Chapter 29


It’s been almost two weeks since I’ve seen, much less heard from Dev. For some reason, today, more than any of the other of the preceding thirteen days, has left me with an incredible feeling of unease. I had no idea why, but I felt it, lingering like a dark cloud swiftly approaching over the horizon of my so-called existence. During this time, random attacks had become more frequent amongst the werewolf packs, witch’s covens, and vampire clans alike. Shay and Astrid were still away dealing with their own Coven’s duties, and Michael remained over at the Dark Crescent Pack. Aiden tried to spend as much time as he had available with me, but he needed to man the helm of his own pack as acting commander in Dev’s presence with the rise of random attacks.

During this time, however, I found a new friendship forming with Lord Danesh. It seemed that with the attacks on the Vampire Clans, our Queen had directed all council members to contact the echelons of each territory to increase security within the areas. I was not considered amongst the higher-ups within my territory, but Lord Danesh surprisingly decided to contact me as well. To say I was shocked would have been putting it mildly. I had always thought that the enigmatic Lord Danesh disapproved of me; at least that’s how it ever appeared during the handful of times Jareth, and I had the pleasure of his company in our home. To be honest, he always looked like he smelled a really atrocious fart whenever I would approach him so, during his visits in the past, I tended to feign fatigue and retreated to my room.

His past behavior was why it was so surprising that he called me not once but rather almost every other day since Dev’s departure. Lord Danesh’s reason behind such an unexpected gesture was because I was his fallen brother, Jareth’s Beloved. He simply stated that it was his duty to look after his once close friend and confidant’s widowed mate. I was definitely apprehensive at first, but as I said, we’ve talked and skyped quite a few times as of late, and I was actually beginning to see him as a possible mentor and confidant. I didn’t even have any vampire friends after Jareth’s death, so it was a welcome relationship.

During our most recent call this afternoon, Lord Danesh managed to divulge some somewhat disconcerting information regarding the random incursions on Packs, Covens, and Clans occurring across the globe. It appears that there is one anomaly that makes absolutely no sense. Out of all the random strikes, not one of them had occurred on my own territory. We had been free from any aggressive acts on our lands since the chaos first started. Not that I’m upset about it but let’s be honest, why avoid this territory?

It made absolutely no sense.



I woke up in my hotel room, lying on the bed with my head propped up with several pillows in nothing but my boxers. My head was fucking killing me.

What the fuck happened?

How did I get here?

I shook my head, trying to clear the fog rolling around in there, but the only thing I could actually decipher was that I was horny as fuck.

No lie, I was rock-hard.

A noise from the bathroom broke my confusion. I was ready to get up when I realized that my arms were bound with something strong enough to detain me. Seconds later, the bathroom door opened up, and out stepped the one person I didn’t think would have the actual guts to appear in front of me.


She stood in the door’s archway as her eyes took inventory of my body. She swirled the glass of white wine in her hand and gulped down the remaining pale colored liquid before she reached back and set the empty glass atop what I could only assume was the vanity.

The way she looked now, I could only guess, was more to her true authentic appearance. Her long tresses were now colored black, and her green eyes no longer held their brilliant emerald hue.

I eyed her long, lean body sheathed in a khaki-colored trench coat and a pair of red patent leather stilettos.

“Surprise, baby! Miss me?”

“What the Fuck, Dasha?”

“Oh, baby, I know, I know. We broke up a while ago, but I just knew that your little whore wasn’t going to be able to keep you satisfied as I can, so I decided to grace you with my presence.”

Fuck she looked good.

My dick throbbed.

Wait … What?!

A small chuckle escaped her lips as she noticed the large tent fully displayed for all to see beneath the thin cotton fabric of my boxers.

“What the fuck did you do to me?”

“Not much, actually. I mean, I already knew you wanted me. I just used a little something to turn the heat up so that it’s easier for you to succumb to your truest desires.”

I can’t believe this shit! She actually did something to spur on a fucking heat … in me! Contrary to popular belief, female wolves aren’t the only ones that suffer through the heat. Au contraire, my friend. We males also have our own. The difference between the two is that the heat takes a physical toll for females, while for males, it’s completely mental. I suppose most would think, wow, who am I to complain about only mental pain. Well, trust me when I say it’s still a pain in the ass.

For unmarked males, we suddenly revert to our primal animal instincts, mating. It doesn’t matter who with as long as we get rid of the hungry release that drives our testosterone-filled libidos into a frenzy the likes of a sexually driven rabid beast. Worse yet, being an Alpha, my own heat is many times more intense.

Currently, I am fighting my damndest not to succumb to it. It’s just really, really, REALLY hard. To put it bluntly, picture a four-engine plane gliding freely through the sky, not a care in the world. That’s how most of us usually are. Now imagine that same jumbo jet running on only one engine that’s starting to overheat towards combustible levels.

That would be me at the moment.

Any minute now, my last engine is going to blow, sending me and any last bit of resolve I have into a fast and fiery downward spiral, ready to crash and burn into the scorching pits of no return.

The fact that once again, she managed to entangle me into her grasp just behooves me to no end.

Goddess, I really fucking hate her.


“I can’t believe you fucking drugged me. Oh, wait, of course, I can. It’s you. And despite whatever delusions you may have, you know damn well I don’t want you. You know that the only thing I feel for your pathetic ass is contempt. You poisonous snake!” I hissed.

Of course, Dasha being Dasha rolled her eyes at me and snickered.

“Well, baby, that sinfully large bulge you’re sporting says otherwise.”

“Stay the fuck away from me.” I tried to pull at my bindings, but to no avail, then let out a low growl as a warning.

“You know, it’s so much easier if you just give in, Dev. Sooner or later, your heat will win out anyway. May as well sit back and enjoy the ride.”

I glared at her, but my arousal was kicking into overdrive.

She casually strolled over to where I was lying and sat beside me. Once again eyeing my protruding bulge as a smile spread across her deep red glossed lips.

Lips …

Lips that I wanted to hear screaming …

As I pounded my cock deep inside of her.





Over again.

What the hell is wrong with me? I shook my head again, trying to shake the wicked thoughts running amuck in my brain.

I tried to contact my wolf through my mind link, hoping that there was some way he could help us out of this incredibly precarious situation.



Do you have anything that could help us out of here, buddy?

No. I have nothing, and honestly, I don’t feel so good, Devon. I tried to reach out to the others, and I’m blocked out too. I don’t know what that whore did to us, but I’m just so weak right now. Can you try and get through to them?

I tried to open my mind up and link Toby and Derrick.

Yep … absolutely nothing.

Well Shit.

A tsunami of heat and lust trailed a blaze of arousal coursing throughout my body, sending shivers up and down my spine. My steel rod tremored in need of contact.

Goddess, I was so fucking horny. I just needed some kind of release.

I felt a shifting beside me and heard the crinkling of a wrapper being opened.

I knew that sound—condom wrapper.

I moaned.

Another giggle filled the room, reminding me I wasn’t alone.

She could alleviate my discomfort easily.

So easily.

A well-manicured hand slowly began rubbing me, eliciting a moan from my lips.

NO! I can’t do this.

I wanted to think of something, ANYTHING, to get my mind off how much I enjoyed this. I clenched my fists once again, attempting to free myself from my constraints.

“Oh, baby. I love how you’re trying to fight this. Fight us. Too bad your mouthwatering cock says otherwise. I always knew how to tame the beast.”

I growled, but it came out as more of a moan.


Dasha’s smirk only grew wider.

“Now, now, Devon. As much as I’d love to jump on that bad boy, first things first. As they say, business before pleasure. Although it’ll be pleasurable for you, either way, my pet.”

Confused, I looked at her and noticed that she had the unwrapped condom ready to use in her hand. Slowly, she lowered the front of my boxers down, releasing my throbbing hard-on from its confines, making it spring forward excitedly. Lust filled her eyes as she maintained her eye contact with me while she slowly rolled the latex material all the way down my shaft.

I moaned again in anticipation.

Her soft hand gripped me tightly and then began pumping the stiff timber between my legs.

Up and down.

Up and down.

Her movements began slowly; then, she sped up her motions, creating more friction while her fingers teasingly massaged my sack.

“F-fuck … that feels … s-so good.” I groaned breathlessly.

My head leaned back into the pillows as I began panting.

“Of course it does, baby. I told you. I know how to tame the beast.” She chuckled.

Soon enough, I felt myself building to a crescendo of euphoric pleasure, and within minutes I felt a sweet release as my seed began propelling into its rubber containment.

I was breathless and shocked.

I couldn’t believe that I did that.

Sweat began to trickle down my forehead as I once again tried to clear my thoughts. It was painfully clear; I wasn’t thinking right.

But fuck, it felt so good.

Dasha gently removed my used condom and stood up. She grabbed a plastic baggie from her pocket, placed the filled condom carefully inside, and then sealed the little baggie while smiling.

A knock on the door broke her out of her reverie. Bewildered, I watched her walk over to the hotel room’s plain white door and let someone inside.

It was that Omega; she looked at me and smirked.

I growled at her forcing her to lower her head in submission.


Dasha gently grabbed the girl’s chin to look at her face.

“Don’t let him intimidate you, baby girl. He’s totally harmless right now. Trust me, all bark no bite.”

“K. Are you almost done? I miss you.”

“I miss you too, baby girl. I won’t be too long. I promise.”

Dasha then grabbed the girl by her hair, pulling her towards herself. Their lips crashed into each other hungrily. One of Dasha’s hands slowly began kneading the girl’s breasts while the other slipped inside the girl’s jeans’ waistband, causing a guttural moan to be released from her mouth.

Fuck I was hard again.




Dasha glanced over at me and smirked. She pulled her hand out of the girl’s pants and licked her fingers seductively.

Returning her attention to the little Omega, Dasha placed the bagged condom in her hand.

What the hell?

“Now. Take this back home and be very, very careful with it.”


“And Maricela?”

“Yes, Dasha.”

“When you’re done dropping that off, why don’t you go ahead and have a little fun with the boys while you wait for me.”

“Yes, Dasha.”

“But remember Maricela …” Dasha reached over and grabbed onto the girl’s throat, “No one, and I mean NO ONE, gets to taste you. That pleasure is reserved for me and me alone.”

Dasha released her from her tight grip and placed a chaste kiss on the girl’s flushed cheek.

The girl nodded her head and bit her lower lip. Seconds later, she made her way out of the room.

Dasha turned around and noticed that I was once again sporting another raging hard-on.

A colossal wave of lust overpowered my senses like a supernova wiping everything out in its wake. As if sensing it too, that shit-eating grin of hers made its appearance yet again.

Slowly she removed the trench coat she had been wearing, revealing her naked body.

I was so screwed.

That little bird named logic took a crap on my head then flew right out the window laughing its feathered ass off.

If I were a computer, my operating system was officially corrupted by a very, very nasty virus.

I closed my eyes. One last pathetic attempt to calm myself down. Too bad my keen senses caught a whiff of her aroused sex, causing them to reopen and land directly back onto Dasha’s naked svelte body.

My hazy eyes surveyed her silky bare physique. I hungrily stared at her round, firm beaded breasts, then stopped at the place right between her thighs. I licked my lips, wanting a taste.

My cock throbbed.

I needed to fuck her.


I needed to pound into her until she couldn’t walk!

DEVON NO! Something is wrong. You can’t do this. You can’t hurt, mate! Fight it, you Idiot!

I wanted to. I really did. But Goddess, I couldn’t take my eyes off of the sultry vixen making her way over to me.


Fuck … I just needed to be buried inside her. I needed to hear her screaming my name as she was writhing under me.

I needed my sweet release.

She slowly climbed onto the bed, straddling me. She held her body high enough that her hot, slick core was directly above me. She then leaned over slowly, making sure her light brown pebbled nipples grazed my parted lips while she removed the ties that bound my wrists. Once I was free, she slowly eased herself directly onto my rock-hard cock.

I moaned with the sweet feel of her moist warmth encasing me.


I could hear Slade yelling at me inside my head, but I didn’t want to listen. I couldn’t. This felt so good.

Too damn good.

I found myself bucking up, meeting her wild rhythmic movement on top of me.

I just couldn’t stop.


I cut my link with Slade. My last voice of reason. My last bit of rationality.

I succumbed to the burning heat of my desires over and over again.


When I woke up in the morning, I felt like my brain and body were completely demolished. I sat up, gripping my head, trying to make the pounding of my headache subside even just a little.

I took inventory of the bed I lay in. It was utterly destroyed.

The harsh memories of last night’s events bombarded my head. They played the ugly truth with very vivid images of every nasty position and way that I repeatedly fucked that conniving bitch. I remembered everything that happened, much to my own dismay. I wiped my hands down my face in frustration. I felt disgusted with myself.

You should!

And obviously, Slade wasn’t’ so happy with me either.

Fuck you, Devon. You pathetic piece of shit! You cheated on our mate. You let some skanky ass whore overpower you because you couldn’t stop thinking with your dick!

I didn’t mean to Slade. She drugged me and brought on my heat. I couldn’t stop it.

NO! You could have. You should have. You didn’t. I know you. If you wanted to, you could have, but you let your little tantrum with mate get the best of your loyalties. You disgust me!

Slade, that’s not … you know what, no. I don’t even need to justify this to you. I COULDN’T FIGHT IT, AND THAT’S THE FUCKING TRUTH!

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

And with that, Slade cut the link blocking himself off from talking to me.

I slowly got up from the bed and grimaced one more time as I made my way to the bathroom to try and wash off the filth from last night’s events. When I walked into the bathroom, I noticed Dasha had to make sure that she hammered the nail into my shame coffin a little more by leaving a short message on the bathroom mirror in red lipstick.




My fist immediately collided with the mirror sending shards of glass onto the cold marble countertop.

She was wrong.

It was the drug and only the fucking drug.

The next time I see her, I will kill her.

As far as I’m concerned, this NEVER happened.

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