True Luna: The Darkness Within (The White Wolf Series Book 5)

True Luna: The Darkness Within: Chapter 40

Alexander’s POV

She’s been struggling for hours.

I was on the verge of breaking down and sobbing. I didn’t know what to do. Nothing that I normally did, helped in this situation. She wasn’t awake and she couldn’t tell me where the pain was. I kept telling her to push it back, focus on my voice, and fight it, but I wasn’t even sure if she could hear me.

She was burning up and shaking constantly. She was crying out in pain and tears were falling down her cheeks faster than I could wipe them away.

She wasn’t waking up, though. I couldn’t wake her up no matter how hard I tried.

“Let me inside, please,” Hunter cried out for a millionth time. “She needs me.”

I looked at him and gulped. He had red circles around his eyes and he looked like he was trying so hard not to pass out. His mom and dad were next to him, trying to calm him down a little.

I looked back at Fia and leaned in to whisper into her ear.

“Come on, Fia,” I said softly. “Fight it. I know that you can do it. I believe in you. We are all here waiting for you to wake up.”

I looked at the mark on her neck and sighed.

“You are marked now, Fia,” I said as I ran my fingers through her hair. “You have a mate waiting for you here.”

I caressed her cheek and took a deep breath.

“I’m waiting for you,” I continued quietly. “You can’t leave me. We’ve been together forever. You are my best friend. Who will I fight with, Fia? Who will I annoy for the rest of my life? Who will I tell when I find my mate? Who will be happy for me and tell her to take care of me? Who will do that, Fia, if you don’t wake up?”

The lump of sadness and fear that was stuck in my throat was getting bigger by the second.

“I was always a sibling, Fia,” I continued. “I was always a brother. I was always a twin. I don’t know how to not be those things. Don’t make me have to stop being those things.”

I leaned my forehead against hers and took a deep breath.

“Please, Fia,” I mumbled quietly. “Please come back to me.”

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her body shaking. I could hear the quiet cries of pain escaping her lips.

“Come on, Fia,” I mumbled for the hundredth time. “You can do it. You can fight it. You can win.”

“Please, Sophia,” Hunter cried out, making me look up at him.

He was leaning on the window with his head bent down.

I looked at my mom and a sharp pain spread through my chest. She looked exhausted. Both Dad and Uncle Andrew were holding her. All three of them looked like they were in pain.

I took a deep breath and looked back down at Fia.

My heart stopped beating.

She was squeezing her eyes shut.

She had never done that until now!

“Fia!” I exclaimed as I cupped her cheeks and turned her head toward me. “Wake up!”

She groaned quietly, making my heart jump up and down my chest. She was waking up! She was really waking up!

“Oh, Goddess,” I mumbled, keeping my eyes on hers. “Come on, Fia, open your eyes.”

She listened to me and opened her eyes a little.

I heard multiple sobs coming from the outside of the room.

“Sophia!” Hunter screamed.

I held my breath, waiting for her to open her eyes fully.

Would I see the darkness again? Was this my Fia or was it the demon again?

Her eyes opened a bit more and I almost started sobbing when I saw that they were the same color as mine. I held it in, though. I couldn’t be sure yet. The demon tried to trick us the first time it woke up.

“Fia?” I called her softly and she looked up at me.

Her eyebrows furrowed a little.

“Sophia!” Hunter screamed again, making her look at him.

She couldn’t move her head much because I was still cupping her cheeks. I had no intention of letting go anytime soon.

“Oh, Goddess!” Hunter cried out. “Open the door, Emma, please!”

I kept my eyes on her, waiting for her to tell me something.

“Fia?” I called her again.

She looked at me and her eyes filled with tears.

“What did I do?” she spoke quietly. “What did I do, Lex?”

I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. I started sobbing loudly as I pulled her into my arms.

This was my Fia. This was my twin. She was back. I got her back.

I heard multiple sobs and screams coming from the outside.

“You are back,” I cried out. “You are back. I missed you. I missed you, Fia. Oh, thank you, Goddess.”

I heard the door unlocking and a second later Hunter ran inside the room.

“Sophia!” he screamed as he threw himself on his knees next to her bed.

He pulled her from me and cupped her cheeks. He looked into her eyes and sobbed.

“It’s you,” he cried out. “It’s really you!”

Fia grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. I held her hand and rubbed small circles on her palm.

I looked up at my parents and saw them looking at her. Both of them had tears in their eyes and I could tell that they wanted to take her into their arms. They were waiting for Hunter to give them space to hug her.

“Oh, my Angel,” Hunter said as he leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I missed you. I love you.”

Fia’s hold on my hand tightened even more.

“Hi, princess,” my dad said as he approached her, making Hunter move a little. “We missed you.”

Dad pulled her to his chest and mom sobbed as she kissed her temple.

Fia dug her nails into my skin.

I finally looked at her and realized that something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

Fia? I tried mind-linking her.

She looked at me and tears fell on her cheek.

Get them out of here. She said, making my eyes widen. Get them all out of here, please.

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