The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 40

(Chapter song ‘Sound of Silence’ by Disturbed)



I rub my palms together as I approach the circle. “I know how this is going to sound, ok. But I swear. There’s something wrong. Cora. I need you to check.”

She looks at me with confusion. “Check what?”

“The monster…that was in Avery. Can you do it?” I swallow as I try to steady my breath.

She looks around the room, then back at me. “Yes. I think. I’ve never read…”

“Try… please.” I hitch.

“Alright.” She agrees.

“What's this about, Zen?” Zander questions.

I walk to Avery who’s just as confused as everyone else and hold my hand out to him. “Give me the object.” I request as I stare into his eyes.

“What’s going on?” He cocks his head to me and furrows his brow.

“Avery. Give it to me.” I insist.

He studies my face, then reaches into his pocket. My jaw falls slack as he drops his wedding band into my hand. I look at it shine in the center of my palm, then meet his eyes.

“It had to be something I’d keep close and not lose.” He whispers.

“5 years…” I choke.

He nods. “Not once did it leave my sight.”

“You really didn’t move on, did you?” I say softly.

“No, baby. I couldn’t.” He shakes his head no and my heart hurts for all my bad judgments.

I slowly close my fingers over. “I’ll give it back.”

He nods and I carry the ring across the floor over to Cora’s throne. I stand in front of her and hold the ring in my fingers. “I need to know who’s in here.”

Again, her face fills with concern. “Of course.”

My heart thumps in my chest as she takes the ring from me. I let out a little breath as it feels like a 1000 pound weight was lifted from me. I’m so scared, I’m visibly shaking.

Cora cups the ring in her hands and speaks Latin into the crack between her thumbs.

“Show me your light.” Nathaniel translates we all watch intently.

Avery joins my side and he takes my hand. I hold his in both of mine as I bite my lip.

‘The monster’s real. You have to kill it.’

The silence was deafening and it felt like the world stopped spinning as her hands glow white at first, but then the light starts to pulse between black and white.

“Cora? What’s that mean?” I ask as I try to see her eyes.

“Shush.” She flicks her eyes up at me then returns to the light.

Her brows cinch and her eyes widen. “Are you sure?” The light glows brighter. “No. I don’t think so. That can't be correct.” She listens as her concern grows.

“Cora? What is it?” I quietly demand as I lean on the arms of her throne.

“This… I wouldn’t… It can't…” She raises her eyes to me with shock on her face. She looks to Zander. “He is real.”

“Explain!” Zander barks.

“Nova was right. Wasn’t she?” I grin. “Avery was right.”

“Nova? You saw her?” Nathaniel asks.

“Not now. When she kidnapped me she told me Avery’s monster was real. She told me I had to kill it. I didn’t know what she meant until it clicked just now.”

Cora slowly hands the ring back as the dark light fades in her hands. “I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it myself. But it’s true. My God.” She breathes as Nathaniel lays a hand on her shoulder.

“Someone tell me what’s going on.” Zander says with irritation.

“Yeah. I’d like to know, too.” Avery crosses his arms and faces me.

Cora collects herself. I can see she's clearly disturbed about who is in that ring. “Every shifter, be it wolf, bear, or dragon, has two souls. One of the human and one of the animal within. The space between is finite. This allows for the melding of the two. There was theory developed some years ago of wolf reincarnation. A theory proposed by River Blake after meeting a wolf that seemed to look very similar to a wolf which kept Paris hostage for 3 years.”

“Yes.” Zayden waves his finger. “Courtaud! He’s back?!” He grins as he adjusts his seat. “Interesting fellow. A little sick minded.”

Zander looks down at his father with confusion.

“Fun at parties though.” Zayden leans to Zander and grins with a wink.

Zander shakes his head and turn back to Cora.

“I don’t believe the wolf is the same. A she wolf has a look similar right down to the bobtail.” Cora informs. “But in all my years, I’ve never believed it to be true. The dead stay dead. Everything else was coincidence. Until today.” She turns her eyes to Avery.

“What? Cora?” Worry builds on his face. “What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing’s wrong with you.” I answer then walk to Zander. I stand in front of the king and hold out the ring to him. He lifts his palm and I drop it. “Your Majesty… Meet the wolf belonging to the harbinger of death… Draco Torrent.”

The room fell so quiet you could almost hear the wolf's soul howl from the tiny piece of jewelry.

He falters a bit and his breath stutters. “Impossible.” He looks up at me. “I’ve seen Avery’s wolf. It doesn’t look anything like Draco's"

“True, but that doesn’t mean it’s not.” Cora raises a brow. “Inside the soul Draco’s wolf lives, but Draco’s appearance was unique to him alone. All it could mean is that the wolf can’t get past Avery’s genetic make-up in the physical world. Avery isn’t white haired and red eyed. Our wolves can only manifest what they can access when they become real. The she wolf River is studying has red hair. It’s natural the wolf would be red as well.”

“It fits, Zan. I don’t think Nova would give me that warning if it wasn’t true. She knew.” I turn to Dorian. “You knew, too. Didn’t you? I saw it on your face.”

“I didn’t know conclusively, but what I managed to get off the soul felt like the right thing to do.” He shrugs.

Zander moves it to fingertips and lifts its to his eyes. He floats his eyes between Cora and Avery. “This can be confirmed?”

“I stake my life on it.” Cora states.

Avery wraps his arm around himself and rubs his lips. “He was in there. Not just part DNA or some shit. He was fucking living in me.”

I go to him when I see him start to tremble and his eyes glass over.

“It's ok.” I whisper as I rub his arms.

“Fuck!” He whips around and holds the back of his head as he processes this.

“Avery! He’s out now. You don’t have to deal…” I say to his back.

He turns back around. “But I do, Zen! Everything I need to live has to come from that fucking bastard!!” He throws his hand out to the ring.

“Ok. But he can’t control you from in there, alright. He can’t influence you. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.” I try to calm him down as he avoids my eyes.

He scrubs a hand down his face. “We don’t know that. He could get to me from in there. We have to destroy it.” He shakes his head slowly as his eyes begin to water.

“No! Avery. No, I won’t allow it. You did this so you could live. You could live for me. You can’t take that back. I won’t let you.” A tear rolls down my cheek as I find his eyes.

He sucks in his top lip and wraps his arms around my head. I hold him tight as he rest his head on mine. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I whisper.

“You can’t, anyway.” Dorian stands, takes the ring from Zander, and looks it over like he’s admiring a piece of art.

He tosses it up, catches it, then turns to Avery. “He’s locked up tight. He’s not getting out. He’s not taking over. You keep this tight, and he won’t affect you.” He holds the ring up as he walks to us. “You take this. You milk this git for everything he’s worth. You enjoy it. You use it. You live it.” He holds the ring out and Avery holds out his palm. “Payback’s a bitch.” Dorian sneers, then drops the ring.

“If I’m to believe this, how does this happen?” Zander asks.

“It’s possible that with the DNA in Avery's blood and the fact that he was born without a wolf, he was essentially a reserved spot for Draco.” Cora explains.

“So, he was going to use me.” The color washes from his face as he talks.

“I don’t believe this is a plan built from beyond the grave. But biological in nature. Draco was held by Alliance labs for a reason. His blood. His blood chemistry was a catalyst to combine two or more chemicals within his body. And what was extracted was a totally new chemical that Alliance labs would use in their experiments. If Draco’s unique power was transferred to you, it’s possible your blood worked against you and almost literally planned to instill Draco back into power using his chemistry.”

I let go of Avery. “Ok. That’s suggesting Avery’s blood can think and plan.”

“No.” Cora starts. “But when Avery was born wolfless, it’s possible that his damaged lycan gene triggered a defense mechanism which activated only when threatened. Avery was suffering at the hands of the Lab. His body tried to protect him by making his blood useless.”

“It faked them out.” Avery mutters.

Cora nods. “Yes. But what I believe is Miranda knew that. She wasn’t getting anywhere with you unless you felt safe.”

“She let me go.” He says quietly.

“She let you go.” Cora steps to Zander. “If the Torrent files are any indication, Draco’s blood was powerful. With Draco dead, she needed another.” She turns to Avery. “You were the gift she wasn’t expecting, but you were flawed. Her first move would be to correct that.”

“My cancer.” He says like he's in a trance.

“She made that cancer and set it off. I believe this cancer was a blocker that wouldn't allow you to cure it unless you had your fathers venom. I believe Miranda set this whole thing up so you would become the next Draco for the Labs. The fact that your blood called his wolf, only confirms that.” Cora informs.

“You’re her next target.” My brows stitch up as I blink at him.

“You can run at any moment.” He grumbles.

“Not happening, Kirkland.” I side eye him. I spin around and face him. “You were set up “ I conclude. “I’m not leaving you now.”

“You’re prepared to fight the foundation?” Avery snorts.

“Sounds like an awesome Friday night.” I smirk.

“Mate. They had you figured out. Miranda didn’t let you go. She knew what they needed. They needed you to need them. You didn’t need them in the lab. The cancer made you desperate. You played into her hand, but now, we have the upper hand.” He motions to the ring.

Cora turns to Zander. “What I read off the soul in that ring is it is indeed the wolf which belonged to Draco Torrent. His intentions were dark. What that means exactly, I can’t say for sure. But for my part, it’s my recommendation to not let that animal see the light of day.”

“The laws, Cora.” Zander reminds.

“I know. And you know that my recommendations hold no side. I realize this wolf hasn’t presented the evilness within him, but that’s not saying he won’t. The light in him was very little. You saw the dark that came from that ring. I speak, not only for Avery's mental safety, but for the world’s. Draco was killed to save the planet. His followers were also prevented from continuing his rampage. This is no different. This wolf was half contributor to Draco’s madness. He still holds his half in him. To allow that to grow could be catastrophic.” Cora pleads her statement as Zander leans on his throne and rubs his chin.

He sighs and looks to the ring. “You wish to allow this human to leech the powers of his wolf. In the outside world, that wouldn’t fly in any prison system.”

I fold my arms and feel everything. “Zan, please. You can’t take this away from Avery. If he can’t live with it and can’t live without it. What’s he supposed to do?”

Avery joins my side. “I promise. I’ll only take what I need to live. I won’t abuse it. I don’t even know how.”

Zander nods then looks to Cora. “Can the wolf reach him? Influence him to escape?”

“No, Zander. The wolf spirit is in there but he knows nothing of what’s going on outside. The trinket Avery chose is a one way door.” Dorian crosses his leg and sits tall.

“How long can he live like this?” Zander asks.

“Indefinitely.” He ticks his head and corner of his lip. “As long as spell keeps working, Avery can draw from him for the rest of his life."

“With no ill effects?” Zander raises a brow.

“Nope. None.” Dorian crosses his leg and laces his fingers in front of his chest.

“Well, we can’t know that for sure. There’s really no precedence for this. Trapping a shifter in a soul trap has never been documented.” Cora responds.

“I know. But I know how my spell works. Those who have been trapped, felt nothing.” Dorian ticks his head go Cora.

“Those guys in the painting looked pretty pissed.” Avery eyes him.

“They were most likely angry before they got trapped. They may not feel anything during entrapment, but their last thought stays.” Dorian motions his hand out them laces them back together.

“Son. It doesn’t sound like this wolf is of kind nature. You can follow the laws, or you can protect your people. Making hard decisions is what makes a king.” Zayden side eyes his son.

“And that’s all I want to do. Spare the world this wolf’s insanity. I may not be doing it in a heroic manner, but I will sacrifice anything that I have to except my life.” He grabs my hand and smiles. “I have too much to live for.”

I step up to Zander. “Listen. I’m a hunter. I deal with bad guys. If a creature needs a special process to stop him, I’m going to take it. You know this. I want to work with you guys. I want to save the world. I want to stop William and everything he stood for. But you need to trust me. I may be just human, but I know my bad guys and I know my gut. This is right, Zander.”

Zander pauses for a moment. “As long as you hold onto that ring. Make any and all magical adjustments to ensure he won’t escape, I… can look the other way…”

“YES!!” Avery laughs, picks me up, and spins me around.

“PROVIDED!” Zander booms.

He drops me and we face him.

“You keep him a secret. From everyone. Except those in this room. If he gets stolen by a supporter…”

“He won’t, I swear. The last thing I’d do is lose my ring.” He hugs my head and drops a kiss in my hair.

“Also, if you feel any indication of him trying to get into your head. Any feeling of letting him out, you come to me immediately. In the meantime, we will open an investigation to try and separate you two while keeping you alive. There has to be some way to achieve that.” Zander walks over to us. “I don’t make these exceptions often and you only get one. Don’t give me an excuse to make Zen a widow.” He holds out his hand to Avery.

Avery grabs it with enthusiasm. “I definitely won’t. I promise.”

Zander claps his shoulder. “I, now, declare you, High guard to Draco Torrent. This means you are the only one with complete control of the prison cell. Treat it accordingly.”

Avery slips the ring on his finger. “Of course. Thank you.”

Zander motions to the door. “You’re free to go.”

Avery bows his head a bit and takes my hand. “Thank you.” I give Zander a small smile as I hug Avery’s arm.

“You’re welcome. Don’t make he regret it.” He wags a finger at me, then stuffs his hands in his pockets.

“You won’t.” I reply as I walk Avery out of the council room.

“One thing I don’t understand.” He glances at me quickly then looks ahead. “Nova told you that you had to kill my wolf.”

“I know, but I think circumstances have changed so much, that’s no longer an option. We'll call it Plan B.” I grin.

“You think she'll buy that?” He raises a brow. “You’re changing her game.”

“No. I found the truth. We stopped it and fixed what we had to. I played by her rules and I’m so glad I did.” I lean to his lips and kiss them.

“Do you have to go back?” He thumbs over his shoulder.

“You know what?” I stop, place my hands in my back pockets and lock with his gaze. “I think they can survive without me for the rest of the day.”

He leans to my lips. “What will we do then?”

“Whatever you want, shifter.” I smirk.

“Whatever I want.” He points to his chest.

“Yep.” I say popping the ‘p'.

“You asked for it.” He grins maniacally, picks me up with a loud growl, and runs with me in his arms down the council tower hallway as my laughter echoes down the hall.

That night he made mad, passionate love to me, and right then, I knew this was the right thing to do. Would I support all wolves being treated this way? No way. Zander's right. It’s not fair to be punished for existing, but…

Sometimes, you need to make exceptions.

Draco's attempt at a comeback was stopped and I think the little angel knew that. It may have been unethical, but given the history this wolf already has, it's not a risk we should be willing to take. Nova didn’t warn me about Avery’s wolf for no reason. Avery deserves a life free from evil and that’s what Nova meant, I think.

Avery is free as he can be. He’s not suffering Miranda’s cancer and for all intents and purposes, he’s not held prisoner by his father.

He's finally found the peace and life he wanted.

I just hope it lasts forever.

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