TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 15: Curiosity

The Palace has a celebration for

this day, so we had to dress up

fixed our self, and go to the party.

Aunt Elisa told me that the

training is postponed by Prince

Dale. They doesn’t know the

reason why all of the sudden he

prepared for a party. But an

idea came into my mind. I

remember last night when he

told me a secret.

“Chloe, are you dress up?” I

heard Faye and Gaile’s voice. I

opened the door and saw the

both of them in a classic and

elegant dress. Faye is wearing

a white above the knee tube

dress and Gaile is a green one

that suited to her white skin.

And I am wearing a purple

with a silver glitters on the


“Look! Seems like those dress

are being fitted to us.” Faye


“Yeah! Right! We all both pretty.”

Gaile added while smiling. I wish

I have my phone so that I could

take a picture of us in this


“Ready for the party?” I asked

them. We all laugh in chorus.

“You three ladies are beautiful,

and I guess you’re ready.” I

heard Aunt Elisa. We turn our

back and smiled at her.

“Yes, we are Aunt..” Gaile said.

“If your ready, then let’s go I’ll

lead you to the venue.”

I was surprised when we enter

the venue, there are lot of people

around and I saw the other

ladies in the crowd. Everyone

is wearing a dresses. It’s my

first time to attend a palace

party. The place is so elegant,

from the deco, the lights, the

foods, and the party it self. I

wonder how much money does

the palace spent for this one

day party. Oh, maybe it’s my

one to three years salary or

probably higher than that. Any

way, it’s a palace party so all

we have to do right now is to

enjoy the party. We occupy the

empty seat near the terrace, I feel

the wind that blows inside the


After a few minutes, I saw

Froilan on the front. He handed

a mic and then started to say a


“Good morning, everyone. I

know that the party is still a

question to you. But, don’t

worry because I’m also having

those thoughts on my mind.” he

said, then everyone laugh.

Sometimes Froilan is so strick

but most of the time his so

funny. “Anyway, its also weird

that it’s the first time to held a

party on a day, most of the time

It’s on the night. But I guess,

Prince Dale is something to say

to all of us. For that, let’s all

welcome King William, Prince

Dale and Princess Kaitlyn. Every-

one is welcoming them with

a smile. I looked at Prince Dale

and it seems his so excited. Also,

Princess Kaitlyn is so beautiful

in her gown.

“G-goodmorning, everyone ladies

and gentlemen. I gathered you

all today for a special announce-

ment, I know you’re wondering

why. But, before I announce to

all of you let me call Princess

Kaitlyn.” he said in a sweet voice.

Then, Princess Kaitlyn started

to walk into the Prince direction.

“Did you heard the gossips last

night?” I heard the other ladies

asked her companion.

“No, what it is?”

“About the Prince, I heard the

soldier’s talking about that. They

said that the Prince is already.”

I heard them whispering. Last

night? The night I saw Prince

Dale talking with someone. Is

it Prince David? Maybe, it’s

really him. I said to my self. My

mind stop from flying when I

heard Prince Dale voice. Beside

him is Princess Kaitlyn. They

really looked good together.

“I want to say to all of you that

It’s really the right time to find

a new princess for my brother

prince David to take our place.

The competition is about to

end, and I’m wishing luck the

remaining ladies. But now, let

me say to you that Princess

Kaitlyn and I are going to be a

complete family. In a couple of

months we are going to have

our own child.” Prince Dale

announce. Everyone is shocked,

surprised and happy for the

good news. After a year of being

married they blessed to have

a child to be born soon.

King William, stood up and

hugged the two. His so happy

for the good news. Everybody

clapped and the palace is

surrounded with a happy faces.

“It’s really great to hear that

news, so everybody enjoy the

party. You can now eat and

dance. The party is all our

today.” he exclaimed.

We started to eat and like what

King said. Enjoy the party. After

finishing my food, I decided to

go to the terrace and feel the

cold breeze coming from the

near forest. But, as I roaming

my eyes around the party venue.

I saw Prince Dale talking with

a guy. I can’t see his face so I

decided to go near there

direction. Is that the guy I saw

last night? I asked my self.

The guy shake his hand to the

prince, feels like that they we’re

so close. But, I’m surprised when

the guy turn his back. Its Hans.

What is he doing here. Our eyes

meet and I can’t hide anymore

because it’s too late, he saw me

already. I turn my back and

walked away, then someone

hold my arms.

“Hey, Lady Chloe..” a familiar

voice said. I looked at my back

and saw his smiling face again.

“Are you avoiding me?” he


“Huh? N-no, I’m not. What are

you doing here? You and Prince

Dale looked so closed?“. I

curiously asked him. He just

smiled and talk after a few


“The palace invited me here. And

It’s an honor to be here in this

very important event. “he simply

answered. Yeah, his right.

Besides, his been my partner

for almost five days. So it’s not

really possible that his here

also. I’m just too thinking too


“I’m grateful to see you again.”

I said, thats what I really feel

inside. ” But, I have to go with

the other ladies.” I added,

“You leave already? If you don’t

mind can I asked you to dance?”

he asked me. I can’t say no to

him especially when he smiled

at me like that. I’m going crazy

and my heart beat fast again.

I looked around and saw that

everybody is dancing, so I

take his offer to dance. I wish

that he won’t heard my heart


....to be continued :)

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