Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 31: Uncertainties

A few of days have passed since the incident at Court.

I haven’t even left the estate as a result, not even to go for a run through the forest. The city is abuzz with rumors of the fox spirit being sighted. Hearing tales and whispers of what the spirits are thinking of the empire and its people.

The rumors then turn towards the sighting of a black wolf. People whisper of what it means, of what change will be coming to the city.

I simply rest on a couch within the solarium, reading one of many books Serasfall gave to me to read and report on. I should be grateful it’s not Tivershmesh again. That would be borderline cruel and unusual punishment to deal with that series again.

I sigh as I flip through a page, feeling the sun resting warmly on my neck. My bare feet hug close me as my tails swish softly against the cushions. I peer down to see a pair of sleeping masses curled up within my tails. I smile, reaching and stroking Nelly and Leto.

Fenris and Athena both went out hunting earlier and probably won’t be back until later tonight. I still blush as I think of Athena being like Fenris, feeling like she’s also becoming like a parent to me.

When Serasfall and I got home, Celes quickly ran to me and scolded me heavily for my actions at Court. Basically echoing her mother and Rhea. However, she also thanked me profusely for saving everyone and ending the situation. When I explained to both of them what happened, they stood in awe as I recounted my plan.

Needless-to-say, I still was punished in the end. In other words…I was grounded, or least this era’s version. So I turned to studying books, and was given reports to complete.

When I turn another page, my thoughts turn to the feeling I had back in the gardens. I felt something wrapping around my heart while I was with Athena. It’s the same feeling I had with Fenris the night he appeared to me, feeling our hearts beating together. However at the same time it’s different, while still the same.

I’m just not sure.

My ears flick back as I hear the door slowly open. I look over to see Serasfall and Rhea walking in. The former smiles, softly stepping over to me with her bonded hopping to the other side. “I figured you would be in one of three places this day. Be that either the library, the study, or lastly here.”

I grin timidly, “Well…I needed somewhere quiet and open.” I keep my voice low so not to wake up the pups.

Serasfall nods and then looks over to the mountain of papers stacked on the table next to me. “Your room is slowly being filled with everything you’ve written since your arrival.”

I giggle, “I’m ever the consummate student, always taking notes.” If you think this is bad, you should see my room back home. Mom had to add a third bookcase just to house everything.

She smiles, rounding the couch and handing me a crystal tablet. I tilt my head as I examine it. It’s no bigger than an IPad, but with rounded edges and small dark boxes on each corner. I look up to her.

“This is known as an Orkona,” she says. “This will allow you to transfer all of you have written and store them within.” I nod slowly as I hold it. I peer over and find a long thin dark rod. Curiously I pull on it, discovering that it can come off.

She smiles, “You can also write into it and draw upon the information similar to a lesson stone.”

I smile tapping on the tablet, watching it glow a soft blue and write down a few words. I giggle, looking up to her, “Thank you.” This is going to be such a massive boon for me.

“You are welcome, my dear. All students within the city are required to possess one for school,” she continues. I nod slowly, so Veylana uses this as well.

Serasfall then lightly taps on the couch. I nod and scoot forward a little to allow her sit on the couch with me. Again I’m careful to not wake the sleeping pups. She then pulls me into her, holding me tightly to her.

I blush softly as she strokes my hair. I breathe in slowly, taking in her scent. It’s soft and subtle, smelling of coriander and roses. Do all mothers smell of flowers? I know my birthmother didn’t, only of really bad perfume.

She hums softly, not to music, but merely to have her body rumble against mine. It’s soothing and again makes me want to melt into her.

“I still wish to thank you for the other day,” she says softly. I smile softly, only then to slump into her.

She looks to me, “What is wrong, my girl?”

I sigh softly, stroking a sleeping Leto. “Is Celes growing jealous of how close Athena and I are becoming? Athena is really affectionate towards me, and I’m worried about that.”

She smiles, feeling her kiss the top of my head. “Your sister loves you regardless of this,” she says. “She will never become jealous because her bonded loves you dearly as well. We are family, my beloved girl.” I blush even more, knowing this is true.

She then chuckles, “Now I will say your sister loves the idea of having yet another child running through this house after so long. For you are a child.”

I nod slowly, wrapping a tail around her. I sigh softly as I lay against her. My thoughts then turn back towards the question I asked myself before she came in.

“Is it possible for a wolf to be bonded to more than one person?”

She holds me closer to her, “It is possible, although highly rare.” I feel her twirling my hair, “Has Athena bonded with you?”

I stare out the windows and into the endless skies beyond. I swish my tails, trying to order my thoughts. “I don’t know…at least not now.”

She nods, stroking my hair.

Rhea leans in and presses her nose to my cheek. I giggle softly as her cold wet nose moves softly against it. She smiles to me, wrapping one of her tails around one of mine. I reach over and stroke her face.

“Thank you, Rhea.”

She groans softly. “I am happy my daughter loves you as her own. The same is said between her and your father, little Aria.” She then nuzzles my face with side of hers. “I am proud that you are here with us.”

I giggle softly, nuzzling hers in return. “When we were in the gardens, I overheard people calling me a ‘child of the wolves’.”

Serasfall grins, “What they said is true, my dear.” She continues to hold me. “You are a child of the wolves. With several looking over you as their own.”

I smile, nodding. I look down, feeling both pups shifting slightly within their makeshift beds.

Serasfall then peers down to see something resting on my chest. “That is a rather lovely necklace.”

I smile, looking down and rolling it between my fingers. “This was the first gift my mother ever gave me.” I peer softly at the crystal, “The moment I put it on, I became hers. However it was slowly over the first year with her.”

She smiles, “It truly is a wonderful artifact. It even compliments your eyes.”

I giggle softly as I stare at it. Thanks Mom, I will always be grateful you sent this to me.

I lay back onto my chest, “It’s also the only piece jewelry I’ll ever wear.” I smirk, “Even when I’ve had a couple guys try and court me, sending me gifts. One I really don’t care for, partly due to his family, the other part being he’s not really my type at all.” Not to mention way older than me.

“The other I actually talked to and he became my brother,” I end.

She smiles, “Well I can’t fault you for being able to choose your suitors, my dear, especially in your era.”

I shrug softly. She chuckles.

I think again of Kenji. It’s been over a month since I last saw him and I do miss him.

Serasfall then sighs, holding me close. “I still have not found a method of sending you and Fenris home.”

I nod solemnly. I’m not angry or disappointed in her. Quite the opposite in fact. I do have the ability to adapt to my surroundings as Celes pointed out to me.

In a short time I have settled into a routine, become close to new family, have come to enjoy the city I’m in. These are all hallmarks of me simply not letting it get to me. Although I do still think of home.

“However,” she adds, “I have discovered little clues that could be of help. Nothing concrete as of now.”

My ears perk up, looking to her.

She smiles, “Your great-great grandfather, and I do emphasize that he is.”

I giggle softly, nodding. I know what she’s doing, reinforcing the notion that my family here is my current and immediate family. It’s to make me feel more at home and a part of theirs.

“As it turns out,” she continues, “he conducted research into time magic. Nothing nefarious, for he was obsessed with history. He always desired to learn more of it, if not more.”

I grin, I’m liking this guy.

She nods, “The problem is that his notes are vague and the details on his research are sparse at best. Hence why it has taken me this long to find anything of substance.”

I nod softly, sighing. Again I don’t blame her. But it is still something. So as before I’ll let her deal with it. She’s also been dealing with other things around the estate, as well as teaching me. Heh, not to mention dealing with me for over the past month.

My ears flick again as I hear more footsteps. I pan over towards the door to see Celes walking in. She smiles, stepping in front of the couch, as Rhea backs away, and kneels down, stroking my face.

“Hello Nei’shy.”

I giggle, blushing softly. I then feel Serasfall squeezing me tightly. I smile up to her, with her doing the same in return. I feel her hand once more stroking gently over my long hair.

She then clicks her tongue. “With everything I have taught you, my dear,” she starts, “there is one aspect I have not yet touched upon.”

I look up at her, tilting my head slightly in confusion.

She smiles, “That would be your magic training. I have only seen minor glimpses of your prowess, along with your tale of what occurred the other day. I must admit to have been in awe in your description. Truly magnificent, able to quickly devise a multiple-tier plan in mere moments, including contingencies.”

I giggle softly. It really was a good plan, although a tricky one that I managed to pull off without a hitch. I made sure nothing was left for Laevatain or Nethune to examine.

Celes smiles, “I agree with Mother. The day we went on our errand, I sensed a deep wellspring within you during our encounter with Selene. You hid it well. However I can feel your immense power.”

I nod. It still was shocking when we ran into her that first day. I nearly unleashed everything I had against the woman, but bit it back and buried it.

I smile, looking to Serasfall. “So when do you want to start?”

“Tomorrow,” she says. “You have the rest of this day for your punishment. While what you did was heroic, it was still reckless.”

I sigh, nodding. Yeah…I know.

Both women then lean in and hug me tightly. I blush as they press their bodies against my tiny frame. I nearly melt at this, wanting to wish nothing else existed, not even the fact that I’m from the future. Simply being a part of this family, no…being of it and from it.

“My little girl,” says Serasfall.

“My most beloved younger sister,” adds Celes.

I giggle softly, again nearly wanting those fantasies to be real. To just slide into it and forget everything else.

Serasfall then plants a kiss onto the top of my head and gently slides out from behind me. Celes then quickly takes her place, holding me close to her. My ears then flick again as a servant walks into the solarium. I peer over to see her talking with Serasfall for a moment, carrying a stack of papers and scrolls. The matriarch nods and takes them over to a desk and begins reading and examining them.

I smile as I lean back into Celes and return to my book. Celes also opens a book and reads it. I peer at each of them, feeling as though both are my real mother and sister. My heart wants to believe that this is just a normal day for us, being together as though again I was born to this family. Celes already feels like my real sister, and again not only because of blood, but more.

With Serasfall on the other hand…while I really have and do see her as a mother, I can’t truly cross that line. My eyes duck away slightly. I know my mom is gone, but what would it mean if I were to say that Serasfall is now my mother? It’s only been over a month. I blink softly, thinking if I were to go down that path it’ll be like I’m betraying my mother by quickly replacing her in my heart with another.

It took me three months to view Rachel Rivenfeld like a mother, and only after the death of my birthmother for her to fully take her place. I just can’t slip into that, not so soon and not feel like I must latch onto someone for parental love.

I twiddle over a page, thinking of my mother. She was, no…is, a pillar, a paragon in my life. A person I truly came to love and admire. She is who I model myself after and strives to be when I become older. Granted I am still a kid after all. So I have time to grow into a person like her.

I look to the pups as they shift once more on the couch. Rhea smiles as she watches them, giving each a soft lick with her tongue. They whine softly before settling back down. The mother wolf then looks to me and smiles before quietly walking over to Serasfall.

I smile, and then place my book onto my chest before pulling out my phone. I turn it on and start scroll through my pictures. Images of friends, both coven and yokai come into view. My smile widens with each new image.

“Are these your yokai aunts?” asks Celes as I scroll onto a picture of Yukari and Asha.

I grin, “Yep. I spent two and half months with them last spring.”

I then hold for a moment as an image of Orga and Kateryna comes into view. It was taken New Year’s Eve during our visit to the shrine. I grin as the elf simply looked incredible in her kimono. I nod slightly before moving on.

Pictures of Velhemina and Silvi pop into view. I ignore the pull to recall my final moments with them, focusing only on the good memories. I know I have more videos of them both, something to pull from if I need to if I want to hear their voices.

I scroll through images of my mother, either being in parlor or in her room. I grin as I recall playing the violin in the parlor as she played on the piano. I giggle to myself as the song replays in my mind.

As I scroll through more my speed slightly increases.

“Would you stop here for a moment?” asks Celes as an image of Marron appears.

I nod and hold it there it.

“Is this your sister in the future?” she adds.

I smile as I nod. My big sister, the first person I met from my new world. She was also my first teacher in how to be a girl. I truly love my older sister.

Celes sits in silence and then glances at her mother.

I scroll through a few more, thinking of the stories behind each picture. I blush when I find one of Kenji, who I know catches the eye of my sister as she holds me before stashing my phone away and pick back up my book.

After dinner, I spend the rest of the night transferring all of the notes and papers I’ve written since Serasfall first started teaching me to the Orkona. The process is actually pretty easy, simply hold the tablet over the paper and it records it. It’s the exact same process an electronic table does in the future. I grin as I speed through each paper.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.