlook on what I was seeing. These were bad people. It didn’t matter what they did, what mattered was they were ruthless; strangling, stabbing, shooting people around them.

“This is the pleasure you receive when you bite. This is the pleasure you feel when you fulfill your purpose.” The voice spoke again. I felt myself feeling the rush of pleasure igniting in my veins, wanting to leap out and bit just to feel that euphoric orgasm again.

The video stops and all I see is darkness until someone removes the device from my eyes. I squint adjusting to the harsh fluorescent lights dangling above my head and Conway’s face comes into sight.

“I knew a saucy minx was hiding somewhere in there,” he said with a smirk brushing my sweaty hair off my face.

Something inside me changed. I felt powerful, proud of my body and what it beholds. The power it has around men, men just like Conway.

“Do you think you can make me feel like that?” I ask in a sultry voice and hear his growl come from deep in his chest.

“Why don’t you fuck me and find out for yourself.” His arousal clearly showed.

I run a finger down his chest to his waistband, his breathing gets heavier especially when I close the gap between us. The subtle groans in his breath brush over my skin on my neck as I grip his sides and press my body against his. Running my tongue up the side of his neck, the pulsing of his vein throbs, and my instincts take over. I don’t have my fangs in yet but I bite his neck viciously pinning a layer of his skin between my teeth. He tries to push me away in a panic but I don’t unclench my teeth, which only hurts him more. He screams in my grip unable to get away.


The door opens and the guy who had left arrived back in wondering what the fuck was going on. Conway was still screaming, Dr. Kirkland unknowingly pulled his body back ripping the skin in my grasp from his neck.

I stood there, blood covering my mouth with a smirk on my face as Conway kept panicking, holding his neck and screaming.

“Bitch, you fucking bit me. Fuck! Kirkland, where’s the antidote, I need the fucking antidote!” He screams at the man shaking his shoulders as blood gushes from his neck, soaking his white suit shirt blood red. Conway rushes over to the cupboard frantically grabbing a vial and syringe.

“Pull yourself together you fucking idiot! She doesn’t have fangs yet so the venom hasn’t been released.”

Dr. Kirkland shakes his head at Conway walking over to the cupboard and passing him gauze and tape.

“Go clean yourself up. You can’t tell anyone about this or your ass is fucking toast for trying to fuck the subjects.”

Conway grabs the things and heads to the bathroom to patch himself up. I stand there watching this man move around me, he doesn’t seem bothered about what I had done.

“Well, he deserved it,” I muttered as I couldn’t bear the silence.

“I’m sure he did, it’s not the first time that has happened.” He gave me a slight smile before approaching me with a wet cloth to wipe my face down with. “Here we’ll get you cleaned up.”

I wondered why he was being nice to me, he was wiping my face clean when two sets of hands grabbed me. A needle was stuck in the side of my neck and I was hauled off back to my cell. They pushed me in roughly before the door shut and they were satisfied that I couldn’t get them. I settled back down on my mattress and waited for them to disappear before I spoke to Scarlet, but when I turned over, she wasn’t there. My mind became fuzzy from the last injection they gave me and I had to lie down before I blacked out..

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