Unhinged Desires : A Dark Romance (Sick Love Duet Book 1)

Unhinged Desires: Chapter 23

“Where are you going?” I ask Lucy right as she’s about to walk out of the change room.

“Home,” she says.

“Let me take you somewhere.”


“A place.” I shrug.

“Is this the place where you’re going to chop me into tiny pieces?”

“You’re really hung up on the whole being chopped up thing, huh?”

“When you have a stalker following you around, it’s hard not to be,” she counters.

“You probably shouldn’t let that stalker fuck you then. You should be running as far and fast as you can.”

“If I ran right now, would you chase me?” She lifts a curious brow.

“Yes,” I answer her without hesitation.

“So what’s the point of running? You’ll find me anyway, and I figure I might as well enjoy the benefits of your unhinged desires while I can.”

“The benefits?” Now it’s my turn to raise an eyebrow.

“The amazing orgasms you keep giving me.”

“Amazing, huh?”

“They are what they are.” She shrugs.

“So, if I promise to give you more of those amazing orgasms, will you come with me?” I offer.

“As long as it doesn’t end up with my body cut into pieces.”

“I promise I have no plans of ever dismembering your body. Besides, the pigs wouldn’t know what to do with a delicacy like you.” I take her hand and lead her out to my car. When I jump into the driver’s side, Lucy turns and smiles at me. “What?” I ask her.

“Nothing screams rich trust fund jerk louder than a twenty-year-old driving around in a Bentley with personalised plates.” She laughs.

“You drive a G-Wagon, Little Bee,” I remind her.

“Yeah, still not a Bentley.” She shakes her head.

“If you want a Bentley, Lucy, I’ll buy you a Bentley.”

If I wanted a Bentley, Dominic, I’d buy one myself—thank you very much.”

“I know you would. I’ve seen your trust account.”

“Give me your phone.” She holds out her hand to me.

I place the device in her outstretched palm and wait to see what she’s planning on doing with it. There isn’t much she’ll be able to find on there, not without knowing what to look for anyway. She taps in a number on the home screen and the phone lights up.

“How did you know that?” I ask her. I don’t recall ever unlocking my phone in front of her.

“Lucky guess. It’s also the same code as the one that opens the front gates of your house. It might be a coincidence, but it also happens to be my birthdate,” she tells me.

“Not a coincidence,” I admit. It’s not like she doesn’t know I’m obsessed with her. There’s really no point in pretending otherwise.

“What’s your internet banking password?”

“Little Bee,” I tell her.

“Seriously? You’re just asking to be hacked at this point.”

“There are only two people in the world who would think of that name. You and me. If I thought for one second that you were about to bleed my accounts dry, I wouldn’t have just given you access to them.”

“Holy fucking shit, Dominic, That’s a lot of zeros.” She gasps.


“I mean, I knew your family was well off, but this is… this is insane. You could solve world hunger with this.” She shakes her head, her eyes glued to the screen.

“Your accounts have a lot of zeros too, you know. Stop acting like we are so far apart on the family wealth ladder.”

“Yeah, but not this many. No wonder you’re so entitled.” She flicks her gaze up to look at me.

“I’m far from entitled,” I’m quick to argue.

“You’re entitled. You seem to think just because you saw me and decided to like me, that I’m yours to keep.”

“No, you’re mine to keep because you let me fuck you. And I warned you if you did, I wouldn’t be able to stop.”

“What if I walk down the street tomorrow and find the man of my dreams, the one I plan on marrying and having kids with?”

“I’d kill him,” I tell her simply.

“I can’t even tell if you’re joking or not.”

“It’s best not to know.” I reach over and pick up her hand. I’ve never really been much of a hand holder but I need the contact. I need to touch her any way I can.

AN HOUR LATER, we’re pulling into the driveway of the farm I just purchased. There’s a decent size house on the property already. It has a lot of old-world charm but I plan on renovating and making it more modern.

“Where are we?” Lucy asks, looking out the windscreen at the house in the distance.

“I bought this place a few weeks ago.”

“This is a farm, Dominic.”

“I’m aware. I did buy it.” I laugh.

“Why would you buy a farm?”

“I like the country.” I cut the engine and step out. Walking around to the passenger side, I open her door and hold out a palm. She takes it and we continue hand in hand as I lead her up the porch to the front door of the house. “It’s empty right now, but I’m working with designers on renovation plans,” I tell her as we enter into the foyer.

“So, is this were you’re planning on living, after uni?” she asks me.

“I plan on living in whatever city you find yourself in,” I tell her. Because, frankly, at this point, I don’t think there is a place on earth where I wouldn’t follow her.

“Oh, well, if you were really so great at stalking, you’d know I was planning to drop out of uni next year. I’m moving to LA. I want to be an actress. Probably a porn star,” she says with an index finger pressed to her chin.

I look at her. I know she’s messing with me. But the image of anyone else touching her has me seeing red anyway. “You shouldn’t joke about shit like that. It’s not fucking funny.” I drop her hand, pivot on my heel, and continue through the house to the posterior door. I don’t look back as I walk outside.

My steps are quick. I need to get myself away from her so I don’t fucking wring her neck for even thinking about letting others near her. I make my way into the barn that houses the eight pigs I acquired a week ago. I have a caretaker looking after the place when I can’t. But I do hope to spend a lot more time here once the house is finished.

I’m squatting down patting one of the pigs when Lucy appears in the doorway. “You should go back to the house.”

“I’m fine here,” she says, folding her arms over her chest.

“No, you’re really not. You need to get away from me, Little Bee, before I do something I can’t undo,” I warn her.

“What is it that you want to do to me right now?”

I rise to my full height and stalk towards her. When I’m one step away, I shove my hands in my pockets. I don’t trust myself to touch her right now. “I want to hurt you, Little Bee. I want to dim that light in your eyes. I want to watch as you take your last breath, because the only way I can guarantee that no one else will ever be able to touch you is if you’re dead.”This is where she should run. Not that she’d get far before I caught her. But if she had any sense of self-preservation, she’d be running right the fuck now. Instead, she stands stock-still in front of me.

“You’re not going to hurt me,” she says with a confidence that doesn’t match the fear in her eyes.

“I’ve killed men for far lesser reasons.”

Her eyes blink rapidly, like she’s trying to stop herself from tearing up. Fuck, she better not fucking cry right now.

“Run, Little Bee,” I tell her.

“No,” she says firmly.

I honestly don’t know whether to applaud her courage or chastise her stupidity. How can someone as fucking smart as Lucy-fucking-Christianson still be standing right in front of me after what I’ve just told her?

“You won’t hurt me, Dominic. Do you know why I know that?” she asks me.


“Because if I were dead, you wouldn’t be able to touch me either. And I happen to know you like touching me. Don’t you? You want to touch me right now.” She tilts her head and her fingers begin to undo the buttons on her blouse.

“I can’t touch you right now, Little Bee,” I tell her, taking a step back.

“Yes, you can.” She drops her shirt to the floor of the barn.

“No, because if I touch you right now, I might not be able to control myself.”

“You’re not going to hurt me, Dom,” she says again.

Lucy reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra, sliding the straps down her arms before allowing the material to flutter to the ground. Her tits—her glorious, fuckable tits—bounce free. Rock-hard nipples pointing right at me, calling to me like a beacon in the night.

“No. Stop.”

“The reason you’re holding back is the very same reason I know you won’t hurt me. If you really wanted me dead, I’d be dead. But you like me breathing far better.”

I’m losing the fight. When she drops her shorts to the floor and steps out of her panties, standing before me completely naked, all mine for the taking, I can’t deny myself what I really want.

Her. It’s always fucking her.

I undo my belt and pull it free from the loops of my jeans. Reaching out, I snatch her arm and drag her body against mine. “This is a very dangerous game you’re playing, Little Bee.”

“Then you should know I don’t lose. Ever,” she says.

I chuckle. She has no idea how real the stakes are right now. I tug her over to one of the wooden beams. “Your blind faith in me will be your downfall,” I warn her. Mine too. But I keep that part to myself.

“I’m not afraid of dying, Dominic. I’m afraid of not living,” she says, her gaze locked on mine. Never breaking eye contact. “I’ve never felt more alive than when you’re inside me. Make me feel alive, Dominic.”

My eyes roam the length of her body. Lucy doesn’t shy away from her nakedness. A trait of hers I fucking love. I hold my belt to her neck. And without waiting or asking if she’s okay with what I’m about to do, I secure her body to the pole. I shouldn’t be surprised that she doesn’t attempt to escape. To stop me. I step back and look around the barn. Finding a length of rope on one of the workbenches, I retrieve it.

My eyes stay connected with Lucy’s as I bind her wrists together. Then, lifting the rope above her head, I watch on as her arms follow before I secure the ends to the metal hook dangling above us. I take a step back and admire my handiwork. My Little Bee… all bound up, naked, and trapped.

At my mercy.

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