Two Mates of The Late Blooming Luna?

Chapter Let the fun begin!

"Sister Elena, are you hurt?” asked Alice in an anxious tone.

Luke tried to remove his hand but before he could remove it completely, another pair of hands held Elena's arm and help her to stand on her feet gently. The helping hand was none other than her dear best friend, Liam. In response, Luke groaned and took a couple of steps back.

“Yeah. I just lost balance” She replied awkwardly.

“It's okay, no need to be embarrassed. I lost balance all the time. I am the Queen of clumsiness” said Alice with a soft chuckle and continued after turning towards her brother,

“Good Job brother”

"Hmm" replied Luke with his signature emotionless face.

“I told you, you don't need to help me with those stupid boxes. I can do it myself said Liam worriedly while taking the box from her hand and keeping it on the floor.

Before Elena could reply, an always enraged crocodile had to share his unwanted opinion in the matter.

“It's your fault Liam, why did you let her take it in the first place? You know she is still not that strong!” said Mateo angrily while pointing an accusing finger at him.

Elena had to jump in the middle of the conversation before everyone would start blaming Liam for nothing.

“It's okay, Mateo. I insisted on taking it. Liam isn't the one to blame” replied Elena in a sincere tone and Mateo nodded without questioning her further.

After Elena's statement, nobody dared to blame Liam except for his own self!

“Nope, Mateo is right. It was my fault. You would have gotten hurt” said Liam looking down embarrassment.

“I said, it's okay Liam. It wasn't your fault” She replied while taking his hand as she knew how upset he will be.

Elena's family has always kept her in a protection bubble and Liam is the first one to take the responsibility for it every time.

Youngsters from both the clans started gathering around her while they were having this blame game for a conversation.

Suddenly, a familiar voice caught Elena's attention.

“Move your butt! I don't care how aesthetically pleasing it looks. Move!” said Lily coming to the front while giving a final push to Mateo.

“Move away, Dinosaur. You don't even have nice butts”

“What rubbish! I have a nice butt and girls just loves it. Don't be jealous” said Mateo with an eye roll. “Dream on” said Lily with a fake smile and continued,

“Now move. I need to reach my best friend” she said pushing Mateo again.

She held Elena's hand as soon as she reached her.

"Hey, I heard that you got into an accident” said Lily in a worried tone.

“It wasn't an accident to be precise, I just lost my balance and Luke saved me from falling. That's it. I don't know why everyone is turning this into a big issue” said Elena casually.

And again, that weird creature filtered her statement and only heard the thing she wanted to hear. “Luke saved you from falling?” she asked with surprised expressions.

“Does she have filter in her ears or what?’ thought Elena but before she could reply, Lily left her side and went towards Luke.

“Are you not quite a gentleman? Is that service available for everyone or you provide it only certain important people?” asked Lily with a wide grin on her face.

Luke looked at Elena and then at Lily again, his expressions never changed, his face was still as emotionless as ever. He must have gotten the idea that Elena shared the details with her best friend. "What are you trying to say?” asked Luke in a cold tone.

Lily looked at him with narrowed eyes, she might have expected denial but not the cold tone. She wanted to accuse him but thankfully she didn't get to do anything as Liam spoke in the middle. “Nothing. Don't mind her” said Liam while dragging Lily away from him.

“She has a habit of speaking nonsense. It's better if you just ignore her” said Mateo with an awkward smile.

“Stop murdering my image in front of the whole clan, monsters of the west. Everyone knows about the two losers of Dark Sapphire clan” said Lily angrily and continued after turning towards Mateo, "And you, don’t you dare show that creepy smile in front of me again. I don't know what I will do!” "Stop being jealous of my charming smile now” said Mateo moving his face towards Lily's face while smiling broadly, showing all his teeth.

“Charming, my a*s! I said stop smiling! I will have nightmare for years now" replied Lily while keeping her hand on her eyes to block her vision

People from both the clans were enjoying the free entertainment.

"Enough! Let's start with the reason we gathered here” Elena commanded with authority in her voice and everyone from Dark Sapphire clan stood quiet at their places while facing her.

The loyal nature of Dark Sapphire towards Elena was really surprising for Luke. She was not their Luna yet but still, they treat her as one.

“Let's make a circle then” said Alice clapping her hand, the girl who was waiting for the chaos to end for a while now.

Lily took Elena's hand to sit next to her but suddenly a sweet guy stopped them.

“Hello Miss. Elena Swan. We haven't officially met. I am Christopher Brown. Nicholas's brother and Alice's best friend. You can call me Chris” said the guy sweetly while extending his hand for a hand shake and Elena took it elegantly.

“Why did he say everything in one breath? What's with the rush?’ thought Elena confusedly.

He was same age as Alice. He even had the same Sunshine aura.

“Hey, Chris. Pleasure to meet you. Call me Elena” replied Elena smiling.

“Pleasure is all mine” said Christopher with even brighter smile.

“That bright smile which can brighten up the room! Does best friend these days have same personalities as well?’ thought Elena while observing the cute guy.

“Christopher, come here” Luke called loudly from behind, while taking his sister's hand and making her forcefully sit next to him.

“Yes brother” he shouted back and continued,

“Let's have some fun, Elena” he said excitedly.

"Yeah" replied Elena with a small smile.

They all sat in a circle. Elena sat between Lily and Liam. Mateo sat next to Liam.

On the other hand, Luke forced Alice to sit next to him. Ira was sitting on his other side. Christopher sat next to Alice and the moment they were next to each other, they started gossiping about something.

Others from both the clans sat on the remaining places to complete the circle.

“So, which game should we go with?" asked Lily excitedly.

“My opinion is same as before, we must go with Truth and dare” said Alice insisting on playing her favorite game.

“I don't think it's a nice idea. This game sometimes causes you with your friendship!” said Mateo in disapproval.

“Thank God, we didn't ask for your opinion” replied Lily with a sarcastic smile.

"Okay, So let the fun begin!”

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