Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 5: The Library

As Fenris and I traverse the hallway, it becomes quieter the deeper in we go. I peer all around me, still examining everything that catches my eye. For some strange reason, my mind slips back to the first time I visited the Estate. I remember Mom showed me around what was to become my future home. Everything was so new and each step felt an adventure.

I sigh quietly, instinctively running my finger across the walls, feeling each and every crevasse and bump within the wood paneling. Whether it’s from my old life or in my new, this will always be something that helps me ease my mind. Just feeling the house run across my fingers.

I look, again still amazed at how well-preserved and maintained the centuries old interior is. Then I remember Orga telling me that the Outpost is always maintained if ever the need arose for its use. I smile; well…I’m now using it.

“We sure have come a long way from fleeing Estate,” I start. “Haven’t we?”

Fenris bobs his massive head, “That we have, little Aria. You have also matured much since then as well.” He then peers over to me, “However I, like your mother, wished you could have lived longer as a child. Simply enjoying your life.”

I sigh, nodding. “I think that all began the day after you and I returned from Japan last spring. How this all started when Regulus revealed my lineage and shattered my reclusiveness.” I peer down the hallway, “Sometimes I get strange vibes that I’ve been fighting in a war. With battles and causalities.”

I feel Fenris’ tail wrapping around my waist, squeezing me tightly. “You did inform Miriam to go to war when you spoke to her, in a manner of speaking.

I smirk, nodding, “I did, but the more I think about it, I think this war started a long time ago. Regulus fired the first few shots when he tried to kill me a couple years ago, and then leaked my existence to the court. That produced Beltrok and Irina. And then again when he murdered my birth family.”

Those events then spiraled years later when he resurrected my birthmother, revealed my lineage to the Court, further inflaming the hatred of Drakthul and Laevatain. I swear under my breath, fighting Lana and Mistral last July.

I sigh heavily, recalling my fight with Diana after Regulus wanted to murder and bring me back in order to steal the Xur’canah. After that all failed, he enticed covens into attacking us, resulting in fleeing my home. The image of my mother growing smaller as I fly away from her slips back into the forefront of my mind. Just reliving that moment makes my heart run cold.

We then spent the next month and a half with Jon and Evie Parkston and their kids. It was peaceful, yet arduous for me. My nightmares returned, keeping me up at night. I was in so much pain.

I gradually stabilized and settled somewhat, only for Edtrich to locate me and I had to flee again. Over the next few days we ran from other covens and law enforcement, who arrived to arrest my knights for the bogus charge of kidnapping me.

That’s how I reunited when Marron. After a long battle we finally were able to reconcile everything between us and that’s how she joined us. We had one last battle, which really was more of us being tracked down and ambushed by Diana. I cling tightly to my bag, knowing my broken swords lie within, having gotten that way due to her.

Well after that, I created a fairy road while in the midst of battle. Something I know Mom would be really proud of me for doing. But instead of traveling to Seattle which was the plan, Diana launched a spell which knocked me into it and we ended up in Japan two and half months later. Not saying it was a bad thing. My time back in Ashogihaga was sorely needed and gratefully welcomed.

I hold my arms tightly, digging my fingers deeply into my long sleeves. “I can’t count how many times I just want to go home and forget all of this crap I’ve had to deal with,” I say, feeling my chest thumping harder.

Fenris steps in front of me, pressing his massive head into mine. “I too wish the same for my little girl.”

I smile, reaching up and cling to his mane. “I really am your daughter aren’t I? I know I’ve asked this a few times.”

The wolf gently bobs his head against mine, smiling softly. “You have been since the night you and I bonded together.” I cling tighter to his fur, nuzzling his face. “However, you have belonged to your mother long before you and I met.”

I grin, feeling my heart thumping even more, yet lets out a sigh. “I still miss her, Fenris.”

I know that you do, my Little Aria,” he replies softly. “I also know that while the storm in your heart has settled, you still cry out for her in your sleep.”

My fingers softly stroke his fur. “She’s my mom. I still look up pictures of her and everyone on my phone.” I then smirk, “Guess I’ve really changed a lot over these last few years, haven’t I?”

You are who you are now, little Aria,” he says gently.

It’s still hard to believe I used to be someone else. He’s right though, I am who I am. Reborn as a little girl. I smirk, “You’re right, Papa Wolf.”

Fenris pulls back, smiling to me. His eyes softly shimmer as he gazes into mine. I smile, kissing him on the nose. Yep, I love this wolf. Father, partner, companion, so many things he is to me. We each nod and continue down hallway.

We soon come upon a pair of large, wooden double doors. The smell of books emanates from the other side. A grin stretches across my face. Yep, found the library. I giggle to myself. God, I really am a bookworm. I pull down the latch, hearing it click, and push open the door.

We step in and are immediately greeted with whoosh of air. The strong smell of books is even greater than before. Books upon books rest upon numerous shelves, all resting against walls.

From the front door alone we slip into a tunnel of bookcases. The tunnel splits off at places, feeling somewhat like a maze. I smile, strumming my hand against the leather bindings, feeling them roll over my fingers. I truly am loving this place more and more.

I peer up at several of the books, seeing numerous titles I’ve never heard of. Even during my exhaustively long sessions in the library at home, and even access to the Loreian Order, there were just so many I didn’t recognize. Heh, this really is going to be fun.

I slip out of the tunnel, still following a bright light, and into a large open area, discovering not only more bookcases, but in fact the library possesses a second level. It too is filled with more books.

Light filters in from windows on the second level. Its soft white showers the room. Across from me is yet another tunnel, going under the second level. I grin, thinking I’ve never seen a library like this before.

The large study is filled with tables and chairs. I pan over to see a large fireplace against the wall, no couches, none that I could see at least. Regardless of that, it too feels like home. I step over to a table, streaking my fingers against the wood.

I step over to another bookcase and pull one down a random book and open it. My heart sinks as I discover the text is written in Alcoran, recognizing it from the Xur’canah. “Professor, do you think you could help me with finding a book on Alcoran?” I ask, thinking he might help me.

I look up, only to I swear under my breath. “He’s not here, Aria,” I whisper gently, closing the book and placing it back onto the shelf.

Mom never really did teach me the language, nor did she leave anything on the lesson stone she gave me. I shake my head and move on, slipping into the adjacent tunnel. I look back at Fenris, smiling as he finds a place in the sun to lie down.

I soon find books written in Elven, Dragonic, and even one in Mer. The last one really surprises me. I grin, thinking of the gossip. I really hope their staying safe in Nerazon. No doubt Savero is still protecting them. I miss them all so very much.

Huh, maybe I’ll write them another letter later on, just to keep them up to date with me. I grin, perhaps even adding in a picture of Marron, Kateryna, and me in our kimonos. That would really get the girls riled up.

I continue to smile as I start to bring them back to the main area. A book slips in my hand as I walk, turning me around and getting me lost for a moment. I sigh and then look up, seeing the light filtering in from the study. I stand up and head towards it.

I place the books onto the table along with my bag, opening up a couple and begin reading them. The books were on a couple different topics, ranging from history to language studies. I smile as I pour through the books, with some being in Dragonic, Elven and even Italian.

I smirk, thinking it couldn’t hurt to have a refresher on either of the three, given how I haven’t spoken them in months. I smile, feeling my fingers turn each page. The scent of ancient paper filling my nose is relaxing.

Aria…dear little Aria.”

I hear a voice calling out to me. Only this time it’s clearer and stronger than last night.

Come, daughter of the lost family,” it continues.

The voice echoes loudly within my ear, causing me to go into a daze. Normally I’d be able to block out or even ignore such things, but whoever this voice belongs seems to be able to override my defenses. It's not intrusive or malicious, say like a mental assault.

No…this feels…calmer, gentle, inviting. It really does sound like a grandfather calling to me. One I never knew I had, yet all the same beckons me to come.

Come and find which is missing. Come, dear Aria.”

I slowly rise from my chair, grabbing my bag. My trance deepens, losing all senses expect for hearing the voice. I turn and walk towards the wall that was behind me. Even in my entranced state, I soon discover an archway that I definitely know wasn’t there before. I slowly walk towards it, feeling drawn to it.

I stand before the archway; its features are similar to Corinthian columns, capped near the top with a plainer looking arch, like two I-beams meeting together. My hand moves over the stone archway.

My mind then slips deeper into the trance, feeling the urge to pull out the Xur’canah. It pulses within my hand, feeling not unlike a heartbeat, soothing and stable. I soon realize that it’s resonating with my own heart, both beating as one.

I raise the lantern and hold it over the arch. The pulses increase, finding a notch within the right-hand pillar. I then insert it into the notch, hearing it click into place.

Now, turn it. Open the door, Little Aria.”

Again, hearing a voice in my head, telling me to do something. Not even close to being a normal thing. Yet here I am.

I turn the lantern clockwise, once more hearing it click. A soft glow emanates from the archway, forming into a portal.

Now come, dear Aria. Come.”

I pull out the Xur’canah, and start to step through the portal. My mind is still buried deeply within the trance as I walk.

Aria,” another voice pierces through the fog. It’s low, soft, trying desperately to call out to me. It sounds like Fenris’, only muffled.

I take another step, finally crossing the threshold.


Fenris’ voice is even stronger now, finally breaking through the trance, but not before I take the last step over the threshold, and slipping into the portal.

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