Throne of Power: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 1)

Throne of Power: Chapter 22

My breathing slows as I spin around.

Kyle is here.


I stare up at him, at how his hair is styled back, at how his shirt is still meticulously tucked into his pants like when he left earlier.

There’s no visible injury on his body, no bruising or even dirt. He appears as impeccable as always.

He’s back.

Those words spread through my body like wildfire, violent and potent. It’s not like seven years ago when the impersonal messages were the last thing I heard from him.

His brow furrows as he glides his thumb under my eye, wiping away moisture. “Hey…what’s wrong?”

Despite my need to stop the tears, the weakness, I have no power to do so. They’re trapped in my lids, like a reminder of that day—the day I stood all alone in this room, when he never showed up. He never snuck up on me from behind and asked if I missed him.

“You left,” I murmur.

“You knew I did.” He keeps on wiping my tears as if, like me, he doesn’t like the meaning behind them or the fact that I can’t find the will to stop them. “I tracked the sniper, but they disappeared into thin air. They were ahead of me, and that’s why they managed to escape.”

“You left. You fucking left, Kyle.”

He must realize I’m not talking about the present because he pauses at my cheek for a fraction of a second before he resumes stroking the skin there. “You will never forget about that, will you?”

I shake my head once.

“Not even if I’m here with you?” He smiles faintly. “Not even when you miss me? And before you say you don’t, waiting for me proves otherwise…”

He trails off when I stand on the tips of my toes and capture his lips with mine. My kiss is tentative at best, the roaring of my pulse turning it a little shaky.

Kyle remains unmoving for a second, eyes widening the slightest bit.

That’s all the hesitation he offers.

His hand wraps around the back of my neck as he deepens the kiss, thrusting his tongue against mine. It’s nowhere near the innocent start I gave it. Kyle might be kissing my mouth, but his hold on me gets past the confinements of my lips and tongue to invade my entire body.

It’s possessive, rough, and unapologetic—like everything about him.

It’s a clash of tongues and teeth, as if our war for power bleeds into our kiss with vengeance.

One hand still holds me by the neck, and his other hand digs into my hip as he pushes me until my back hits the wall. He’s not the least bit gentle about it, his true colors showing through the savage manhandling of my body.

The delicious, callous manhandling.

Instead of fighting him as I normally would, I choose an entirely different route. I drown in him, in his true nature, in his scent that has become a pillar I want to hold on to and never let go of. Maybe it’s because I waited a long time for this. Maybe it’s because I always fantasized about Kyle losing all sense of control with me.

Maybe it’s both.

Kyle’s fingers curl in my hair and he expertly releases the elastic band, letting the blonde strands fall all over my shoulders.

Just when I’m focused on that, he yanks the thin straps of my nightgown down. The flimsy things rip with the savage motion, falling down my breasts and to the floor.

I yelp against his mouth, but it turns into a moan when he leaves my lips and glides skillful kisses down my neck, nibbling and sucking on the skin, no doubt leaving hickeys. He has a thing for marking my body in all brutal ways possible, and in a way, it’s our point of connection. Ever since he started this habit, there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t stood in front of the bathroom mirror and run my fingers over the evidence of his markings.

Kyle’s tongue swirls around a peaked nipple before his teeth bite down on it. It’s hard enough that zaps of pleasure shoot straight between my legs and I arch my back.

Kyle holds me by the throat to keep me in place as he continues his onslaught on my nipple before repeating the same torture on the other one. My nerve endings tingle and ache, and the most frightening part is that I don’t want it to stop.

If anything, it’s the complete opposite.

I’m trying to get used to the sensation when his other hand pulls my panties down and he places his palm between my clenched thighs.

“Open those legs.” He speaks against the tender flesh of my breast, his breath hardening my nipple even more.

When I don’t comply, still focused on the stimulation he’s causing in my body, he continues, “If you don’t, I’ll resort to my methods. Those include ‘punishing’ you, as you like.”

My breathing hitches at the word, no matter how much I’d like to hide my reaction. “Punish me, how?”

“I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to move without thinking of me. I’ll fill your little cunt with my dick until that becomes your only thought. But first, I’ll start with this…” He slaps his hand against my wet folds. I hear the sound before the sting registers.

I gasp, my thighs trembling, but there’s something different, a tingling, clenching awareness I’ve never felt before.

“Are you going to open, or should I repeat?” He bits down on my nipple, hard.

A whimper-moan leaves my lips as my legs fall open of their own accord.

“Good princess.”

Kyle slides his fingers down my wet folds, and I close my eyes at the intimacy of it, at how well he knows my body in just the span of a few weeks, when I never took the time to learn it myself.

He thrusts two fingers inside me in one go, then curls them within me. I don’t know if it’s that or the earlier simulation or a combination of both, but I can feel the storm that’s about to rattle my world.

“Even though I’ve been preparing you all this time, your cunt is still so fucking tight,” Kyle says against my earlobe before he nibbles on the skin. “How are you going to take my dick?”

A moan is my only answer. All I want right now is the thing he’s building inside me: release, gratification. It’s never felt this way, not by my own hand, and definitely not by someone else’s.

All my life, I looked at men as rivals or allies. I never once considered any of them as someone who belongs in my night fantasies.

It hits me then, the realization that I never wanted it to be true. It wouldn’t have been the same if it were someone other than Kyle.

He is the one eliciting all these foreign emotions from me.

He is the one for whom my body resurrects from the ashes like a phoenix.

And that reality is dooming.

Just when I’m about to come, Kyle removes his fingers from inside me and replaces them with his other hand.

Something musky with arousal is at my lips. My eyes shoot open to find the same fingers that were inside me at my mouth.

“Suck yourself off me. I want my fingers clean.”

“Wha—” My word is cut off when he thrusts his fingers inside my mouth at the same time he scissors his fingers inside me.

I’m a goner. I come with a shudder that invades my entire body.

Kyle doesn’t stop his double assault, his fingers curling inside me and his other fingers gliding back and forth against my tongue.

Tasting myself on him is a different type of intimacy altogether, but that’s not the one thing that holds me hostage, even when I’m fighting with the remnants of my orgasm. It’s the utter possessiveness in the sparkling blue sea of his eyes.

“This cunt and these lips belong to me. You belong to me.”

I don’t have the chance to speak with his fingers pressed against my tongue, not that I have any response to his words. At this moment, when I’m trapped against the wall by his strong body, I can only feel.

Just let go and feel.

Kyle pulls his fingers from inside me, letting me ride the aftershocks of my orgasm.

The sound of a belt opening ripples in the air as he undoes it with one hand. His pants hit the ground with a whoosh and his boxer briefs follow. I stare down with heavy-lidded eyes, unable to look away.

Even though I’ve already had a full view of his cock a few times, the thing still manages to surprise me. Kyle wasn’t kidding when he said he’s huge.

He is, and when fully erect like right now, the veins visible with how hard he is, it’s like he’s ready to break something.

Not something—me.

He lifts one of my legs up then wraps it around his hip.

It’s then that it hits me. I mumble against his fingers so he’ll let me speak, but he presses his middle finger against my tongue.

Unintelligible sounds leave my lips as I push at his shoulder. I’m getting lightheaded, and it’s probably because I’m not taking in enough oxygen.

He finally lets go of my mouth, my saliva clinging to his finger in a line as it separates from me.

I gasp as if I’m a newborn breathing for the first time. Kyle doesn’t wait for what I have to say, though. He aligns his cock with my entrance, the head nudging inside.

My hand bunches his shirt, nails digging into the cloth. “C-condom.”

“Fuck condoms.” His thick brows draw over darkened blue eyes. “You just have to trust that I’m clean and would never hurt you that way.”

“It’s not that…” My words come out in a needy pant, and for a second, it feels like I’ve lost complete track of what my brain was trying to communicate just now.

Having Kyle all over me has that effect on me.

“I want to feel when your tight cunt strangles my dick,” he rasps against my ear. “And I want to feel it bare.”

My body heat goes up a notch at his crude words. Since I already had a preview of it, I shouldn’t be so surprised that he’s this filthy in bed. I should’ve been prepared for it, and yet he manages to suck me into his orbit, whether I like it or not.


“You’re my wife, Rai. Your body is mine and mine alone. Get used to it.” And with that, he thrusts into me in one long go.

I gasp, my mouth remaining in an O as he hits so deep I can feel him somewhere out of my uterus and so close to my stomach.

That toy is child’s play compared to the force of his hips and his length and thickness. He’s so big it doesn’t matter how much he prepped me or played with me. It doesn’t matter that I’ve already seen his dick, sucked it, and taken it to the back of my throat; having it inside me is an entirely different thing altogether.

It’s like being split open. The pain is so fucking real, tearing at me from all directions and snatching me as a helpless hostage.

“Rai,” Kyle calls my name. “Bleeding hell. Look at me, Rai!”

My eyes snap back to his at the accent he just used. It’s like the other time—not entirely British English, but still sounds close.

That small distraction manages to divert my attention from the pain a little—just a little.

He opens my mouth with his thumb and glides his finger against my tongue. “Don’t hold it in. Breathe.”

It’s then I realize I’ve been holding my breath since he slammed inside me. I follow his instruction and gasp for air. The moment oxygen hits my lungs, I cough at the force of life beating back into me.

Kyle, who was still as I caught my breath, slowly moves inside me. I slam both hands on his shirt with the intention to push him out of me. There’s no way in hell I’m letting him fuck me with that. It really hurts.

Something stops me.

The pain isn’t the only sensation present anymore. He rolls his hips slowly, erotically, and my body follows his rhythm as sparks burst inside me.

The sense of agony isn’t completely gone, but it’s mixed with a pleasure so deep it robs me of my breath all over again.

Kyle opens my mouth again. “Breathe. Don’t faint on me, Princess.”

I suck in air through my nose, reminding myself that I do need to breathe. That’s what humans do so they don’t die. It’s as if I’m not functioning properly now, as if I’m reduced to my most basic form where all I can do is feel—feel so much I’m about to collapse from the force of it.

“I never thought you’d be so fragile, wife.” Kyle strains with the words as he keeps his moderate pace, sparking jolts of pleasure all over my skin. “It’s like I can break you with one wrong move.” He releases my mouth and drops his hand to my throat, his eyes darkening when he presses. “Look at how easily your skin takes my marks, how easily you bruise.”

I have no words to say—not that I can think straight, let alone formulate a coherent response right now.

Kyle pulls out almost completely then slams back in, hitting a new depth that knocks the shallow breaths out of my lungs.

My leg, that’s at his hip, slides down with the force of it. The pain of being stretched is still there, but it’s now mixed with a wicked type of stimulation that hits straight in my core.

He leans in so his breaths tickle my skin. “If I knew you would be this compliant when stuffed with my dick, I would’ve fucked you a long time ago.”

I’m too delirious to respond, and Kyle doesn’t let me. He wraps both hands under my thighs and lifts me up, then pushes himself all the way in.

I wind both arms around his neck and my legs wrap around his broad back. I feel like if I don’t, I will drop and break to pieces.

“You’re so fucking tight, you’re choking my dick.” He thrusts his hips up, increasing his rhythm by the second.

His speed is savage and uncontrollable. My already ragged breathing shakes and my back slides up and down the wall with every thrust.

“K-Kyle…oh…s-slow down…” My voice vibrates with how hard it is to speak.

He doesn’t. If anything, his rhythm increases, and so does the roughness of his thrusts. “I’ve waited too long to slow down now.”

“I…I…oh, God…”

“Let it out. Instead of fighting it, feel it…all of it.”

I try to concentrate on the moment, but it’s impossible. All the stimulations coming at me from different sides slam into me all at once.

My eyes clash with Kyle as I’m torn apart, literally and figuratively. The orgasm is nothing like I’ve had before. The ones brought on by his fingers and the toy don’t even compare to this.

It’s like feeling the vibration of the ground before an earthquake and knowing I’m going to be caught in the middle of it. And that’s exactly what happens. I’m ripped to pieces from the inside out. The ferocity and wildness of my release scares the shit out of me, and I hold on to the only safe person in sight.

Who also happens to be the person who detonated this explosion in the first place.

The person who can break me with one wrong move, but also the person who can pick up my pieces off the floor.

The person who can build me up after being torn apart by the earthquake.

I’m still riding my wave when Kyle curses under his breath in that different accent. His back muscles stiffen beneath my legs and a warm liquid coats my inner walls.

I slowly close my eyes with a wince. He came inside me.

Not having the energy to start a fight about it, I continue holding on to his shoulders with shaky fingers.

Kyle pulls out of me, and I can actually feel the loss of it, the emptiness of not being filled. He places me on wobbly feet, and when they’re unable to hold me upright, he clutches me by the throat.

Only Kyle would keep me standing by my throat instead of my shoulder or arm like a normal human.

He steps out of his pants that are still bunched at his feet and unbuttons his shirt with the other hand, revealing his lean muscles. From all the nights he’s spent draped around me, I know for a fact they’re hard and taut.

He has no chest tattoos except for a snake that’s swirled over a dagger at his lower stomach.

The image is gruesome, but also powerful, and beautiful in its own way, which is ironically similar to the first impression I had of Kyle.

While I’m ogling him, his eyes heat with raw possession as he watches me. I follow his gaze and my cheeks burn when I make out what’s getting his attention.

Now that I’m standing, his cum is dripping between my thighs until it reaches my feet. I’m all messy with both his seed and my own juices.

I try reaching for tissues on the console, but Kyle keeps me in place with his hold on my throat. “Leave it. I like watching my cum dripping down your legs. I like seeing how filthy I made you.”

“Stop saying things like that.” I try to scold, but it comes out as a murmur.

“Why? Turned on already?”


“Well, I am.” Kyle lifts me in his arms and throws me on the bed before I can even blink.

He crawls atop me, his body covering mine.

I place tentative hands on the solid ridges of his chest. “Y-you just came.”

His cock nudges at my entrance. “And I’m ready for more.”

My eyes widen. “Already?”

“Already. I’m not even close to being done with you.”

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