Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 25: Cementing bonds

I wander around the estate, feeling the still chilly wind blow around me, whipping up my hair. I blush slightly as it also catches my skirt. I smile however, while wearing a short skirt; I also have on long black tights. Serasfall not only had my original clothes washed, but also had several more pairs of leggings made for me.

My attire is a bit more what in my time call, causal fantasy. In fact, the design of my outfit is very similar to Adeltrud Walter from Knights and Magic, while the boots are my original ones. I smile, loving several of the outfits both Serasfall and Celestine have given me.

I sigh, letting some of my joy slip away. Today I chose to take a break from everything, be it studying or training. I simply have way too much on my mind that I’ve frankly been pushing aside for too long. So I decided to go out onto the estate and let my mind wander.

Beside me I see a literal wall of dark fur. I smile reaching over and clinging to Fenris. He smiles to me as we walk to together. Several of the adult wolves left about an hour ago, leaving only a handful here.

The pups are also on the other side of the estate. I grin, hearing their distant barks. Tonight, as it’s become normal, they’ll be spending the night with me.

I look up to him. “How come you didn’t go hunting with the others?”

He smiles, craning his head to me. “I will go later, my little Aria. For now, my place is by your side. For I know you are lost in thought.”

I nod, placing my arms around my back. I needed a day to think, and the weather is perfect for that.

He smiles to me, “I know you are worried, daughter.”

I sigh, nodding, “I am, but what about you? What’s your opinion on our time here?”

He nudges my face, “I am doing fine, Aria. You need not worry for me. We are strong and I am sure a way home will emerge. I also know you have been patient if not allowed yourself to push your worries aside.”

I nod, stroking his fur.

As your father,” he continues, “my first concern is you, as it always has been.”

I smile and nod, but again replay my thoughts and questions over and over in my mind.

We walk for a few minutes until I find a bench overlooking the forest. I sit down and stare outwards. Sun is slowly dying in the west, causing the sky to become ablaze with ambers and golds as clouds roll gently overhead. The forest below takes on tender glow as the trees sway with the wind.

Fenris sits down beside me, eyes forward and appearing more as a statue. I smile, watching as the wind catches his fur. It looks as though it were waves of glistening blacks and silvers as the light shimmers off it.

I sigh softly as a thousand thoughts begin to whirl through my mind. I think of home, well to be exact the future. Marron’s image comes into my mind, wondering about her. Thoughts of my coven float about, wondering how everyone is really doing.

I think of my aunts in Japan. While one is off training my boyfriend, the other is probably waiting for when it’s time to come. As of right now, with me in the past, who knows when that’s ever going to happen.

A thousand other questions roll through my mind, questions of here and of me. Just so, many that I can’t really process them all.

I lean over to Fenris, resting against his body. I smile as a tail gently wraps around me. I grin stroking it as I listen to him breathe as he body rises and falls with each breath. The slow and steady rhythm feels like a lullaby, helping to soothe my wayward mind.

The stone bench shifts slightly as someone sits down onto it. I look over to see Celestine. “Hey.”

She smiles, “Hello, my dear sister.”

She drapes an arm around me, gently pulling me into her. I blush softly, instinctively clinging to her like a child. I giggle softly as she kisses the top of my head.

Nei’shy,” she whispers.

I look up at her, smiling, “What did you call me?”

She smiles, stroking my arm. “It is an intimate form of saying ‘beloved little sister’ in Alcoran. In fact, it’s from an older form of our language, not often spoken these days.”

My cheeks burn even hotter as I cling to her. She smiles, leaning over and kissing my forehead, rocking me gently. I feel small against her, as though I were a little child. I still remember when my mother turned me into a five-year-old for a day.

I look off slightly. “Is…is it okay to call you my sister?” I ask. “Even though I’m your descendant?” I asked Tyrion a similar question when he called me his niece.

She holds me closer to her. “While this is indeed an undeniable truth, here it does not matter.” She looks me gently in the eye, “You are my younger sister, truly of my blood.” She then smiles, “One I love deeply.”

My cheeks burn even hotter, feeling my heart racing. “I love you too,” I say timidly.

She grins, stroking my arm. “The bonds of sisterhood often can transcend lifetimes, Nei’shy. This is why I see you and love you as my sister.”

I smile as I stare into her eyes. As I do, the same feeling as though I’m looking at Marron returns. Yet still I can’t fully place. It’s though she is, yet isn’t. Two faces, same feeling, yet also different. In the end I sigh, smiling up at her, “Celestine.”

She grins, “Call me Celes. Only Mother and anyone else refer to me by my full name.”

I giggle, feeling another bond form between us. Marron is right, my ability to garner family is crazy. Now I truly have another sister. My heart feels as though it’s latching onto her. Not only her, but also to Serasfall. Both truly have become my family and I love them dearly.

I sigh softly, looking away. “I can’t believe it’s been close to a month since I arrived here.”

Celes smiles, stroking my arm. “I agree. Each day since truly has been a blessing as I told you before.” She chuckles softly, “What I am astonished with is your complete mastery over Alcoran in that time.”

I grin, “Ever the consummate student. Being able to read up to two books at the same time helps.” I smile softens, “My tutor would refer to me as ‘Little Scholar’ given my constant study and love of learning.”

She chuckles again, “Whoever your tutor is must truly be extraordinary in having to put up with you.”

I pout and scowl at her. “I’m not that bad and you know it.” She grins, hugging me close. I then smirk, “Well you’re right, my tutor was a sphinx.”

She looks at me surprised, “A sphinx?”

I smile, “Yep, not only that, but a master within the Loreian Order.”

She smiles, stroking my arm. “The Loreians are praised the world throughout. Being both seekers of knowledge as well as teachers. I am wagering you have encountered others from the order.”

I nod, “A few. I think my tutor was wanting me to join the order when I’m older. Whenever I wasn’t studying magic or any other subject from my mother, he would give me tasks around the library. Finding little bits of knowledge or giving research topics.”

She smiles, stroking my arm. “I believe you would make a fine Loreian.” I smirk, wondering if that might be in my future.

I peer out into the forest, watching the sun make its long slow trip towards the horizon. Its peaceful here, tranquil. Not only the estate, but the entire city has slowly begun to feel like home. It feels as though I’ve always been here from the start.

“Is it okay that I’m becoming used to being here in the past?” I ask. “That in time, I might not want to return the future?”

I feel her squeezing me against her. “You, my sister, have an incredible ability to adapt. I know you are worried. Nothing is truly set.” Celes strokes my arm. “Mother is still trying to locate a way to send you and Fenris back to the future, yet has found few if any clues.”

I nod, remembering Serasfall saying the same thing a few days ago.

She then tenderly turns my face so we are looking at other. “In the meantime, you and Fenris are here with us. Here with family who love you dearly.”

I smile, nodding to her. I then peer over to see Fenris snuggling close with Athena. The pair grumble softly against the other. My smiles widens is slightly. “Is…it also okay that those two are together?”

Celes grins, looking over, “I have no issue with either of them being together. Nor does my mother or Rhea for that matter. In all honesty, I never thought Athena was ever going to find her other half.”

I giggle. “I bet Rhea was a little antsy when the two started seeing each other. I mean seriously, her daughter with a wolf she’s only known for a few weeks.”

My sister chuckles, “You are correct on that. Rhea was indeed wary of him at first. However over time, she began to see Fenris’ nobility and honesty. So only recently has she granted the pair her blessing.”

I grin, watching them.

Both wolves then pan over and look at me. Athena smiles to me, leaning in and nuzzling my face. My cheeks blush as the way she doing it is similar to how the pups’ parents do to them. Fenris smiles, moving in front of me and doing the same.

Celes chuckles, “I do believe my wolf believes you to be her pup, now that she is with your father.” My cheeks blush even more.

Both wolves then settle down in front of me, each keeping watch. I gaze at them. “Is it natural for the wolves to take to me so quickly?”

She smiles, “In our family, yes. The bond between wolf and man is strongest in our family, being as simple as air. The wolves also recognize Fenris for who he truly is, and you are his bonded girl. So I wager any wolf may come to you as they do with us.”

I nod. “Hey…about Selene. I know she called you her sister as well.”

Celes sighs, gazing out into the forest. “I do still love her as my sister. However, I have been unsure of those feelings as of late.” She then looks to me, “She once tried to persuade me to halt our interference into Nethune’s matters. Something I obviously refused.”

I nod, remembering what Selene told me that night.

She then shakes her head, squeezing me gently to her. “You are more my sister than she ever could hope of being. Not only due to our blood, but so much more.” She looks down, gazing and smiling. “You, Aria, are my true sister. One I have claimed with all my heart.”

I blush even more, “But…but you hardly know anything about me.”

She grins, “True. But I learn the more you are with me and I with you. Every day you never cease to surprise me, find something new about my Nei’shy. And it never ceases to amaze me.”

I giggle, holding onto her. “I guess you and Serasfall have also been talking to Fenris as well haven’t you?

She chuckles. “We have had a ‘few’ discussions regarding you, yes.”

I giggle, “If that’s the case, then you and Serasfall might also be in store for a more surprises.”

She chuckles, kissing the top of my head. “I look forward to them, my sister.”

I giggle, looking out into the forest, wondering what is next to come.

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