
Chapter 22

Onyx POV

Knox is making stay in the hotel for another night, so everyone can get some more rest. The men took turns watching the prisoners and getting some sleep as well.

I stayed in the room with my back to the wall and stared at my mate, listening to his every thought when ever he was here.

But he didn’t seem to mind in fact he seems quite happy that I am in his head all the time.

He kept his word and hasn’t put up a wall at all.

I can hear his thoughts and emotions along with Shadows.

I don’t really know how to handle their thoughts especially Shadow’s

Their thoughts always revolved around the boys and me. They are extremely protective of us and would anything to keep us safe.

That made my heart feel warm and fuzzy and shit.

That is until Shadow gets slightly horny then I get really embarrassed while Mika gets all hot and bothered.

Mika has constantly reminded me that even though Shadow gets horny that he would never force us to do anything.

I giggle a little when Mika whines a little, remembering the bet that them two made.

She pouts, “stop, it’s not nice to laugh at my pain”

I giggle again, “you know you could just give in”

“Nope that man will come crawling to me before I give in.”

I roll my eyes, “And you know that wolf has too much pride to crawl to anyone.”

Mika does a little wolf smirk, “He’ll come crawling to me with or without pride.”

Shaking my head, I watch Demon walk come into the room with food threating to fall out of his arms.

He dumped it all on the bed before sitting beside me smiling softly, “Hi”

“Hi, why did you bring so much food?”

He blushed a little before mumbling, “I didn’t know what you were in the mood for, so I bought the whole vending machine.”

I smile at him, “That’s cute and sweet”

The blush gets worse before he shakes his head and puffs out hi chest, “No I am a handsome fearsome werewolf, not cute.”

I shrug still smiling, “You’re that along with being a cute sweet teddy bear.”

Demon rolls his eyes as he sits on the bed, “Only with you”

Not another word was passed as we ate, which is normally except for the fact that Demon wasn’t sneaking glances at me like he usually does.

Instead he was staring off into space.

I poked around in his mind, but it was blank.

There wasn’t a wall but there weren’t any thoughts there either, but I could feel that he was worried and hesitant about something.

Mika says cautiously, “They’ll tell us when they are ready.”

I didn’t have time to respond when Demon looked at me blankly, “I have something to tell you but I don’t think you’ll like it.”

Nodding my head, I lean against the headboard and decided to stay out his head for now.

He took a deep breath and stared at the wall, “I dreamed of Sophia last night”

I feel my eyes widen in shock. He never had a dream of Sophia before. Not even on her death anniversary.

“I don’t think it was Sophia though, no I’m positive it wasn’t”

I’m so confused, “Then who was it, Ben?”

His glare at the wall took me by surprise. I never seen him look more pissed off then the time when one of Knox’s men tried to touch me.

I start to get worried when I feel his hatred for this person.

“I’m almost positive that it was the bitch of a moon goddess, Selene.”

He said her name and I understood the hatred and felt my own rise out of pandora’s box.

I scoffed, “She would hide behind the one person you wouldn’t harm. What did she want?”

Demon stayed quiet for a minute, “She wants us to deliver a message.”

A message?

What the hell she wants us to be her messengers for?

And why us when she knows that the both of us would kill her at first glance?

I frown this makes no damn sense.

Demon sighs quietly, “She also wants me to carry out this fantasy I had in the club.”

Raising a brow, “what fantasy?”

He dazes off into the distance as if he was reliving his fantasy. A crazed look slowly brightens up his black eyes to a dark grey.

A sexy deranged smile went on his face and for the first time since we met, I wanted to kiss this man senseless.

I wanted him to bite my lip.

I anted him to grab my waist and me to him.

I wanted to be skin to skin with him.

I want to mark him and make him MINE.

As if he heard my thoughts, he looks at me as his prey wanting to devour me at this very second.

His voice is low causing me to shiver a little, “The wolves that hurt us, they were all there. Drowning in each other’s blood as I cut them open and skinned them alive only to stop and let them heal while I moved on to their loved ones. Making them watch as I cut body parts off piece by piece. I started at their fingernail and worked my way up slowly until all that’s left is nubs for arms and legs and their head still attached.”

I move closer to him, hypnotize by this lovely dream. He keeps going as my heart races and the same deranged smile works its way on my face, “their screams held so much pain and torment that I felt content for once. Their pleas and cries for help fell on deaf ears until I got bored and made the fuckers bleed over their loved enough for them to chock and die from it. I take each of the fuckers’ organs out, slowly one by one until they were empty and very much dead.”

A small wave of pleasure crashes through me as I could feel and see them all dying by his hands. I imagine killing them myself and I could almost taste their blood, pain and fear.

I can feel his breath on my lips as stare at me with those dark grey eyes.

We stare at each other not breathing when he slowly moves away from me and I notice everything.

His hair hanged in front of his eyes as he titled his head down to keep eye contact with me.

His eyes slowly turn back black, but the emotions are still there. The angry, want, pleasure, and the lust.

His pink lips are open slightly to help him breathe.

His chest is moving slightly faster than normal.

His tight shirt doesn’t hide the fact that he’s toned and developed a six pack within the two years.

Demon gets off the bed and takes a few steps back as if trying to distance himself.

“That’s my fantasy, little Rose and as fucked up as it sounds, I want you to be a part of it.”

He turns around and walks out the room before I could think to say anything.

AN: heads up it's gets darker and more twisted from here👀

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