
Chapter 17- Demon

Two years later

Onyx throws a fist to my face.

I dodge and try to grab her again.

She evades my arms and sigh, “Demon you’re suppose to try to hit me not grab me.”

I shrugged my large shoulders, “You know that I will never hit a woman. Even if it is practice and you know that.”

Onyx raises a brow and crosses her tan arms, “You did it with Sonja earlier. Made it look like you were trying to kill her.”

I took a step towards her, shaking my head at the thought of the training session, “Well Sonja forced my hand a little, but I still didn’t hit her.”

Onyx smirks, “So I have to force you to hit me?”

Mirroring her smirk, I shake my head, “You can try but I’m still not going to hit you.”

She closes the distance between us while putting her hands together and looks up at me with puppy dog eyes, “not even if I ask very nicely with a cherry on top.”

I stare into this unique woman’s pretty blue eyes and wonder if they will ever stop getting prettier every time, I see them.

Will they always be this hypnotizing or is it just a faze?

I slowly bring my face to hers and wait for her to move but she just keeps looking at me with those eyes.

I move her hair back as I make my way to her ear and talk against it, “Nope not even then, flower”

Kissing her cheek, I move back just enough to avoid the punch she threw and laugh as I finally grabbed her.

She pouts and sticks her tongue out at me when I laugh at her.

A stick breaks in the woods behind me but I ignore it and watch Onyx step out of my hold and looks behind me.

I knew who it was before he opened his stupid mouth, “Demon, Knox wants to see you and the bitch.”

Onyx goes stiff, still looking behind me but doesn’t say anything.

I tap her chin and she look at me instead of the dumb ass.

I slowly rub my finger gently across her cheek when we lock eyes.

I’m drowning in a ocean so beautiful that I don’t want to come up for air anytime soon.

But sadly, I have to teach James another lesson about respecting women or at least my mate.

Sighing, I have James by the throat against a tree within ten seconds.

Hmm…. that’s not good…that’s a whole two seconds slower than the other day.

Shadow shakes his head, “My bad I was a little distracted”

James starts clawing at my hand for air

“By Mika?”

“yep that wolf is psychotic but beautiful at the same time”

“Beautifully psychotic”

Shadow sighs all dreamlike, “Yeah”

James starts turning a little blue

I chuckle, “what she do this time?”

He shakes his head, “the better question is what she didn’t do?”

I laugh out loud and drop James.

He coughs, “you’re mad”

I smirk at him and shrug, “Can’t be a King without having a little madness.”

I kicked him in the face just as Onyx walks pass me with her head held up like my queen.

I smile and step over James groaning body to follow her back to camp.

The camp goes quiet for a few seconds when they see mine and Onyx’s blank faces, but they start back talking as soon as we start making our way over to Knox’s tent.

They all keep their distance out of fear of us snapping them in half since we never got to finish our date just now.

The men look away from Onyx automatically because of that one guy that I killed for looking at her sexually and trying to touch her without her permission. And for the other guy that the boys maimed and almost killed.

The woman don’t even lift their eyes to us because of Onyx’s persuasive way with words.

Shadow scuffed, “you mean how she beat a woman to death for even thinking about touching you or the boys and then threating the rest of them that it’d be the same fate for them if they ever did the same. And then walked off to feed the boys.”

I look beside me to my beautifully psycho mate, “yeah, she’s so adorable”

Reaching Knox’s tent, I hold the flap open for her before going in myself.

In the tent there’s a giant drawn out map of someplace lying on the ground in the center of the room. Knox’s blanket is in the far corner of the room folded and forgotten. Other than that, there’s nothing else in the room besides the candles.

The candles surrounding the map along with everyone in Knox’s circle except for James.

Knox smiles and waves us over to sit with him.

Onyx on his left and I’m on his right.

“So how was your date?”

Onyx rolls her eyes, “you mean before James rudely interrupted us.”

Knox smirks, “yeah where is he by the way?”

I shrug, “Hes in our meadow. But he was a little lightheaded when we left him. He should be here soon.”

Knox laughs, “are you ever going to stop beating up my second?”

I shake my head, “No probably not”

He laughs, “You keep this up and I’m going to have to force you to be my second instead of my best fighter and spy.”

I scuffed, “we both know that wouldn’t end well.”

James finally comes into the room and Knox rubs his hands together, “Now that we’re all here lets gets this started.”

We spent the rest of the evening talking about a favor that a rogue vampire wants to call in from James. Apparently, he’s a very powerful vamp with his own little coven, so we couldn’t tell him to go fuck himself.

He’s paying a lot of money to get this job done since the sons to two well-trained hunter families.

Two sons from powerful families that could try to hunt us down and kill us if they ever found out that we even thought about attempting to kidnap their precious boys.

Two sons that have live three years longer than my nineteen years.

Sons that have more guards than the president does.

Sons that go to the same club every week on the same day at the same time.

Boys who have a thing for leaving the women they fuck broken.

Boys that have a fetish for young blondes.

I look at onyx slowly when Knox says this.

She sighs and look at me with a gentle look before shaking her head.

I cuss out loud and start thinking of ways to try to convince her to stay.

Me and Onyx have been on plenty of missions, both together and alone, to know what we’re getting into and what we’re doing but there’s something about this one that sets me on edge.

Maybe it’s because of their families

Or the guards

Or because there’s two of them.

I don’t know what it is but I don’t like it.

I have a really bad feeling about this one.

Shadow growls a reason and I hope that he’s wrong for once.

I stare at my strong little mate.

Goddess I hope he’s wrong.

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