TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter Special Chapter

“That very special young love....”

Prince David’s POV:

Time has come. The Search for

the next princess is going to

start as soon as the online

registration is ready. Flyers

and various announcement has

been made so that everybody

knows about the upcoming

competition. As a Prince and

the son of King William. I have

the responsibility to obey the

written rules. After a years, I

will marry a girl who’d win the

competition. Just like my brother

Prince Dale, he also marry the

girl who win and that’s Princess

Kaitlyn. His so lucky for having

Princess Kaitlyn because I saw

how she took good care for

Dale. I hope that whoever win

the competition will deserve to

be the next princess.

“David, are you really leaving

the palace?” King William asked


“Yes, your highness..It’s only

temporary.” I answered. I

decided to leave the palace for

forty five days. I wanted to find

my self, I wanted to feel how to

become an ordinary person.

“If that’s what you want. I will

give you that days son.” he said.

And hugged me.

“David.. is your mind won’t

change?” I heard Dale asked me,

so I turn my back and saw him.

I walked towards him and


“It’s my chance to find her...” I

said in low voice.

“I hope you could find her.. or

just make a wish that she’s

gonna join the competition.” Dale

said then smiled.

“How I wish..but I have to leave

now. The dark is getting close.”

I replied then looked at my

fathers direction.

“Your highness..I will go now.

But please I have one thing to

ask, please tell everyone to just

pretend they wouldn’t know me.”

I explained.

“D-don’t worry David, I already

sended the letter this morning

to the kingdom and to the

school you where entering.” he


“T-thank you your highness”.

“Just take care there...”

After that conversations, I leave

the palace and go to the place

where I choose to stay. Just like

father told me, as I arrived in

that Kingdom. The people around

me pretend that they know me.

But some of the time, I heard a


Is that the Prince of

Oreon? His so handsome isn’t he?”

“Yeah! He is. But keep quite. Let’s

not talk so loud...

“But why we have to pretend, if we

already knew him...

“Just do it..because it’s the

Kingdoms wants to do..

Leaving in this kingdom is not

bad at all. The people are so nice

and I can saw how they respect

each other. I rented a small a

house near the school where I

am entering to. For the first

time, im gonna go to real school.

In Oreon, I have my own tuitors.

Days passed and I’m enjoying

the living. I meet a lot of people,

some are olds, teenagers and

most of all kids. They teach me

how to do things that ordinary

people do. They teach me how

to cook rice, wash the dishes,

clean the house, wash my

laundry and so many things.

Talking with the neighbors,

schoolmates, professor’s is a

precious memories I would bring

back to the palace.

But also remembered my first

time in the market. I buy my

own food there like veggies,

fish, rice and so on. Imagine

how exciting is that for a Prince

who doesn’t know about the

kitchen. A prince who only hold

a sword all day. Everthing is a

new to me.

Time is running so fast, the

competition is nearly end. So I

decided to sneak out to Oreon,

hoping that I will find the girl

I meet a years ago. No one will

recognized me as the Prince

because since the day I knew

about the rules of marrying a

girl who win in the competition.

I hide my real identity to

everyone especially to the people

of Oreon. Only the palace guards,

master heads and few people

knew me.

I take a walks arounds the

Kingdom of Oreon when I saw a

group of ladies same as my age,

they’re wearing a school

uniforms. Is she one of those

ladies? I asked my self. I was

wondering what she looks likes.

It’s a long years, so I couldn’t

recognized her anymore. Maybe

she’s not the same funny cute girl

I meet before. Probably, she’s a

beautiful lady now. I gently

smiled when I remembered

the day we first meet.

“She’s playing on the park and

enjoying the swing..I just seat

on bench while watching her

alone..then she stood up and

tried to catch the dragon flies

on the grass. She’s so funny

because everytime she loose

to catch she sat on the ground

and make those cute faces. So,

I decided to catch those dragon

fly and luckily I catch one. I

walk to her direction and give

it to her. She look at me and


“Is this for me.” she asked me.

“Yes.. I answered.

“Thank you...” then she run away.

I don’t even get her name.

“W-wait.....” I called her attention

but she doesn’t turn her back.

“Prince David, we have to go.”

Froilan said. I wanted to stay but

I can’t, father probably worried

about me if I’m not going home.

I just wish that we could meet


My mind interrupted when

someone suddenly bumped me.

Her face is quiet familiar. Do I

see her before or somewhere

else? I asked my self. She looked

at me.

“I-m so sorry, I don’t mean it.” she


“It’s okey...” I replied.

“Hey, let’s go...” the other ladies


“I have to leave and I’m sorry

again...” she repeated and joined

the group of girls. Then I saw a

piece of paper fall off from the

books he carried. I hurriedly

get it and called her, but it’s too

late they where running away.

I looked at the paper and it’s not

just a paper it’s a wallet size

picture of a two girl hugging.

Wait, the girl on the left is

familiar. I have to find her, but

how? Only one person, I know

who could help me.

I hurriedly back home to the

palace and find Dale. “Big

brother, I called him. She’s with

princess kaitlyn and the other

palace guards.

“David, why are you here? You

don’t told us that you where

going home.” he asked me.

“Oh, im sorry. I was not supposed

to go here, but I really need your

help now....” I replied,

“Are you in trouble?”

“N-no... I have something to show

you. I guess, I can find her now.”

I excitedly said and show him

the picture. “That girl on the

left...She’s the girl I always told

you about.” I added. Dale looked


“Are you sure? She’s the girl?”

“Yeah, I can’t forget that faces.”


I was happy this day. Now,

I have the chance to find her,

where she live and most

importantly I need to know

her name.


I unexpectedly heard something

good news from Dale.

All the chances and probability

are now on my side. Sometimes

Destiny is making its own way.

.....to be continued (:-]

Notes: Hi, everyone... Did you

like the POV of Prince David? Or not?

Don’t be shy you can throw me

your comments whatever it is.

Positive or Negatives is accepted.

- The end is coming...

- Would Prince David find the girl?

- What life is waiting for him after

forty five days?

- And what does Prince Dale told

David about the picture?

Thanks for reading.........


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