
Chapter 26

I have just come back home from the hospital. My baby is doing great according to what the doctor has told me and I feel so much better. My third trimester has been kind to me so far and I am glad because the end of my first trimester all the way to my second trimester was straight from hell.

Three months ago after that awful phone call in the night, Zac and I had a heart to heart where we cried our hearts out. Trust me I would have helped him clean that mess up because somehow I have been wired to always want to protect my brother the same way he has been protective of me but I guess a time always comes when the right thing has to be done.

After spending a week in police custody, he faced trial and was straight forward and honest with the judge, telling him everything that he had done through the years and admitting to all the crimes. Lona was released a few days after Zac was sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour. I wish I can say I was prepared for that news but I wasn’t. My brother wanted to take the fall himself but Musonda during the investigation was also implicated in the murder of Gabriel and was also given life.

The past months have been a learning curve for me. I have always had my brother by my side and always known what to do but without him it’s like learning all over again. The circle also has finally been broken and even though Leo and I are still friends, I know things will never really be the same between us.

‘Good afternoon ma’am.’ The house help greets.

‘Good afternoon, do we still have watermelons in the fridge?’

‘Uncle ate the last one.’


She is about to respond when Thando walks into the room.

‘I was hungry.’ He says looking me in the eye.

‘Thando what are you doing here unannounced?’

‘You are still my wife Zara and I know you have refused to talk to me times without number but if you want me to give you that divorce then you will have to hold a conversation with me. After all the years we spent together there is no way that you will just walk away like that.’

‘I don’t know why you keep stalling this. Before I left things were already broken between us. It doesn’t make sense that you keep holding on to nothing.’

‘It’s not nothing.’

I hate feeling worked up. And that is what Thando does to me. Plus I hate the fact that I still see some good in him and I hate to admit it but I loved him. I love him. And living without him has been hard but our marriage was built on a cracked foundation and I am not sure there is a way to ever mend that.

‘I will be leaving the country by the way.’


‘Mum hasn’t been well, the doctors ran some tests and she was found with a tumor in her brain.’

‘Jesus, how is she doing?’

It’s only now that I notice how bad he looks. His shoulders are slumped and his beard is outgrown, he doesn’t look like the vibrant man that I have always known.

‘She says she is okay, the headaches are still mild but I can tell that she is scared. I am scared.’

‘Well it’s good the doctors have detected it early not so?’

‘I am not sure she can survive this.’

‘Why do you say that?’

‘It’s a brain tumor Zara. Plus she doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone. She says she would rather have the doctor pulling the plug than her being on life support for life. She can never forgive herself if I put my life on hold just so she can be comfortable in the last few of hers.’

‘Is that her decision to make though?’

‘Sadly it is and I know she means it.’

‘I am sorry.’ I say after much silence.

‘God has a funny sense of humor doesn’t he? Look at how we almost messed up your life and somehow he found a way of dealing with us without involving you.’

I am not sure if I should be laughing or feeling sorry for him.

‘We leave in two days, I just wanted to make sure that I see you before I go.’

‘Let me come with you.’

I am not even sure if that’s a good idea but he does look like he can use a friend right now.

‘Zara this is not for you to handle.’

‘I am not doing much anyway, it might be good for me and the baby to change the environment after everything that has happened.’

‘You want to go and take care of the same woman that hurt you?’

‘I never got the chance to look at my parents and tell them how I felt. I never got to have a word with them, so just maybe, this is a do over. I get to let out my emotions just by talking without hurting anyone in the process. Your mother thought that she was just doing right by you by hurting other people. I don’t know if she has any regrets. But I don’t need her sorry, I just want an honest conversation with her.’

‘Whatever you say.’

Kwenje’s Girl



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