
Chapter 61

Demon POV

I hang up on the call as the sun sets, and the boys pretend to be sleeping in the background about to blindside poor Yvonna.

I wish the link reached to Onyx and the boys this far out but for now the phones will have to do.

The others started to wake as the ones on patrol had brought a basket that Yvonna teleported for the other to eat this evening.

Staring at the red sky slowly give way for the dark moonless sky, waiting for everyone to have their fill.

Zhaire grabs two sandwiches and hands one to me, “Chieftain Onyx would kill me if I didn’t make sure you had something to eat.”

I chuckle unwrapping the sandwich, “Yeah she would. She also said this morning that she will be wrapping up things on her end by 3am. So, Amos and some of the others can get to the Night pack before the sun rises. We’ll have to do the same. Once everyone is done eating, the ones left alive will be whipped for an hour. You and I will chop off John’s ankles and later in the night we’ll cut off right above his knees and elbows before letting Pam and Grim have what is left of his body.”

“As you wish Chieftain.”

The prisoners are dragged out, Felix and Zack lead the whipping.

Next to the axe I tighten the blades on my whips as Zhaire strips John down.

“Sadly, John this will be our last night together because I have other things that needs my attention. Was there anything that you wanted to say before we begin?”

Nothing but sobs come out of his mouth.

“Guess not.”

Giving him about 20 lashes, I give the whip over to Zhaire and walk around the area. Everyone seems to have a pet that they have been torturing for a little while.

I give some of them some pointers on how to make it more painful and let others know that their prey is on the verge of death, so they should slow down a little.

The hour went by quickly and about half are dead by the end of it.


Everyone turns to my tree stump and waits as Zhaire heats up some more metal.

John’s heavy breathing sounds throughout the yard.

Felix grabbed John’s foot and nailed both of them down to the wood for me.

Zhaire gave a nod and I started chopping his feet off.

Someone threw up while gagging. Others joined in on John’s screams as the metal burns the wounds closed.

Less then 3 hours left and about 10 wolves left including John

Let’s just end this already.

Pam’s grey eyes lights up with excitement as Grim stands next to her waiting.

“Pam, is there anything you want me to trim up for you before I hand him over to you?”

Nodding, “No bad smelling”

“Okay give me a few minutes”

I swing the axe into his upper thighs and was able to crack the bone and cut through most of the tenderloins.

I move to the joint in his shoulders, and I completely detach his arms from the shoulders.


Pam nods repeatedly and drags the stump of John’s shocked body with Grim following into the depths of the woods.

“Felix you and the other Vampires need to get to the Night pack or go back home before the sun comes up. Leave now.”

They vanished and my phone rings.

I flip the phone to answer, and a female tries to make a run for it.

I chuck the axe at her and watches as it embeds into her back and screams fill the air once again.

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