TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 11: Cheater

“When you missed everything,

that you had..”

It’s been two days passed, when

Hans and I meet in Revelan and

this stranged feeling is still there.

Haunted me with a lot of Why?

How? and the only thing im

sure is that, when? It’s started

when our first dancing lesson

begin. That feeling that you

couldn’t explained. And every

time you’re eyes met, you always

ended up like floating and all is

gone. Am I unfair? With myself?

And with the Prince? I am not

supposed to feel this way. I am

here to fight for the crown and

not to deal with this stupid

feelings of mine. I had to end

this and forget about Hans.

I already reached his point so I

have to stand for it.

I gently lay down my head and

took a deep breathe, it’s 8:30pm

already. Time flies so fast. It was

a tiring day, another trainer has

arrived this morning and

teached us how to talk like a

princess, eat like a princess,

walk like a princess- how many

times do I fall off the books from

my head? 17 out of 20. How sad.

Freda and her friends laughed

everytime I did a wrong moves,

And it make me out of focus.

I am not wearing those heel when

in school and didn’t even bothered

to walked straight. My back bone

is aching, it felt like I’m being

hited through my back. I gently

massage my knees, oh I got a

little wound in my ankles. It’s the

heels fault. Woahh!!! I felt so

tired and I wanted to sleep

early, so I closed my eyes. I was

almost in my deepest sleep when

I heard a noise coming from the

corrigidor. I hurriedly stood up

and walked towards my door. I

gently open the door and slowly

goes out from my room.

“Hey! Keep quite girls, they don’t

have to know our plans. We had

to escape and go to the forest, so

that we could know what we are

going to do when the final test

came.” I heard someone talking

and her voice is familiar to me.

It’s Freda and her friends.

Oh they’re talking about the

forest. They’re planning to

cheat. We are prohibited to go

inside or near the forest without

anyone’s permission. It’s a rule.

I have to stop them. I followed

them and hide in every trees

that I see. I can see there

shadows while walking fast.

So I hurriedly walked until they

reach the darkest direction.

I felt so scared, im afraid in the

dark but I have to stopped them

to there plans. My heart beat

so fast, what if there’s a monster

inside that forest. What if

there’s a ghost or a wild animals.

I’m cold, the air is blowing up.

I’m lost already. I can’t see them

anymore. I’m so stupid for

following them. I heard some

grasp and I don’t know where

it is coming. I’m dead. Oh,please

not now. Someone help me. I

whispered to my self. Someone

hold my shoulder. It’s the

monster maybe. I can’t help my

self but shout. Waoohahhhh!!!!!

I closed my eyes waiting that

something will gonna eat me.

But that not happen. I’m gonna

blind to the lights that focusing

on my face.

“What are you doing here,

young lady?” a familiar voice

asked me. I gently opened my

eyes and im shock that it was

Froilan. I’m really dead. Nahh!!

“I just followed Freda and her

friends..I just want to stop them

from cheating. They’re planning

to see the forest.” I explained,

but I think he doesn’t believe

me. Then the three came in.

“Your a liar, we don’t have any

plan.” Freda said, your the

cheater. Don’t make a story.

We followed you here then we

called Froilan.” she added.

Froilan looked at me very so


“N-no, I don’t.” I said, but I have

nothing to do with is. I’m just

only one and they’re three.

“Chloe, go back to your room

now. We won’t tolerate that

thing. So better prepare your

self tomorrow. The Three of

you, go back to room also.

Froilan said, I followed him.

I entered my room and lay down

into my bed. Better prepare your

self Chloe for you will gonna

kick out from the palace. It’s all

ended it up here. My battle ends.

I’m wishing that Gaile or Faye

will win the competition and not

Freda because if that will happen,

is a bad thing for the palace.

My head is aching...thinking that

after tonight I’m going back to

my old life. Im supposedly the

happiest girl, but it’s all about

before. This time it’s different.

I really have this urge to win

this. The tiara, will not going

to Freda or any of her friends.

But what I can do right now?

Nothing. Perfectly nothing.

But to sleep and take a rest.

....to be continued (:-]

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