Triple-Duty Bodyguards : A Reverse Harem Romance

Triple-Duty Bodyguards: Chapter 22

I’ve never been so glad to see my teammate in my life. Glen stands in the doorway, studying us both. “Is he still hanging on?” He asks conversationally.

Briar runs her fingers lightly under my swollen shaft, laughing when my hips involuntarily buck. “I told you,” she whispers, her breath tickling the side of my face. “I’m playing with him.”

Glen steps closer, studying my face. “Alright, Li?”

I squeeze my eyes shut, gasping as Briar twists her hand. A bead of sweat trickles down the back of my neck. I can barely speak. “Piss off,” I manage.

Briar smiles, pulling my face to hers for a long, licking kiss, then steps away from me, pointing at a spot on the mattress.

“Sit,” she tells me. I gratefully slump down onto the sheets, hot and shivering all over. She turns to Glen. “Strip.”

Glen tosses me an amused look. “I don’t think so, lass.”

“Strip, please?” She tries. “Trust me, you’re going to enjoy this bit more if you’re naked.”

He just laughs, grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and yanking it over his head. “You’re a piece of work,” he mutters, advancing on her. “But I’m afraid I’m not like Kenta, love. I don’t much like being ordered around.”

She opens her mouth, but before she can say a word, Glen wraps an arm around her and pulls her up against his chest, one hand easily unclipping the back of her bra. She squeaks in surprise—actually squeaks, which is completely adorable—then melts against him with a soft sigh as he starts fondling her breasts, squeezing and rolling them in his hands. She’s so distracted, I don’t think she even notices as he quickly unzips her pink mini skirt. It falls to the floor, puddling around her ankles and revealing a miniature pair of white panties. I run my eyes up from her stilettos to her bubble-shaped ass. The heels make her taut, smooth legs look unbelievably sexy.

Glen gives one of her cheeks a little pat. “On the bed,” he says in her ear, gently pushing her onto the mattress. She wraps her arms around his neck and tugs him down with her, so they both collapse in a heap on the sheets.

I roll off the bed and stagger to Glen’s suitcase, rooting around for the box of Trojans I stuffed in there while we were packing for the trip. I certainly didn’t think that I’d be the one using them, but I’m very happy about this development.

There are soft moans and gasps behind me, and I turn to see Briar on Glen’s lap, her arms around his neck as she grinds against his crotch. They’re kissing so hard they’re practically consuming each other, their hands clutching at each other’s bodies. “I’ve missed you,” she gasps against his mouth, winding her fingers in his hair. “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

“I’ve wanted you plenty, lass. I just—” he shudders as she licks a line down his throat. “I assumed it was a one-time thing.”


He shrugs. “I’m not the kind of man women fuck twice.”

She pulls away with a frown. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He doesn’t answer, pulling her in for another kiss. She shifts, and I see a streak of shiny wetness gleaming on the inside of her thigh. It feels like all the blood in my body sinks to my balls. I can’t hold out any longer. If I don’t come soon, I might actually explode.

I rip open the condom wrapper and roll it on, climbing back onto the bed. Glen nods at me over Briar’s shoulder.

“Ride him,” he rasps. “I want to see what you look like.”

She narrows her eyes at the command, but she can’t hide the heat climbing up her neck.

“You’re lucky you’re so damn pretty,” she mutters, making Glen flush bright red. She shuffles into my lap and takes my face in her hands. Her turquoise eyes melt into mine, the colour of sunlight shining through the sea. She strokes my cheeks with her thumbs, not breaking my gaze as she lifts her hips and slides onto me. I’m filled with an overwhelming wash of relief as I sink into her blazing heat. She clenches around me, and my eyes squeeze shut.

“Jesus,” I croak out. She tightens her grip on my shoulders and slowly starts to roll her hips, grinding down. I tip my head back against the headboard as a wave of weakness crashes over me. “Christ.”

She feels incredible. Silky and smooth and hot around me. Every muscle in my body shakes as I start to thrust up into her, matching her rhythm. The perfect friction sends sparks flying through me.

For a minute or so, we don’t speak, our skin slapping together as we rut more and more frantically. I’ve been on the edge for so long, I’m struggling to hold myself back. My jaw is clenched so tight my teeth are grinding together, and I feel a bead of sweat pool at the base of my neck.

Briar leans forward and tugs at the tie holding back my hair, letting it fall around my face. I shake it out of my vision, and she winds her hands into the long strands.

“I love your hair,” she breathes.

“R-really? It divides opinion.”

“I always fancied Legolas when I was younger,” she confides, tightening her fingers and giving my hair a firm tug.

I hiss as electricity sparkles through my scalp. My hips buck helplessly up into her, our pelvises slamming together. “Jesus, it’s not that long. I was aiming for Aragorn.”

She snorts, twisting to look over her shoulder. “You okay back there?” She asks Glen. “You’re awfully quiet.”

I glance up at my teammate. Glen is kneeling on the mattress behind Briar, his eyes fixed firmly on her behind.

“You’ve got a gorgeous arse,” he rumbles. “Like a little heart.”

“I will pass on the review to my personal trainer,” Briar says. There’s a smacking sound, and she yelps, leaning into me. I lift my hips, changing the angle slightly, and her pink mouth falls open into a gorgeous little O-shape. She moans, rubbing her soft tits up against my chest.

“Kenta,” she murmurs, over and over. “Kenta. God.”

“That’s it, sweetheart,” I rasp as her thighs start to quiver. “Take what you need.”

She makes a little agonised whimper and leans forward, pressing her forehead to mine as we rock together. I wrap my hand around the back of her neck, catching her mouth with mine. I can already feel my balls tightening.

“Glen,” I warn. “Hurry up.” If this is the girl’s first threesome, there’s no way in Hell I’m coming yet. I hear the rumple of clothes and the snap of a belt as he undresses, then Briar sighs as he wraps his hands around her waist, squeezing her breasts.

“God,” she gets out through gritted teeth, arching between our bodies. “Why does anyone ever have sex with one man at a time? This is great.”

Glen laughs. “You good, Kenny?”

“Not for much longer,” I force out.

He nods. “Flip her over.”

I give Briar one last kiss, then take a hold of her hips and gently lift her off me. She whines, and I groan as I feel her entrance clutch greedily around me, like she wants to keep me inside of her.


“Shh.” I put my hands on her shoulders and roll her over so she’s on her hands and knees.

“Well?” Glen asks expectantly.

“You’re right,” I agree. “Absolutely gorgeous.” I stroke one of her trembling ass cheeks, then give it a little squeeze. “I’d say more of a peach than a heart, though.”

Briar growls. “I never realised you guys were such bloody poets,” she spits, grinding back into me.

I lean forward, running a hand between her legs. She shudders over me. I lick my lips as I feel her wetness coat my fingers.

“Oh, sweetness, you’re soaked.”

Glen’s eyes darken. He immediately reaches forward, his hand joining mine. We both stroke through her hot folds, rubbing and fondling and pinching in tandem, and she drips over us, writhing and mewling.

“Oh God. Please.” She rubs down on both of our hands, desperate to get some real pressure. When that doesn’t work, she groans, lunging forward and grabbing Glen’s dick. His mouth drops open as she starts pressing sloppy, hungry kisses down his length.

“Christ. Lass. You don’t have to—”

“Don’t have to,” she snorts, opening her mouth and swallowing him down. He groans deeply, his head rolling back and his eyes falling closed as she takes him in deep.

As she goes down on Glen, her head bobbing enthusiastically, I twist my hand and plunge two fingers deep inside her wet, pulsing core. Her thighs immediately tighten around my wrist like a vice, holding me in place.

“More,” she mumbles.

“Coming right up.” Instead of adding another finger, I line up by her throbbing entrance and plunge back inside her. She’s tight and hot, stretching to accommodate me. She gasps, her hand flying backwards to grab aimlessly at me.

I freeze, half-buried inside her. “Too much?” I ask, fighting to keep still.

She shakes her head, shivering all over. “I…. You’re so deep,” she mutters. “God. No. You can keep going.”

I bend to press a kiss to her hip and push forward, more slowly this time. She moans as I finally bottom out, my balls crushing against her ass. Heat floods my face.

“This won’t take long, sweetheart,” I grit out, and she nods, grasping for Glen again and guiding him back into her mouth, sucking him in sloppily. I start thrusting into her. “You look so hot,” I mumble. “Jesus. You look incredible with your mouth on him, honey.”

She doesn’t say anything, just bucks back into me, twisting her fingers around Glen’s base.

Glen makes a strangled noise. “Stop. Stop, lass, I need to—”

“My mouth is fine,” she mumbles. “I’ll just swallow it.”

He groans as she tightens her fist around him. I grit my teeth, still pounding into her. Sweat pours down my back, sticking my skin to hers. I’m so close my vision is starting to black out. I can’t breathe through the tightness wrapped around my chest. I jerk my hand forward, thrusting it between her legs and pinching at her swollen nub, rolling it between my fingers.

Briar just falls apart.

It starts slowly; first I feel her legs tensing, then her arse, then her arms. Still sucking on Glen, she starts to sputter and choke as she comes. It’s like a chain reaction. As she cries out, gasping and moaning, Glen groans one last time, tightening his hand in her hair and spilling into her mouth. The feeling of her channel rippling and clutching at my throbbing dick sends me over the edge. I slam my hand into the wall and shout as I finally explode, adrenaline and pleasure surging through me in a wild, hot tide.

God knows how long I come for. It’s practically an out-of-body experience, as I rut and rut and rut into her, feeling her tremble and writhe underneath me, draining me dry.

Eventually, the glow filling my brain fades away, and I come back to Earth. Glen is leaning heavily against the wall, panting. Briar kneels between us on her hands and knees, still shaking slightly. I tip my head forward, pressing a long line of slow, sucking kisses down her spine. She gasps, and I smooth a hand soothingly over her skin, trying to gentle her.

Glen moves first, pulling out of her mouth. He bends and cups her cheek. “You’re okay?” He checks, his voice low.

She nods. He carefully wipes a smudge of his come off her swollen bottom lip, then straightens and heads to the bathroom to clean up. With one last kiss on her hip, I draw out of her slowly, and she flops down boneless onto the sheets. I tie off the rubber, tossing it into a nearby trash can, then wrap an arm around her shoulders, rolling her into my body. “Come here, sweetheart.”

She cuddles up close to me, nestling under my arm. Her whole body is still flinching and twitching. When I skate my hand over her breast, pulling her closer, she moans as loudly as if I’m still inside her.

“How do you feel?” I ask quietly.

“So much better,” she gasps. “Thank you.”

“Trust me. The pleasure was all ours.”

She hums happily, pressing closer. “Glen,” she calls. “Get in here. My back is getting cold.”

There’s a muffled curse from the ensuite.

“Problem?” I ask, nuzzling into Briar’s hair.

Glen steps back into the bedroom, holding his phone. “Matt’s fussing about tomorrow. He wants to screen the press before we get there.”

I snort. “Good luck. Best you’ll get is an ID check.”

He scowls. “He wants to send them all through a metal detector.”

“I’m sure that will go down well.”

Glen taps at his phone. It buzzes a few seconds later, and he sighs, grabbing his boxers from the floor and tugging them back on. “I’ve got to sort this out with him.”

“Feel free to join the post-coital cuddle when you get back,” Briar mumbles. “We’ll be right here.”

Glen kisses her cheek, pulls on his clothes, then leaves, shutting the door behind him.

Briar squirms against my front. “Mmm,” she mutters. “Roll over. I wanna hold you.” I don’t move, breathing in the blossomy, sweet scent of her hair. She frowns, then shoves at my shoulders. I just clasp her tighter to my chest.


Sighing, I relinquish my hold on her and let her roll me over, curving up against my back. Her little arms wrap around my waist.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been the little spoon before,” I muse.

“I like to hold, too.” She scoots back to get a better position, and then stills. A shiver rolls through me as her hand traces over my shoulder, just brushing my skin. “Can I touch?”

“Sure.” She runs her fingers over my back, tracing the curves of ink, then stroking down the jagged lines of scar tissue. I let my eyes fall shut. “I’m assuming you have some questions,” I say lightly.

“Glen told me what happened on your last tour.”

I’m surprised. I didn’t think Glen talked to anybody about our time in captivity. Not even me, and I was there.

“Matt doesn’t have any scars,” Briar continues. Her silky hair trails across my skin, raising goosebumps. “Unless they’re like, on his ass. I saw him in the pool.”

I hum. “No. Our captors barely touched him.”

Her fingers pause. “What? Why?”

“They figured, since he was the patrol commander, he’d have the most info, so they used hurting us as leverage to get him to talk. They made him sit and watch as they cut us and burned us and whatever else.”

“Oh my God.”

I nod. “I wouldn’t trade places with Matt for anything. It’s one thing to resist your own torture; but it’s completely different to watch people you love get punished for your actions. Our captors made him feel like he was responsible for everything that happened to us. He was already so guilty for letting us get caught, and they preyed on that guilt. It tore him apart.”

Briar doesn’t say anything, drawing patterns on my arms. I wince. “Sorry. This isn’t very sexy pillow talk.”

She’s silent for a second; then she sighs heavily. “Fine.”

“Fine, what?”

Her lips tickle my ear. “You can hold me.”

I can’t hold back my smile. I roll over, wrapping her in my arms. She curls up against my chest and closes her eyes.

“Thank you,” I mumble.

“Shut up.” She pinches my thigh. Outside, I hear raised voices as Matt starts to argue with Glen.

Briar groans. “Tomorrow is going to be Hell, isn’t it?”

“He won’t make it easy,” I admit. “Not by a long shot.”

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