Tiny Dark Deeds: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Court Legacy Book 3)

Tiny Dark Deeds: Chapter 41



Word regarding Mr. Shapiro’s arrest traveled the halls of Windsor Prep like wildfire the next day. Apparently, he’d been escorted off-site when he’d shown up for classes this morning. Campus security had delivered him directly to the cops, and it didn’t take long for the entire student body to find out why.

Bow was shocked when I saw her, but I didn’t tell her the arrest was all Legacy’s doing. She, like the rest of the academy, believed it’d been the girls who had come forward regarding Shapiro that had gotten him picked up and, hopefully, on his way to a lengthy sentence behind bars. The little rabbit was unnerved about what happened, and rightly so. She’d had no idea one of her teachers had been so fucked up. She, as well as anyone else who had classes or interacted regularly with Shapiro, was advised to speak with the academy’s guidance counselor. Especially if they shared similar stories as the girls who’d blown the whistle on him. The cops stuck around in case anyone else wanted to come forward and didn’t leave until the school day concluded.

It was a crazy day and one where I missed the dark prince during most of my classes. I saw him at lunch, but there really wasn’t a chance for us to talk one on one with all the other people there.

And I wanted to talk.

I did miss him, and I wanted to fix this shit. I was tired of fighting and being at odds with each other, and even if Wells hadn’t talked to me last night, I would have been on my way to fixing this. Dorian and I were just right, and sure, we had stuff to figure out, but we would.

We always did.

I planned to talk to him after school but forgot about the fact that he took off early sometimes for therapy. Today happened to be one of those days, and I scanned the lot for longer than I should have before I remembered the fact.

Me: Can we talk later?

I waited for his return text while I stood outside the school in my winter coat. I didn’t expect him to text me back right away or anything since he had a session but did wait a beat.

That was when I saw him.

Callum… Dorian’s grandpa was leaving a black sedan, and the one who shut his door was none other than his bodyguard Lucas. Callum had his cane, a gloved hand on his coat while he made his way into the school.


This was unusual, him being at the school at all. I knew Ramses and Brielle didn’t necessarily want him here, and neither did the other parents.

I pocketed my phone, deciding to follow. I was curious more than anything. I watched them all head inside, the school basically clear since everyone typically left right at the end of the school day.

Bruno, Bow, and Ares were still somewhere inside the school, though. They had clubs and stuff after school.

My phone pinged in the hall, a text from Dorian on the screen.

Dorian: Yeah. Want me to come by your house after my session?


My head jerked up, Callum staring at me. He and Lucas had stopped in the hallway, a red tint to their cheeks. I supposed they had both just been outside. Callum stepped forward. “That is you. Surprised you haven’t left for the day yet.”

I stuffed my phone in my pocket without answering. “Uh, yeah. I was looking for Dorian, but forgot he left early for the day.”

Should I be talking about Dorian with him? Should I be talking to him at all?

Things had somehow gotten… weirder than they already had before, what I should say or do unclear. This was even more so the case now considering the things Dorian had said about Callum.

I still wasn’t sure I could take all that at face value, but I did know there were some things I needed clarity on. I hadn’t talked to Bru about what Dorian had told me, but that was mostly because I wasn’t clear on everything that was going on. I hadn’t been there that summer, and it seemed weird to put stuff I still wasn’t certain about out there like that.

“I see,” Callum said, and I took a step forward. “Well, I hope you find him.”

“Already did,” I told him, pulling my phone out. “I didn’t know you’d be around the school.”

As if he just realized this, he glanced around, his shoulders lifting.

“I’m afraid you caught me,” he said, smiling a little. “I’m meeting with your new headmaster today to discuss donating some scholarships. College ones for graduating students. Just a way to help some of those who may not have resources for that. Windsor Prep is my alma mater, and obviously you kids go here.”

That was nice of him.

“Planned to meet with the headmaster after you all left and school wrapped for the day.” He rubbed his hands over the cane. “I’m sure you know why.”

I did, and that all went without saying. The parents really wouldn’t like him being here.

“Anyway, I probably should be going, and I do have that meeting,” he said. “And if you’re ever interested in a scholarship, they should be available for college freshmen for the upcoming year. I know you have the Mallicks, but I don’t know the situation there. If they were paying for you, or if you had other plans with that.”

I hadn’t gotten that far with them. I rubbed my arm. “Thanks. I might look into it. I don’t necessarily              want to assume they’d cover that if I decide to go.”

Callum nodded. “Well, if you ever want more information, I have packets at the house. I can have Bru forward anything you like.”

“Thank you.”

Another nod, and he was off, but I wasn’t exactly done. I still felt weird about what Dorian had told me, and it wouldn’t sit well until I did get some clarity. Dorian and I were talking tonight, and I wanted to go into that conversation with everything out there. I did believe what he’d told me, but if there had been a misunderstanding between him and his grandpa…

Like stated, I just needed some clarity, and I did need it because I didn’t want anything else between Dorian and me. I also wanted the packet of information. “Actually, could I swing by after you’re done today?” I asked, causing Callum and Lucas to turn. “I really am interested and don’t want to have to rely on Ramses and Brielle.”

Callum’s cane touched the floor. “I’m not sure that’d be such a good idea. I think your parents would prefer if distance is kept between you and me.”

I was aware of that, but it had also been explained to me that I wasn’t being kept under lock and key. I had freedom to go to and from as I wished, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever get another opportunity to talk with him. I did need clarity, and it wasn’t just for my and Dorian’s relationship.

It was for me.

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