To Owe a Favor

Chapter 13

Lillianna POV

This bed is uncomfortable and my back hurts. Or more accurately, the wings that shredded through my skin hurt like hell.

It's been a few hours since Lona and Adrin helped wash my wings and told me to sleep on my stomach or side for the night. I stare at the bland white wall in my room, thinking.

My parents are probably asleep for the night after being shown their new house outside of the Kingdom border. As much as I miss them, I need the space to think about how different my life would have been without them.

Killian disappeared after dinner, but that is only to be expected since the King ordered him to remove his mark from me. Noting that it is utterly offensive to mark another Fae with a favor.

I sigh and sit up on the rounded mattress. I accidentally sit on one of my wings and I jump up with a yelp, more awake now than ever.

With quiet steps, I walk up to my door and press my ear against the wood. When no sounds filter through, I quietly open it up and creep out into the hallway.

I take slow and tired steps down the hall, hoping that I will wander into a peaceful sleep on a couch somewhere. The mountain has been structured into layers that lead farther down into the most protected areas, like an ant hill but for fae.

I take a staircase farther down until I pass the numerous bedroom doors. With a yawn, I enter the next level and find a living room of sorts, built for fifty people but with a large couch and television. I shrug and walk toward the tv "Didn't think the fae actually watched tv," I mumble to myself.

A voice pops up from the far-right side of the room, "It's usually used by the young ones or our warriors after their training."

I spin around and nearly lose my balance with the limp wings on my back acting as dead weight. The man across the room has long golden hair, and no shirt. He looks like he's woken up from a nap, even though it's the middle of the night and we should both be asleep.

I nod to him, looking at the tv and then back to him as he gestures for me to come over, I ask, "Warriors?"

He stands behind an island counter and takes out a few organic looking items before making me a drink. It looks like one of the drinks from the cafe.

When I sit, he answers, "Yes. While the young have to strength train their wings in the afternoon, and the warriors tactic train either morning or night. Watching tv is an easy way to cool off." He stirs the drink in his hand while he talks before passing it off to me, "You'll probably be starting some sort of training soon, if your wings develop."

I nod while taking a sip and instantly feel a warm sensation in my chest, "What's in this?"

He waves his hand, "It helps prepare you for sleep. If that's where you're headed."

I smile, "Yeah, I keep trying to roll around and these wings are just-" I sigh, "Well, you know."

The man drinks his own pink drink, "I've lived my whole life with them, but I remember how hard it was when I was younger. Forbidden to tear the royal markings."

I tilt my head to see his wings and he chuckles before unfolding a pair of iridescent wings out behind him. With a gasp I leap out of my sleep, the drink instantly losing any sleeping affect, "Your one of the King's sons!"

"Number 3 actually. Elik."

I nod in awe, "I know! I just didn't recognize you without," I gesture to his torso and head that are always donned with sparkling fabric and gems, "All the fancy stuff on."

Elik laughs -the third born child of the King and deemed the most socially apt fairy- actually laughs at my shock.

I retake my seat and continue sipping my drink, "This drink won't make me forget that I met you, will it?"

Elik shakes his head, "No, you'll remember, as will I." He leans against the table and gestures to my sleep shirt. Something that was brought from my old house but nearly ripped to shreds to make room for my wings.

I laugh, "I didn't think it appropriate to wander around topless on my first night here."

Elik laughs, seeming to realize his own lack of clothing, "Perk of being up so late. No one's around."

I yawn, "True. I was going to venture the halls, but..." I look at my now empty glass with heavy eyes, "I think I'm going to have to venture the tv channels instead."

Elik puts our glasses in a nearby sink and flits over the countertop, "The warriors probably would've stopped you from wondering the halls. But I don't think they'll care about the tv. Mind if I join you on the search?"

He holds out his elbow and I loop my arm in his, "Not at all."

When he flies over the long couch to the other side, our arms unloop and I crawl over the back of the couch, falling onto my hands and knees, "How are we supposed to sit with our wings out?"

Elik models a perfect sitting position, and his wings slip through a narrow gap in the back. I stand on the seats to look at his wings perfectly straight on the other side. I flop down on my stomach and cushion my head with my arms, "I think I'll pass on that one."

Elik carefully stands and removes his wings, "Yeah, me too." He lays down on his stomach as well, facing me, "Your idea is better."

I grab the remote and turn on the tv. We both startle as it starts to play at the loudest possible volume on a movie neither of us anticipated.

"Oh my gosh."

"Turn it off."

"I'm trying!"

We're both on our knees know, trying to turn the volume down, when Elik gets the bright idea to simply turn the tv off. My heart is in my chest, and by the look on his face, I'm sure Elik's is too.

We both burst out laughing, and try to quiet ourselves, but a booming voice beats us to it.

When we look to the side it's Killian standing in full armor.

His full attention is on Prince Elik, "Prince Elik. Return to your sleeping quarters at once."

Elik turns to me to give me a quick wave goodbye and then flits back over the couch, "This is probably the fastest I've been caught, Warrior Killian. How long did I escape? Thirty minutes?"

Killian points in what I assume is the direction of Elik's room, "I wouldn't know. You refuse to exit through your room door as requested."

For a moment I think Killian hasn't seen me, but as he moves to follow Elik, he turns back to me, "I'll be back for you."

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