Unwanted Fates~ Book Two

Chapter 12

“Get her out and take her to the unit.”

“What unit? What are you talking about?” Sylvie growled at Elias as Kian pulled her from the SUV, keeping his hands around her fabric. A twinge of discomfort still harassed her skin through her clothing, but it was far less than skin-to-skin.

“She’s here?”

“Yes, I called her last night.”

Sylvie yanked her arm, but Kian held firm, continuing his path past the main house to a smaller building hidden behind it. “What the hell is that? What are you doing?”

The rectangle box sat at the bottom of the section, near the thickest area of the forest, its curtained windows dull and revealing nothing of its contents.

“Why didn’t I know that was there?”

“Come, Sylvie. You’ll feel better when you see her.”

“See who?”

Her words died in her throat when a scowling Kerensa stormed from the tiny front door, slamming it behind her. “What kind of hovel is this supposed to be?” she demanded, swiping her dark braids out of her narrowed indigo eyes.

“Hart.” Inclining her head at Sylvie, she pressed her lips as a crushing grip wrapped around her waist. “Fates, Hart, you look like shit.”

Sylvie only squeezed Kerensa tighter, burying her face in her neck. “It’s so good to see you. I’ve been going crazy here.”

“Oh yeah? Trouble on the marriage front already?”

Sylvie sniffled. “I guess you could call it that.”

“No,” Kian added with a sigh. “It’s not that. I assume Elias told you everything?”

“That he did. Pretty fucking stupid letting her get kidnapped, eh brother?”

Sylvie’s sudden uncontrollable giggles took each of them by surprise, and she slapped a hand over her mouth as Kian grumbled and walked away, saying something about getting them lunch.

“How long has it been for you?” Sylvie asked then, following Kerensa to the tiny house she’d appeared from.

“Not long. I shifted here a few fae weeks after you left.” The tone of her voice made the hairs on Sylvie’s arms prickle.


Pushing the creaking door open, Kerensa motioned for her to come inside and sit. A small table and two chairs squashed in a corner beside a dainty kitchen. The room was void of any character, just the essentials to survive. Why would Kerensa want to stay there? The scowl on her face seemed to respond that she didn’t, and Sylvie smiled softly.

“Lazuli disappeared from the realm, and I was looking for her.”

“What? What the fuck? How’d she get out? She’s not a realm crosser like you, is she?”

Kerensa shook her head. “No, but I can imagine her demonic skills would be useful to many.”

The information filled her with dread that she added to the growing list of problems.

“Did you tell your bonded ones what happened to you back at Stone Court?”

Terrible sudden crashing waves of Trion’s twisted face between her legs flooded her mind.

“No!” she shouted, pressing her fingertips to her eyelids as if she could push the memories back inside. Then, she tried again, reigning in her breathing and pressing her hand to her throbbing mate marks where her heart still raced beneath. “No. And I thought we said never to speak of it again, Kerensa.”

“You don’t think it would be helpful for them to know what has happened to you?”

“They know enough,” Sylvie said, swallowing. At least, Elias knew. “I don’t want to keep rehashing, okay? I don’t know your past, but I’m sure there are things you don’t want to relive.”

Kerensa leant back in her seat, the shiny leather of her pants creaking in harmony with the wooden chair.

“I suppose, but they are your bonded. The connection is deeper; any secrets you harbour will interfere with the bond.”

That news made her stomach sink. “How badly?”

Kerensa shrugged. “There are old stories in our holy texts about the closest pairs taking each other’s abilities and growing stronger. But I’ve never seen it.”

“So I won’t be as strong as Elias or Kian. Fine.” The thought of getting closer to them only irritated her, the feeling forming simultaneous burning guilt and despair.

Narrowing her eyes, Kerensa leaned forward, hooking her finger beneath Sylvie’s chin.

“What’s happening to you?”

The air between them grew cold as tears swum in Sylvie’s eyes, rolling over her cheeks and plopping on Kerensa’s deep brown skin.

She shrugged and tried to lower her gaze, but Kerensa’s hold on her chin held firm.

“What are you feeling?”

“I don’t know. Ever since I got back, something hasn’t felt right. Something inside me. It’s been getting worse and worse, and even the thought of Elias and Kian-” She let the thought die. She couldn’t risk either of them hearing. Whatever was wrong with her, it wasn’t their fault. “I have so much anger in me, but then the guilt hits, and I just want to explode.”

The touch on her chin lifted, and they sat in silence again. Sylvie wiped her wet cheeks and sniffled as Kerensa stood.

“Well then. Would you like to show me around?”

The change in topic rattled Sylvie’s mind, but she let a loud breath escape her pressed lips. “Yeah,” she laughed lightly. “Yeah, I would.”

“This the kitchen, living, and dining— all open plan and new. Our room,” she covered up a giggle with a cough seeing her shibari ropes peeking out from beneath the bed, closing the door when a shirtless Elias strolled from the ensuite. Her cheeks flamed red, but Kerensa only rolled her eyes.

“Anyway,” Sylvie continued, “come this way,” she skipped down a short hall towards the laundry and her office.

“How many rooms are in this place?”

“I don’t know. This is my first time properly looking around too. After the kidnapping, I’ve just been-” she paused. “Fucked, honestly.”

“Oh really? I Wouldnt have guessed that.”

Sylvie’s brows furrowed until she spied Kerensa’s knowing look and burned redder. “I didn’t mean it that way!”

Both women laughed as Kian padded from a room to their right.

“What are you two laughing about?” His lips pressed a barely restrained smile.

“Nothing!” Sylvie shouted, turning to slap Kerensa as she took a breath to speak. “Just looking around.”

“Well, this is your office,” Kian said, gesturing to his back. “I was just adding the finishing touches.”

“Oh?” Sylvie slipped under the arm he raised as she neared, and she sensed his pain through their bond. Guilt battered her as she spotted the vase full of pink roses next to a computer on a dark wood desk.

“Fuck,” she whispered, closing the distance to the perfectly manicured office setup. Rounding the desk, a small slip of paper sat in front of her keyboard, and she picked it up, reading the text on it.

The email address for the nanny job. Kerensa frowned. “What’s that?”

“Nothing important. Just wait a sec so I can email them, and then we can do something.” Her legs tingled as if itching to run, and she scoffed. “Do you- do you want to go work out?”

Writing the quickest and sloppiest email of interest and attaching her Resume, she stood and swiped her sweating palms on her thighs.

Kerensa’s half smile pulled one of her own, and she nodded.

“You game?”

“Pick your poison. Knives, swords, hand to hand-”

Sylvie laughed. “Yes to all at some point, but for right now, I was thinking of a run. I just want to get as far away from this place as possible. Just for a bit.”

She probably sounded like an ungrateful brat, but Kerensa’s face held no judgement, only inclining her head back towards the tiny house. “Let me change first.”

Sylvie peered down at her hoodie and jeans and nodded. “Me too.”

Once changed into appropriate gear, they met outside on the wraparound porch.

“Where are you going?” Elias’ growl made her jump and round on him.

“Don’t scare me like that!”

“Don’t try and disappear without telling me!”

“You aren’t the boss of me, Elias Fletcher, and I’m going for a fucking run!”

His hand shot out and wrapped around the back of her neck, pulling her to him, her chest pressing into his as her tiptoes skittered on the wood beneath her.

The pleasure of her clit being smothered against his thigh dimmed from the sharp jolt his hand brought through her neck.

“Let me go.”

A pained expression crossed Elias’ face as Kian’s hand curled over his shoulder and pulled him back off her.

“Let her go, E.”

Elias’ icy blue eyes faded away into deep red crimson. His fangs sprung free as he loosened his grip on her neck.

Her heart thudded, realising she’d never truly seen them before, at least not in daylight. “I’m sorry,” she breathed as he finally released her, her back hitting the wall as he turned and disappeared inside the house.

Kian gave her a long look, his eyes revealing deep pain, before following Elias.

“Well, that was interesting.”

Sylvie jumped, remembering Kerensa was still there and pushed down a sob, running past her towards the gravel road.

The metronome of her steps blocked her mind from thoughts, and Kerensa matched pace.

One, two. One, two. One, two.

They ran without speaking until she tasted blood, and adrenaline chased away her exhaustion.

“Are you staying?” she said, panting and looking over at Kerensa.

The distilled sunlight through the trees framing their path illuminated the sweat on their skin.

“Yes. But you better ask your wealthy mates to renovate that hellhole they call a ‘sleep out’. I am technically a princess.”

Sylvie almost tripped as she made sense of Kerensa’s words, a cackle ripping from her lips.

“I never pictured you as the snobby type.”

The laughs kept coming as Kerensa bit back a smile, furrowing her brows into a scowl.

“Quiet, Hart. Don’t act like you aren’t the same.”

“I’m not!” she wheezed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. The source of the tears brought relief as she gulped lungfuls of air and slowed to a slow walk. “You saw my apartment before this, Kerensa. I’d be happy in a wooden shack. Then at least, I wouldn’t feel like some creature everyone expects will do great things. But, unlike you, I’m not a fucking princess, and I never want to be.”

Her shoulders heaved as they turned and started the walk back. The clarity of her words shook her to the core. She couldn’t be the one they thought she would be. She wasn’t destined for greatness. She just wanted to live her everyday, monotonous life.

“Do you ever wish-”

“Shush,” Kerensa hissed, grabbing her arm until she stood stock still.

From the forest, a rhythmic thumping echoed along the tree line.

Sylvie’s lips formed a word to speak when Kerensa slammed her palm against them, eyes shooting a warning.

They searched the tree line, but the sound source remained unknown.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.


A soft pattering and crunching leaves replaced the last sound, and Sylvie fought the urge to backpedal to the nearest tree and disappear.

Naked, coated with perspiration and mud with leaves dancing in their hair, a familiar face peered at them.


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