Veiled Infant of Alpha Hunter

Chapter 16 Lucifer's Dead?


Lucifer Zades P.O.V

“It’s something within me. I don’t know what’s happening.” I say.

“I’ll get the pack doctor.” Gabriel fled out of the room.

Gabriel Zades P.O.V

I brought the pack doctor to Lucifer’s room as quickly as I could only to notice him unconscious on the ground.

We both looked at each other before heaving him up on the bed as I let the doctor to inspect him.

“What’s wrong with him?” I inquired crossing my arms over my chest.

The doctor first checked his pulse from his hands, then his neck, seeming confused.

He then used the statoscope to check his heartbeat before taking it off and looking at me baffled.

“H-his heart, it s-stopped.” He stuttered.

My eyes widen.

“What?” I questioned; my eyes widen as I uncrossed my arms.

“He’s dead.” He exclaimed.

Adamone Levi P.O.V

“Can we rest now?” Evelyn sat down, groaning in exhaustion.

“No, we need to search for all the ingredients. Each day we are here equivalents to three normal days.” I told.

“But I’m tired.” Evelyn sighed.

“It’s going to be night soon; we need firewood to burn.” I looked around.

“Help me find some.” I said.

Evelyn exhaled annoyed before standing up and helping me to find some wood.

I started a fire after getting some logs, the atmosphere was beginning to become chilly and Evelyn shivered, placing a blanket that she brought over her frame.

“I can’t take the cold.” She confessed, her lips quivering.

“Did you bring any extra clothes?” I asked.

“I did, but they’re not as comfortable as they were before.” Evelyn confessed.

“How come?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“They don’t fit me like they once did.” She turned her head.

“Why didn’t you say this before?” I groaned.

“We could’ve gotten you new clothes before coming over here.” I said.

“The situation there wasn’t exactly in a way I could ask someone.” She retorted.

I sighed.

“Use mine.” I said lowly.

“What?” She questioned.

What happened to having sensitive hearing?

“Use mine.” I told a bit louder this time.

I searched through my suitcase before passing her one of my clothes that has long sleeves.

When I handed it out towards her, she was hesitant to take it from me, biting her bottom lips, before extending her hands and grabbing it.

She placed my shirt over her head before pulling it down her frame.

My wolf loved the fact that she was wearing something that was ours, especially knowing my scent would be all over her.

“Comfortable?” I asked and she nodded her head.

There was a moment of silence before she cut in.

“I’m actually feeling slightly hungry.”

Gabriella Zades P.O.V

“What do you mean he’s dead?” I asked bewildered.

“What’s happening?” One of Valentine’s sister, Rain walked into the room.

“It’s Lucifer, he’s dead.” I said without being able to comprehend the situation.

“What? Are you sure?” Rain turned to the pack doctor.

“I’m positive madam.” The pack doctor replied.

“I don’t understand.” I say, my heart rate accelerating.

I felt like I wasn’t able to breathe.

“Gabriel, snap out of it. Tell me exactly what happened.” Rain shook me.

I kept turning my head back and forth from Lucifer to Rain and back to Lucifer.

“I don’t know.” I started.

“He was sweating.. and.. and.. saying that there’s something wrong with him.. I went to call the doctor and..” I looked over at Lucifer’s still body.

“I don’t know what happened.” I finished.

Laverna Reine P.O.V

“Mother.” Lorraine called.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s our brother.” She started.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, not understanding.

“He’s transforming.” She says.

“Oh no no no, not now.” I gritted.

“He needs human blood to complete the transition.” Lucinda cut in.

“There’s no way we can sneak in human’s blood to their pack.” I groaned.

“What if he drinks a werewolf’s blood?” Lorraine looked at me.

“He shouldn’t.” I said.

“Werewolf blood is addictive; he would not be able to stop himself.” I stated.

“He will thirst for blood either way once he is reborn, you know how younglings behave and crave.” Lucinda utters.

“I’ll train him.” Lorraine volunteered.

“Are you mad going into a werewolf’s territory?” Lucinda screeched at her.

“They have no idea what is going on with him.” Lorraine turned to Lucinda.

“If I don’t, there will be bloodshed before our war with the hunters even begins.” Lorraine alleged.

“She’s right.” I held.

“You can’t be serious!” Lucinda bellowed.

“Let Lorraine take care of him, there’s no time. The baby will be born soon. We must not let anything happen to it.” I said.




- Valentine Winters

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