the Wife

Chapter the Wife 99

Chapter 99 Daniel’s Disdain

Sally, with her sharp eyes, quickly recognized that the photos Mia posted were edited.

She had never worn those clothes.

The person who edited the photos was highly skilled. If Sally weren’t so familiar with herself, she might not have noticed the edits.

Sally gritted her teeth in anger.

Mia was truly going to great lengths to ruin her.

As soon as Mia’s posts went up, the internet was filled with hate.

Sally had yet to make her Weibo account public; otherwise, she couldn’t imagine how many hateful messages she’d receive.

Mia continued to post, claiming Sally was innocent.

But only Sally knew how malicious Mia’s actions were.

Mia was pushing her into a deep abyss!

Sally took a deep breath and thought of a way to fight back.

While Mia was trying to smear her online, there was one thing Mia didn’t lie


Sally and Mia used to be friends.

But that was in the past.

Thinking of Mia’s betrayal, Sally felt disgusted.

However, during their friendship, Sally had gained some useful information.

Mia had once posted some treasonous comments on her social media during middle school.

Mia had forgotten the password for that account and simply created a new one.

Sally had a habit of not deleting old friends, so she still had Mia’s old account in her contacts.

Sally logged into the social media platform and quickly found Mia’s old


She browsed through Mia’s posts and found the one from ten years ago with her treasonous comments.

Back then, internet regulation wasn’t strict, so the post remained.

To Sally’s amusement, the post included a selfie of young Mia.

“So innocent…” Sally couldn’t help but praise.

While Mia had matured over the years, it was clear from the photo that it was young Mia.

Sally looked at the post’s content again, filled with disdain.

Mia’s post was not only treasonous but also full of immature, middle–school naivety.

Dear Mia, how will you feel when you see this old post again?

Sally sneered, took a screenshot of the post, and created a new account to post it on Weibo.

At that moment, Mia was at her collaborating company, feeling triumphant.

Seeing netizens attacking Sally made Mia very happy.

She couldn’t stand to see Sally doing well.

This wretched woman managed to break up Anders and Mary, proving she

wasn’t an idiot.

With Mary now disheartened, Mia decided to give Sally a heavy blow!

She wanted to see how Sally would recover.

But soon, the online sentiment shifted.

Mia received private messages from people.

Reading them, she nearly fainted!

What… what was this?

Staring at the screenshot, Mia was shocked!

Did she post this?

Did she really post this?

She had no memory of it!

But the selfe was indeed of her from middle school….

Middle school…

Mia suddenly remembered.

She had an old social media account from middle school.

She forgot the password and abandoned it.

Could it be…..

Mia grew increasingly uneasy.

Netizens, who had been busy attacking Sally, now exploded over Mia’s past!

Mia was quickly swarmed by angry netizens!

Terrified, Mia logged out of her account.

She was stunned by what had happened.

Wasn’t everyone attacking Sally? How did the tide turn so quickly?

Seeing the screenshot of her old post, Mia wanted to die.

It had to be that wretched Sally!

It had to be her!

At that moment, Mia’s workday ended.

As a minor model in the entertainment industry, Mia wasn’t widely recognized. Normally, she wouldn’t be noticed on the street.

But after what happened, Mia cautiously disguised herself before leaving.

Wearing a mask and a baseball cap, she exited the company.

Suddenly, a woman appeared and threw a bucket of liquid on Mia’s face!

“Ah!” Mia screamed.

A luxury car pulled up at the company entrance,

Daniel, having heard about Mia’s online scandal, rushed to the company

Seeing Mia doused with liquid, he was fulous. He angrily approached to confront the woman but quickly smelled the strange odor from Mia

instinctively, Daniel stepped back and ordered his bodyguards, “What are you standing there for? Grab that woman!”

The bodyguards detained the culprit.

“Daniel, 1…” Mia cried and tried to approach him, but Daniel stepped back.

Mia was stunned!

Daniel was avoiding her?

Mia couldn’t believe Daniel would treat her like this!

Daniel felt awkward but knew he had to maintain appearances,

He noticed reporters rushing to the company entrance with cameras,

He softened his tone, “Mia, let’s go inside and change clothes first.”

But Mia threw a tantrum, “I don’t care! You’re avoiding me, Daniel! You promised to stay by my side forever. How can you break your promise?

Daniel felt a headache coming on.

He turned to enter the company, but Mia clung to his sleeve, “Explain yourself! What are you thinking? Tell me, or I won’t let you go!”

Daniel wanted to slap this foolish woman.

But it was too late; the reporters were already there with cameras rolling.


Shutter sounds filled the air, and Mia screamed, “What are you doing? Stop filming!”

The reporters ignored her pleas and continued.

Daniel tried to leave, but a reporter blocked him.

“Mr. Daniel,” the reporter thrust a microphone at him, “Mia is your girlfriend. What’s your take on the online controversy?”

Mamely f


Before Daniel could respond, Mia shouted at the camera, “I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it! I never did those things! I’m being framed.”

Daniel felt exhausted.

In the past, he would’ve believed Mia was innocent.

But after everything, he started to believe Mia’s treasonous actions were real.

Smelling the strange odor from Mia, the reporter instinctively stepped back.

Mia cried pitifully.

Daniel had no choice but to have his bodyguards hold off the reporters and told his driver, “Take Mia home first.”

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