Twisted Kingdom: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite Book 3)

Twisted Kingdom: Chapter 18

Aiden shows up at school during lunch.

I visibly move from my seat the moment he walks into the cafeteria.

To do what?

Hug him? Kiss him?

What the hell, Elsa? Just because I was worried about him doesn’t mean I’ll jump in his arms.

I sit back down and move the fork in my lunchbox. Telling myself to focus on my food and ignore him doesn’t work. There’s no getting rid of Aiden. He’ll always be there. A constant. A nuisance. A thrill. He’s under my skin, flowing in my bloodstream.

Xander, Ronan, Knox, and Kim’s conversation fades into the background the closer Aiden comes.

I don’t have to look up to feel him. He’s in my bloodstream, remember? He flows inside of me. I’m conscious of him whether I like it or not. My senses are tuned to his confident strides, his all-powerful presence, and even his scent. I can smell it, clean and male and all him.

There’s no ounce of hesitation about where he’s heading. All the people in the cafeteria cease to exist in his eyes. It’s cruel, but it’s true.

Aiden doesn’t and won’t ever care about them.

However, he cares about me.

It’s in the way his features lighten upon seeing me even though his expression is still vastly unreadable. The way his entire body language points in my direction.

How could I have been so blind not to see it before?

Since we were children and even now, Aiden’s features only light up when I’m around.

You’re the only thing who breaks the endless vicious cycle.

He told me that once, but I was at a point where I doubted everything about him.

Did I ever believe a word he said? How did that make him feel?

True, he doesn’t act like a trustworthy person, and he pisses me off with his manipulations, but it’s also true that he never looks at anyone else the way he looks at me.

I was always trapped in my head and never thought of the situation from his perspective. Even when I did, I used it to outsmart him, not to actually understand him.

He stops in front of us. All tall and broad and… sexy.

Yes. He’s sexy and I can finally admit it to myself without him having to touch me.

Aiden is the sexiest person I know. Doesn’t matter if he’s the only sexual partner I had. No one in the world can emulate his intensity and dominance with my body.

The way I react to him has to do with his person as much as his touch.

“King!” Ronan taps the seat beside him. “Viens par ici.”

He doesn’t even acknowledge him, his entire attention settles firmly on my face. “Come with me.”

I stop pretending that I care about the food and glance at him. At how his uniform moulds to his muscular arms and thighs. At how the first button is open, revealing a hint of his tanned skin.

Shaking my head, I ask, “Come with you?”

“You’ll understand on the way.”

“Hello?” Ronan jumps to his feet and waves in Aiden’s direction. “I’m over here.”

“Move that pretty arse, sweetheart.”

I grab my bag and stand up.

Could be because of hearing him calling me sweetheart again.

Could be because of his damn authoritative tone that has my core all slippery.

Could be both.

Aiden remains motionless for a beat. He probably didn’t expect me to agree this willingly. I surprised myself, too, but I can’t fight it anymore.

At least not now.

Aiden’s pause lasts for a mere second before he wraps his hand around mine and leads me out of the cafeteria.

“Nice talk!” Ronan shouts after us.

I stare at Aiden’s hand surrounding mine. It brings back memories of the time when we were children.

Back then, I was always the one who held his hand and clung to him. I also shamelessly snuggled to his side and laid my head on his shoulder.

Who knew there would be a day when our roles would be reversed?

We slide into Aiden’s Ferrari and fly out of the school’s car park.

“Where are we going?” I finally ask, holding the backpack close to my chest.

Aiden concentrates on the road. “The Meet Up.”


“Nash asked to meet us there.”


I try to fight the wave of disappointment but lose. We’re only going to the Meet Up because of Cole. Not that I should be disappointed.

I shouldn’t.

“Why did you come with me willingly?” he asks out of the blue.

“I… don’t know.” And I really don’t. I wasn’t in the right state of mind.

Maybe it’s because I was worried about him and was remembering the past.

Or maybe it’s because I miss him. I’m like a beggar, pleading for crumbs and glimpses of him to satiate the thirst and craving inside of me.

I hate myself for missing him. Why is it impossible to not miss him?

Tilting sideways, I watch him closely, his black hair and irresistible eyes that could tell a thousand stories. His built and his easy confidence.

He must have something alien in his blood. No. I’m sure he does. Otherwise, how come he draws me in so effortlessly?

“Do you remember the time we spent together ten years ago?” I ask before I can stop myself.

He nods, eyes darkening. “And you don’t.”

My heart skips a beat. He hates it. Oh, my God. He hates that I don’t remember him from back then. It must be why he’s been such a dick all this time, calling me Frozen and heartless.

Can I blame him, though? I would’ve been so heartbroken if he forgot about me.

“It’s not by choice.” I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “Besides, I remember a few things.”

“Hmm. Like what?”

“Like spending a lot of time with you and talking. I don’t think you ever gave me your name because I kept thinking about you as the boy with grey eyes.”

“You spent the entire night with me.” He smiles a little. “You wouldn’t leave even when I told you to.”

“I did not!” My cheeks flame with embarrassment.

“I’m the one with the memories, remember?” His lips tilt with a smirk. “You wiped my face with a wet cloth then covered me with a blanket just so you could slip underneath it with me. Oh, you also held my hand and kissed my cheek. Child Elsa was a stage five clinger.”

Is there a hole I can bury myself in it?

Still, I jut my chin. “You’re only saying that because I don’t remember.”

He takes my hand and lifts it to his face. He flattens my palm over his mouth and kisses it so tenderly, a shock ripples through my entire body.

Heat flashes over my skin like rapid fire and shoots straight to my bones.

Oh, God.

I can handle the intense, dirty side of Aiden — sometimes — but I’m completely helpless in front of his soft side.

“You look fucking adorable when you’re shy.”

He lowers my hand and keeps it on his thigh, tucked in his like it’s his most prized possession.

Our fingers interlace. My smaller hand in his bigger one. My feminine fingers against his long, masculine ones.

I’m tempted to remove it, but I love the warmth too much. Besides, I’m still in shock from the way he kissed my palm.

I’m contemplating poking him to stir his ugly side just so I can prove his harsh part always wins. That his soft side is an illusion and a mindfuck.

“You weren’t shy before.” He tilts his head to the side. “You took and took without second thoughts.”

“I did not.”

“You did, too. I’m telling you, Child Elsa was hardcore.”

“God. I can’t believe you have dirty thoughts about a little girl.”

“You’re not a little girl anymore.”

“And you’re not a little boy.”

“No, I’m not. That’s why I get to fuck you.”

“Do you ever stop talking dirty?”

“Only when I fuck you dirty.”

The rumble of his voice sends sparks all over my skin and down to my core.

There’s something utterly masculine about his voice, all rough and deep and… dirty.

Yes, dirty. So fucking dirty.

I’m burning up, nearly boiling over at the image of that voice rumbling near my sensitive parts as he whispers crude things to me.

Wrong image for your resolve, Elsa.

“Can’t you stop?” I whisper.

“Not when it comes to you.”

“Yeah. Blame it on me.”

“I blame it on Child Elsa. She made me think of things I never thought about before.”

“Like what?”

“Like adult stuff. Told you, she was hardcore.”

“You’re putting words in my mouth just because I don’t remember.”

“Oh, you will remember. I can’t wait to see your expression when you do.”

“Dream on, dickhead.”

He chuckles, and the sound echoes around us like a melody. I want to reach for that sound, box it somewhere, and keep it for safekeeping.

For a moment, I just sit there, trapped, mesmerised as his features ease and his shoulders relax.

Now that I think about it, Aiden often relaxed around me. Whether it’s his sexual intensity, his maddening possessiveness, or his rare smiles and laughter.

He’s at ease with me.

And if I’m honest with myself, I’m at ease with him, too.

Before I can take my fill of his laugh, we arrive at the Meet Up.

Why couldn’t the distance be farther?

Cole’s Jeep is already parked in the driveaway. I leave my backpack in the car and follow Aiden up the steps.

“Why did Cole ask to meet us here?”

“Don’t know.”

I narrow my eyes. “You mean to tell me that you came without a plan?”

“I did have a plan.” He tilts his head in my direction. “Anything that involves having you by my side is the perfect plan.”

My temperature gets ten degrees hotter, but I clear my throat. “Did you spend the morning with Cole? Is that why you didn’t come to school?”

“I had a meeting with my consultant about Oxford.”



Aiden will go to Oxford. That piece of information has always been tucked into the back of my mind, but hearing it aloud makes it real and… final.

At the end of the year, Aiden and I will go in different directions, whether we like it or not.

The thought feels like stacking bricks at the bottom of my stomach one by each heavy one.

I’m dragging my feet by the time we’re inside the Meet Up.

“Not a word, Silver.” Cole’s steel tone cuts through the silence of the cottage. “I don’t want to hear your voice.”

“Screw you, Cole.”

Silver is here, too? How come Aiden didn’t mention that?

On the other hand, this should mean she’s not in danger from Adam.

Not that I should worry about her.

“What are you doing here, Queens?” Aiden barges inside without as much as making his presence known.

“Ask Cole,” she hisses. Which means Aiden didn’t know she’d be here.

I walk inside with careful steps. “Hey.”

“Elsa.” Cole smiles, but there’s no warmth behind it. It’s like he has to smile, but doesn’t want to. “Sit down. There’s something you need to know.”

I glance at Aiden with questions written all over my face. He lifts a shoulder and flops down beside me. His arm stretches on the back of the sofa, almost touching my skin, but not quite.

The fucking tease.

Silver sits opposite us in a chair. Her legs are tucked close together to the side. The paleness of her face has nothing to do with her skin complexions and more to do with a wild look in her gaze.

Cole stands beside her like a statue. Unmovable and cold.

If Cole is involved, this must be serious.

My limbs shake despite themselves. If Aiden still has something to do with Silver, I don’t know how I’ll react.

I’m barely holding on as it is. If Aiden breaks my trust one more time, I won’t survive. One thing’s for sure, I’ll destroy him with me. It’s only fair with how much he destroyed me.

“Tell them,” Cole orders. He flat out orders Silver as if she’s a small child.

I expect her to fight, to be her usual bitchy self, but she just remains quiet.

“If you don’t, I will,” Cole continues with frightening nonchalance. “Do you want them to hear my version?”

Silver visibly flinches as if she’s been slapped across the face.

“Get it over with, Queens.” Aiden’s impatience shows through his voice. “I don’t have all day.”

No idea if he’s oblivious to the tangible tension between the stepsiblings or he simply doesn’t care.

My bet is on the last.

When she lifts her head, her gaze instantly finds mine. “I don’t know why we keep getting involved, you and I.”


“This is my final warning,” Cole says. “Talk or I will.”

“Remember Adam?” she asks.

“Did he hurt you again?” I blurt and she winces.

Again,” Cole speaks so low it’s terrifying. “So it’s happened before, yes?”

Aiden’s arm falls on my shoulder, gripping me tight, cutting off my concentration on Cole and Silver.

My eyes slide to his, and I swallow at the tightness of his jaw.

Oh, boy. He’s not amused. At all.

“How do you know about that, sweetheart? Hmm?”

“He was bothering her in the car park; I stopped him.”

“You stopped him,” Aiden repeats with a calm, yet terrifying edge. “How did you stop him exactly?”

“I just threatened him with calling the principal and pepper spray.”

“You don’t have pepper spray.”

“He believed I did.” I pause. “What are you so agitated about?”

“What am I so agitated about?” His voice is clipped, firm, and authoritative. “Why do you fucking think? He could’ve taken both of you to God knows where in his state. Do you have no sense of self-preservation?”

“I only did what I thought was right. Okay?”

“Not okay. It’s not fucking okay to throw yourself in danger like that.”

I meet his glare with mine. Okay, fine, maybe standing up to a buff bloke like Adam wasn’t the smartest thing to do. But how can he expect me to just stand there while he clearly meant Silver harm?

A shudder goes through me at the thought of what he could’ve done to her.

Silver and I may not get along, but I don’t wish ill will upon my worst enemy.

I know trauma. I lived trauma. It invades your personal space, claws at your walls, climbs them, destroys them, and then dances on the remains.

That shit fucks you up for life.

“Very well, Silver. Very well.” Cole stares down at the top of her head, not sure if he wants to choke her or chop her head off. “Tell them why we’re here.”

Wait. Wasn’t it about Adam and that day?

“I only found out yesterday.” Silver fixes her already immaculate jacket and stares at her violet nails. “Adam came over and… well, he said a lot of shit.”

“Say it,” Cole urges — or more like he orders. I’ve never seen this side of Cole before.

“Adam said that…” She licks her dry lips. “He was the one who pushed Elsa in the pool.”

My eyes widen.

“He did, huh?” Aiden’s eyes almost turn black. Not sure if he’s surprised or merely calculating.

“Go on,” Cole urges. “Tell them why he did it.”

“He said he did it to get in my good graces, okay?” She meets my gaze. “I swear I had nothing to do with it. I only just found out myself. If I knew, I would’ve told you.”

I don’t know why, but I believe her.

Silver is malicious, but she’s not a criminal.

“But you knew Adam’s intentions,” Cole says with a neutral voice. “And apparently, you knew about them for a long time.”

“Cole —”

“Not a word.”

“Cole —”

“Go wait in the car.”

She throws her hands in the air and blows out a frustrated breath. “Come here, Silver. Go there, Silver. What do you think I am? Your fucking toy?”

He doesn’t move at her outburst and simply repeats. “Go wait in the car.”

She flips him off and storms towards the entrance then stops, meets my gaze and whispers, “I’m sorry.”

As soon as the door closes behind her, Cole fixates Aiden. “Let’s meet later.”

“I’ll get in touch.”

Cole nods once. “And Elsa?”

“Yeah?” I’m still too stunned by the revelation.

“She only learned this information yesterday. Don’t beat her up again.”

I wince at the reminder.

“Says the guy who watched while she was beaten to a pulp,” Aiden scoffs.

“She brought it on herself that time.” He smiles at me and strides out of the Meet Up.

A long breath heaves out of me. “I can’t believe Adam was the one who did it.”

“That daft fucker actually plotted something.” Aiden tilts his head, seeming deep in thought. That head of his must be filled with endless methods to inflict suffering and pain.

“How do you know he plotted it?”

“No one went into the pool after Van Doren. For some time, I thought maybe he was the one who pushed you. Now, I’m sure that Adam has been in the pool, and when you showed up, he seized the chance.”

“But Knox didn’t see him.”

“He must’ve hid somewhere. Under the stairs or in the lockers. There are no cameras there.”

Makes sense.

For a moment, we remain silent. I’m trying to soak up what happened and Aiden is probably plotting something sadistic.

After a while, I realise that with Cole and Silver gone, it’s only the two of us here.

I peek at him through my eyelashes. I expect him to be deep in thought, and he is, it’s just that his entire attention is zeroed in on me.

“What happens now?” I ask.

A wolfish smile tilts his lips. “Now is our time. We’ll do whatever you want.”

“What if I want to go home?”

“Then I’ll take you home.”

I eye him suspiciously. “Really?”

He grabs me by the arm and tugs. I land against his chest, arm wrapped around his midsection.

“Later. I’ll drive you home later.”

“Aiden!” I start to get up.

“Stay,” he murmurs, eyes closing. “Just for a moment.”

Protests are about to spill free from my mouth, but I say nothing. My ear lands against his calming heartbeat and I do as he asks.

I stay.

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