Too Much : Hayes Brothers Book 1

Too Much : Chapter 22

“GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT!” Cass exclaims on Friday at the end of our shift. “I want all the saucy details about you and Theo.”

The news about us spread like wildfire on Monday when Theo took me to work and made a show of kissing me outside the front door, where the cart girls waited for Cassidy to arrive and open the Club.

Despite her high absence rate, she’s the only one Jared trusts with keys, even though he’s the one being dragged out of bed whenever she doesn’t show up for work.

A pleasant heat rushed through me at Theo’s willingness to claim me in public instead of keeping our relationship a secret.

“Where do you want to go?” I ask, stripping out of the uniform and into a summer dress. “And who’s coming?”

“Same as last time, plus Kaya. We went to college together, and now she’s the new head of marketing at the Country Club. You might’ve seen her at the party last week.” She lowers her voice before shedding more light on the subject. “She’s the one who slept with Nico.”

Oh, the beautiful brunette. “Fine, what time? Are we meeting at Tortugo?”

“No. We’re getting ready at your place.”

“You mean Theo’s place. I thought you hated him.” I stash the uniform in my locker. “You know I have to check with Theo if that’s okay, right?”

“Yeah, I know. Oh! Shit, I almost forgot!” She points to an obscenely large bouquet of red roses in a vase on one of the tables. “These are for you. I signed for them earlier.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “I never pegged Theo for a man who sends his girl flowers.”

Neither have I. “Are you sure those are for me?”

“Is there another Thalia working here?”

“I guess not.”

“Exactly. You should be bouncing up and down, hugging those damn roses, and squealing. You’re one lucky bitch.” She glances at the flowers again, eyes dull, lips curling down slightly.

“Hey, listen,” I say, touching her arm. “If you ever want to talk about—” I trail off, unsure whether mentioning Logan is a good idea. “About anything, I’m here.”

She grimaces again, biting her lip, then curls her lips into a crooked smile, wrapping her arms around me for a brief hug. “Thanks, babe, but there’s not much of a story here,” she sighs, defeated. “I’m okay. It’s just taking an extraordinarily long time to rid the feelings, you know? Logan and I… I thought we were heading in the right direction, you know? But I messed up, and I’m paying the price.”

“There’s always a story. How about we grab a coffee sometime next week, and you can tell me all about it?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t think talking is what I need. Don’t worry about me, okay? I’m tougher than I look.”

“You know where to find me if you change your mind. Just say the word.”

“Thanks, babe, it means a lot.” She kisses my cheek. “Text me once you get the go-ahead from your man.” She flings a bag over her shoulder and walks through the back exit to get to the employee parking lot.

Maybe I shouldn’t push Cass for answers, but despite her sweet smiles and outgoing demeanor, I can see that she’s hurting, and there’s more to it than Logan and heartbreak. She might not yet trust me enough to open up since we’ve not known each other long, but I’ve grown fond of her, and I hope my relationship with Theo won’t affect our blooming friendship.

With my own heavy sigh, I pull the flowers out, holding them in the crook of my elbow, and search for a note amongst the roses.

Roses are red, and freesias are blue.

Baby, I’m lost. I keep thinking of you.

Roses are white, and lilies are green.

You chose a knight, but I’ll make you my queen.

It’s the thought that counts, right?

I hate roses, and the poem is cringeworthy, but knowing Theo went to the trouble, my heart swells by two sizes. He’s not the one to voice his emotions and feelings aloud, but he took the time to write the poem, however awful it may be. It’s his way of telling me that he cares, that I’m important, and mean more to him than any other woman.

With the bouquet in hand, I leave the building through the main door, smiling when my eyes come across Theo. He’s waiting outside with Ares on a leash.

“There she is…” he says, tucking his phone away. He cinches my nape, pulling me closer for a deep kiss.

“Thank you.” I peck his cheek, holding the flowers upright. “They’re beautiful.”

Theo steps back, yanking the bouquet out of my hand. “Those aren’t from me. I know you don’t like roses.” He pulls out the small note. Muscles in his jaw tick as he reads. “What the fuck?” he clips, striding toward the trash can by the main entrance. “They’re from Dean, right?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Cassidy signed for them when I was out on the golf course. Does it matter? It’s just flowers.”

“Of course, it matters! You think I’ll hang back while some asshole tries to steal you from me?”

A raging fire burns my cheeks, matching his anger and raising the stakes. “You think anyone can steal me? You think I’ll leave you because someone sent me flowers?” I shove at him, puffing and pawing like a fighting bull, my voice bordering on shouting. “Don’t forget you’re the one who didn’t want me, not the other way around. You have no right to doubt me, and you better make sure it’s the first and last time you ever do.”

Theo’s lips curve into a smile, dowsing the small torches swirling in his dark eyes. He grips my wrist, yanking me toward him for a kiss. “I didn’t want you?” he scoffs, amused, almost fascinated by the idea. “You shouldn’t have said that, little one. Wait till we get home.” He dips his head to whisper in my ear. “I’ll fuck you until those stupid thoughts are gone, and you understand that you’re all I want.”

One sentence and my chest tightens with breathless, fidgety anticipation. My nipples harden under the thin fabric of my summer dress, and my mouth turns dry and hot.

“We better hurry.” I weave my fingers through the hair at the back of his head, pulling gently. “Cass invited me to a girls’ night tonight, and she wants us to get ready at your place.”

“Our place,” he corrects. “You live there too. I don’t see a problem, but…” he skims his lips along the sweep of my cheek. “…you’re interfering with my plan of keeping you naked all evening, so I have one condition.”

“You want me naked before they come over?”

“You’re very clever.”

“So I’ve been told.” I slip my hand lower, stroking his cock through the thick fabric of his black jeans. He’s already hard. I bite my cheek, peering up at him. “Someone’s happy to see me.”

“He’s always fucking happy to see you,” he grinds out, pressing himself into my touch, my hand trapped between our bodies. “Makes me feel ten years younger.” I tiptoe my fingers up, tugging on the zipper, but he cuffs my wrist. “Careful, little one. If you don’t want me to yank that pretty dress up and fuck you against the building, you better not slip your hand inside my pants in public.”

I chuckle, squeezing him one last time. “Tempting, but I can’t lose this job, so we’ll have to find a different spot for indecent behavior.”

“I know just the place.”

We fall into step, crossing the parking lot and taking a shortcut through a labyrinth of side streets to a park where Theo lets Ares run around, chasing squirrels.

“Are you sure you don’t mind the girls coming over? I can tell Cassidy we’ll do it at her place.”

“I’m sure. What time are they coming?”

I pull my phone out to shoot her a text.

Me: What time should I expect you all?

Cass: Around six.

“Cassidy said six.”

When we get back to the condo, Theo immediately lifts me into his arms and carries me into the bathroom. I don’t get to strip off my clothes before he stands me in the shower and turns on the water, wetting my hair and dress.

I’m addicted to his touch.

Every time he thrusts inside me, my mind turns off. There’s no inner monologue or fantasies designed to help me come as there once were with other men. No, when I’m with Theo, I live the fantasy. He’s not gentle, but I never enjoyed romantic sex. He’s rough, hungry for my body, and demanding.

The one obstacle we struggle with and try hard to work through is my inability to reach an orgasm without the aid of his fingers on my clit. It’s just not happening. Theo hits the perfect spot over and over again, and the orgasm is right there… looming within my reach, but unless he circles my clit a few times, I can’t fall over the edge.

We’re not waving the white flag, though. Theo’s getting too creative for his own good with new positions in search of the one that may trigger my orgasm, but we’re not making much progress so far.

Still, sex with Theo is amazing.

It’s an endeavor. A ritual. I’m starved for his touch, his kisses, and the all-encompassing pleasure coursing through me whenever he pins me to the mattress, the wall, or any other surface he deems fit. I love that we’re both sex-crazed to an extent, unable to keep our hands off each other for longer than a few hours at a time. I’ve not had sex for twenty months, and I sure am catching up now.

“Since you’re going out, I’ll ask the guys to come over for a few beers,” he says when we’re getting dressed in the bedroom half an hour later. Water drips from his hair, the shimmering beads dotting his broad, tanned chest. All the Hayes are naturally a few tones darker in complexion than the average American, and they have their Brazilian grandmother to thank for that. “Stop looking at me like that,” he adds.

“Like what?”

“Like you want to lick me.”

My teeth sink into my lower lip. “Is it my fault you’re so incredibly handsome?”

He drapes an arm around my ribs, my boobs resting on his forearm when he turns us to face the mirror. “We do make one good-looking couple… especially when you’re naked.” He nips my neck, soothing the sting with a kiss. “So sexy.”

“Enough,” I chuckle, freeing myself out of his grasp.

Theo opens the closet to retrieve a two-piece red outfit off the hanger. “Wear this. I’ll enjoy taking it off later.”

I eye the tight, short skirt and a matching spaghetti-strap blouse with a deep V-neck. It’s revealing to say the least. “You don’t mind me going out in this when you’re not around?”

He smirks, tossing the outfit on the bed. “You can wear whatever you want. You deal with shitheads like a pro, but…” Grabbing my throat, he pushes me against the mirror. I’m sure he’s aiming for intimidation, but mischief dances in his eyes and the tender touch ruins the effect. “If any suicidal asshole dares to touch you, I know how to fight.”

“You need to let me go,” I whisper on a sigh. “You’re making me wet all over again, and we don’t have time for another round.” I peck his lips, then duck under his arm.

Instead of the clothes he chose, I open the closet again to grab a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. “I’ll make pasta before I put on the very provocative clothing you picked out.”

“You’re not cooking. I ordered takeout.”

“Why?” I huff, spinning around to shove my finger in his chest. “I have time. I’ll make cold wraps.”

“The girls will be here soon, and I want your pussy for dessert, so no, you don’t have time to cook tonight.”


The doorbell sounds five minutes after I was served as dessert on the kitchen island. I barely had time to slip into the red outfit Theo chose and rush out of the bedroom to get the door, my hair looking like something rats made a nest out of.

Four girls are already in the living room, all dressed and done up to perfection, ready to party. Cass introduces Kaya while they make themselves at home on the couch. A sweet, pungent mixture of four kinds of perfumes filters through the condo, covering the faint, aromatic smell of takeout.

“I thought ’we were getting ready here,” I say, eyeing their makeup and hairdos. “You said—”

“That was a misdirection, babe,” Cassidy chuckles, handing Theo a bottle of bubbly with a well-practiced, spoiled look twisting her features. “Be a doll and open it for us,” she says, the claws retracted and disdain that studded her voice when she told him to choke on his beer at Tortugo, now absent.

“Misdirection?” I echo, eyebrows knotted in the middle.

“It means that by saying you’ll get ready together, she meant you’ll have a few drinks and bitch about guys,” Theo explains, pulling five flutes out of the cupboard.

“Okay, I didn’t know that, so I’ll have to get ready.”

“Oh, goody!” Amy cheers, bouncing in her seat with Ares in her lap. She might need new make-up in a minute because she’s letting the dog lick hers off. “Dibs on your eye makeup! I have no idea what to do with your hair.”

Theo pops the bubbly open and fills our glasses, handing them out like a professional waiter. Before I get mine, he grips my jaw, stealing a quick, hot kiss. “I’m taking Ares for a walk. Don’t leave until I come back.”

As soon as the words Ares and walk leave his mouth in quick succession, the dog abandons Amy’s lap, sprinting to the door, jumping as high as Theo’s middle. He’s overly excited, considering this will be his third walk of the day. Theo’s only taking him out to escape the bitching about guys part.

“I think I know what to do with your hair,” Kaya says, coming closer. I can’t get over how anyone can look this flawless. Her make-up is so beautiful she looks photoshopped. If any woman could convince me to play for the other team, she’d be it. There’s not one tiny hair out of place on her head. Not one blemish on her symmetrical face, cheekbones like hewn in stone. How fucking unfair. “May I?” she urges, making me realize I’ve been scrutinizing her for God knows how long.

“Oh, yes, sure. Sorry, I was just… miles away.”

I receive movie star treatment for half an hour while four girls tend to my hair and makeup, firing questions about my relationship with Theo.

“Your pussy must have magic powers,” Mary-Jane giggles, contouring my lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Theo dating.”

Pussio irresisteblis!” Kaya laughs, waving an imaginary wand. “Cockus gripus!

At that moment, Theo returns, his eyebrows drawn together but lips flickering with amusement. “I’ve been gone half an hour. How much did you drink?”

Kaya turns to Theo, fighting to keep a straight face while the other girls giggle so hard MJ is tearful. She raises her hand, pointing the invisible wand at his chest. “Orgasmus neverendus!”

Theo lets Ares off the leash, chuckling under his breath. “Will you need a bucket when you come back, omorfiá?”

Thalius nopukus,” I announce. I should lay off the bubbly immediately. “I’ll stick to caipirinha at the club.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. If you come back too drunk, there will be no orgasmus, little one. What time are you leaving?”

Cass checks her watch. “Soon. I’ll order a cab now.”

“Don’t. Colt and Conor will take you there.” He pulls a phone out to call his brothers.

Fifteen minutes later, my hair is in an up-do, and my make-up never looked better—not half as beautiful as Kaya’s, but I’m not half as beautiful as her, so best not to expect miracles.

The door to the apartment opens, Nico leading the way with a case of beer in hand, and in come the rest of the Hayes, minus Cody. Jack and a few guys I remember from the party, follow behind.

A small commotion erupts while the girls filter through the crowd toward the door. Cassidy keeps to the side, suddenly silent and insecure, her eyes following Logan’s every move.

He pays her no attention, twirling me around his finger, a slightly roguish smile on his face as he turns to Theo. “You’ve got nerves of steel letting your girl out dressed like that, bro.”

“They can look, but they can’t touch,” I say, tapping my cheek, urging him to stamp a kiss there.

“Sure, they can’t.” He agrees after the customary cheek-peck. “Everyone knows you’re Theo’s. No one will take the risk. Have fun tonight.”

Shawn and Jack check me out next, taking a liking to my outfit, while Nico’s eyes hardly veer away from Kaya, his shoulders rolled back, eyes slipping down her frame. A vein on his neck pulses at the sight of her short dress, and I’m not sure if he’s turned on or pissed off. Either way, it looks like I might not be the only one whose pussy has magical powers. After all, Nico Hayes is not one to look at a woman again after she has already hit his sheets. At least, according to Theo.

“Call me when you’re ready to come home. Cody will pick you up.” Theo pulls me to his side. “You’re so fucking hot, baby…” he breathes in my ear. “…don’t let anyone touch you.”

“I’ll be good.” I peck his lips. “Have fun.”

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