Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 16

When they finally returned to the Fletcher building, the inky black sky pitched the glass skyscraper in darkness.

Sylvie followed beside Elias, her hand unconsciously curled around his index and middle finger. Her fatigue had long eased, only to be replaced by jittery frustration. Being cooped in a car for three hours, with an aching cunt would do that to a person.

Filing into the underground elevator, Elias pushed a card through the slot next to his penthouse office floor button. Sylvie watched in fascination as they ascended past the lit-up floors waiting patiently for their ride.

“So you can skip floors?” she asked him. “Is that why I always ended up late?”

Elias shot a look at her, his brow rising slightly. “How often were you late in the few months of working for me?”

Her cheeks warmed as his lip curled over his slightly sharp canines.

“Every day,” she mumbled.

“What was that?”

“I said,” she annunciated. “Every day.”

“You should be fired,” he said with a low laugh.

Sylvie pressed her lips together and wrinkled her nose. “I mean, I thought you were nuts for hiring me in the first place. I had none of the skills you were looking for. Was it my looks?” she teased.

His expression darkened as he grazed her body with his eyes. “I didn’t know it at the time, but I was sensing the kindred bond. It only became obvious to me when I smelt your blood.”

“Oh,” she whispered as the elevator doors opened to the dimly lit floor. Elias stepped out first, and Sylvie followed, tightening her grip on his fingers. Her throat went dry as they crossed the threshold, images of the demon bombarding her mind. Screwing her eyes shut, she let Elias pull her into his side, practically carrying her.

She only peeked past her eyelids when lowered onto a soft surface. A gasp passed her lips as she twisted around and took in the fully furnished office-turned-bedroom.

Floor-to-ceiling curtains gave her the privacy of walls from a prying Natalie, and a tall wardrobe stood regally against the wall.

Tears threatened her waterline when she spotted the giant snake plant perched in the opposite corner nearest the exterior windows.

“Wow, Elias, this is so nice!” she turned to him with a warm smile which turned to a full lip bite as she took in his appearance. He seemed utterly aware his crossed-armed posture, sleeves rolled to the elbows, and casual recline against the doorframe increased his irresistibility.

“What are you doing?” she chuckled softly, letting her face scrunch as she waved him over.

He smirked as he shook his head 'no', his arms uncrossing and ruffling his hair. She gulped as his hand dropped to his belt buckle and pulled it free, looping it in half and pulling it taut. The crack of the leather snapping against itself sent a thrill through Sylvie, even as she inched backwards onto the maroon comforter.

“Are you going to punish me again?” she asked with a confused pout. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You just confessed you were late every day working for me, and you didn’t do anything wrong?”

His smirk and twinkling eyes sent confusing feelings through her body: first, fear of being punished, then a surge of desire. She realised she’d let him spank her if only to feel his rough grip on her body again.

He walked around the bed until the mattress pressed against his thighs. Swallowing, she crawled from Elias until her body hit the bed’s backboard, stopping her escape. A soft low hum sounded from his chest as he reached forward, quick as lightning and pulled her by the ankle.

Too quick to even whimper, Elias flipped her onto her stomach and stood between her legs, spreading them wide. She hoped her jean fabric would dull any incoming force she was anticipating.

It didn’t.

The second, a sharp snap hit her left buttocks, and she yelped and squirmed. Elias pulled her by the hips and ground his pelvis right over her sex. The moan that escaped her mouth was borderline ridiculous.

She didn’t know what the hell was happening, but she was obsessed. His every touch gave her more pleasure than she had ever experienced with another man. Or woman. Or neither. Both.

Her mind stopped working as another hard thwack hit her right cheek, and she whined, burying her face into the mattress. The scent of fresh laundry swirled in her nose as Elias tugged down her jeans, exposing her bare skin. He rubbed each spot where she was sure there was a mark and flipped her over onto her back.

She buried the growing smile beneath her shaking hands, and Elias tutted, pulling them away.

“Don’t hide from me.”

“You’re so demanding.” Her face threatened to burst into the most smitten grin.

His lips parted as realisation hit him. “You liked that, didn’t you?” he questioned, his brow quirking.

“So? Isn’t that the point?”

“It isn’t a punishment if you want it, Kitten.”

His smile disappeared as he wiped a hand across his face. “This is going to be fun.”

Bubbling giddiness clenched Sylvie’s stomach as she watched cogs tick behind his eyes. She stared up at him and glared. “Why are you trying to come up with punishments? Do you do rewards too?”

Elias snapped his eyes to hers, and a genuine grin crossed his face. “Oh yes, but I can tell I’ll be punishing you more.”

Pouting, she turned her face away from him. “Why?” Her tone sounded childish to her own ears.

With a grip on her chin, Elias turned her head and dipped his face to hers, offering a soft kiss to her lips. “Because you’re a brat.”

“Am not!”

She pressed against him, and he moved back as she got up, walking the wardrobes to gather some underwear and a satin nightgown. She’d been saving this one for a special occasion, but now she was ready to give Elias a punishment of his own.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Shower,” she quipped back, padding through his office to his ensuite. Her anxiety about being alone in the room drifted away as she spun around and spied Elias at his desk with a smug look on his face. Asshat!

She showered quickly, ready to be out of the tight space and changed into her sleepwear. In the mirror, she smiled at her reflection, running her hands along the perfectly cinched fabric around her bust and ass. The silver slip amplified her every asset, and she turned to leave the bathroom.

Elias’ eyes followed her as she sashayed passed him, out of his office and into her makeshift bedroom. As soon as she crossed the threshold, she paused, staring at the bed.

She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t sleep alone. A warm breath caressed her shoulder, and she tilted her head against Elias’s chest.

“Climb in,” he whispered huskily against her hair. Her fingers lightly intertwined with his as she walked over and climbed on the bed. He followed and pulled her duvet back without a word, tucking her in gently.

“Will you stay?” she asked, pulling the blankets up to her chin.

He nodded and remained seated, placing his hand atop her covered leg.

Her breathing deepened as she stared at his dimly lit profile. The sharpness of his bone structure and the soft curls of his dark hair created the perfect juxtaposition.

“Are you a sadist?” she whispered, blinking up at him.

He turned towards her, his hair dropping in front of his eyes. “What do you know about BDSM?”

Shrugging, Sylvie squirmed a bit beneath the heavy blankets. “Besides Fifty Shades and a few documentaries, not much.”

Elias hummed, trailing his hand up her calf to her thigh.

“What are the rules?” Sylvie asked then. “Do we have a safe word? Can it be strawberry?”

“Sylvie,” Elias tsked, squeezing her thigh. “Go to sleep. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”


His eyes flashed red in the dark, and he leaned over her, lowering his lips to her ears. “This is why I called you a brat. It doesn’t mean the same thing in BDSM; you almost perfectly embody it. Go to sleep, or you’ll wake up to my mouth on your clit, and this time I’ll get you so close to the edge that you’ll ache for days.”

Her lips parted as she frowned in the dark. “Ugh, fine.”

Broken sleep made the night drag. Each time she roused or shot up with a nightmare, Elias held her and guided her body back to the mattress. By the time she woke in the morning, though, he was gone. She jumped up, about to sprint from her bedroom, when a familiar voice trilled through the glass doors.

“Good morning, sir. I was looking for Sylvie. Is she here?”


Sylvie edged towards the spot where the door was, and she brushed her finger against the drawn curtain.

“I sent her to get me breakfast.” His voice sounded from behind her curtained wall, his silhouette visible through the fabric.

“Oh, okay. No problem.”

“I need you to go down to the marketing team and ask them about their latest project for me. I want the ETA and any drafts they have made.”

Natalie made a strange noise, a mix between a scoff and a cough. “Yes, sir, right away.” As heels clacked away from her room, Elias opened the door and peeked his head in.

“Get changed and find me some breakfast before she gets back.” He dipped down and kissed her lips. “Or would you like her to know you’re fucking your boss?”

She rolled her eyes and placed her index finger against his lips. “Not yet, pet,” she retorted, revelling in his smirk.

“You’ll pay for that one.”

“Can’t wait.”

He shook his head and grinned as if planning all the ways he could punish her. Oh well, two could play at that game.

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