The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 3, Host

Isla POV

“ Please” I breathed and the cold air mixed with my warm breathe made a plume that surrounded my face and my tears felt cold on my skin. But The Large wolf looked at me with no expression, He takes a step forward and smells me. His eyes go an Odd white color and so do the other wolves’ eyes. Before I know it, A bare-chested man in shorts picks me up and starts Carrying me. I don’t know where he came from but I allowed him to carry me. His skin is warm in contrast to my own, he lightly smiles at me and looks forward, and walks at a fast pace...

My world goes black and I feel my limbs relax. I honestly have no strength left to fight anymore.

(Within my mind)

I Lay in Darkness.

I Cant See much, But I hear someone.

A woman’s soft voice.

She sounds so lovely almost angelic. I hear her say my name, I answer her with a yes, and She appears a White Wolf walking slowly through the darkness, her paws make no sound, in fact, there are no sounds besides my own breathing. Furthermore, I hear nothing.

She appears as a spirit like wolf, Her beauty is awe-striking. I stare at her fur that shines like diamonds in the darkness. Her nose is pink and her eyes are deep green. In this dark place, I feel no fear, no angst, no pain, no joy. I feel nothing actually.

“ Hello, Isla. I am Amera, I hope you know how lucky you are. “ she breathed through her angelic words.

“Lucky? How am I lucky, I am dead?” I stutter.

She Giggles at my statement, “ This is a very rare occasion Isla. I have chosen you as a Host If you allow me? Unfortunately, you were not born into this, but you were Bitten. There hasn’t been a Confirmed half Blood in over 300 years. But I am here to help you, There is a storm coming, and I would Like to be one with you, I believe we are a perfect match. Will you accept me? ”

I am not afraid of her question nor her request. For some reason, I feel like I should Allow Amera within my mind. I don’t yet understand the implications of my descision, but My guts telling me to trust her. I was chosen? There is a specific reason I was chosen so I guess I should just accept. My favourite quote is Four or five moments - that’s all it takes to become a hero."

“Yes, you may. But Please I am afraid and I don’t know why, But I feel like I can trust you. So Can I? Will you and I share my mind and body? , why me though?“ My Questions Come panicked and harsh, I feel inside that I want this but my brain still doesn’t fully comprehend what’s happening.

Amera walks Closer, I feel her breath on my Face, But I know this is some type of dream world so it's not possible to physically feel anything. But as I felt her breath I knew I was wrong and this was real.

“ I will never allow any harm to come to you, I only wish to be apart of you, I was sent by the Goddess Nyx for reasons I am not yet sure either, But all I know is that we were matched together for a greater purpose“

With that our heads touch, and Fire Erupts all over my body.

I burn But see no Flames, each cell in my body is screaming at me, I felt like I was melting from the inside out. My head felt like it was going to split open and ooze my Brain fluids through my eyes and ears. I open my eyes in pain, I see a Hospital bed and a Panicked stricken Nurse screaming with me, I didn’t even realize I had been screaming. I see a doctor Running to me “ What is it? where is your pain ?”

“ I’m Burning Everywhere, She touched me now I’m Burning, I said yes, I’m on Fire !” I scream so loud the nurse almost faints.

I realized the Shock on the Doctors Face when My temperature on the machine attached to me spiked and beeped blood red, I didn’t know what was happening. I felt like I was living in a Greys Anatomy episode.

Amera spoke then “ Isla, It will be over soon”, Her voice is strained and she speaks as if she can feel the pain within my mind,

The Doctor speaks next, “ I can sense a wolf It wasn’t there before, She is merging, I need the Book ...”

He keeps yelling and ordering the Nurses and the next thing I know, It’s dark again. The burning is gone, but I feel different, I feel Whole and empty at the same time.

'Its Because I am Here you feel whole, But you feel empty as there is a half of you missing, a piece that we might not ever find, due to our circumstances of existence a piece we would've found if we were born as wolves' Amera states sadly

“What is it we are missing? “ I ask shyly, almost afraid to hear the answer.

“ A Mate” she states sadly

This word mate makes me shiver a little, I don’t know why it made me sad, Maybe it’s my new 'Room Mate' friend Amera, I’m not sure.

I dare not open my eyes to the drama unfolding around me, I can hear a lot of commotion and with the Jersey Shore drama scene I threw yesterday I know the commotion is about me. I allow myself to drift to sleep quietly listening to the beeping of the machine still attached to my arm, I listen to my own heartbeat and drift into sleep, I can deal with this all the other shit tomorrow.

I can hear him. He is coming, He calls my name and I’m riddled with fear. I’m running, my arm is still bleeding.No, This cant be, I was saved. I am alive. Why am I here again?

He has me, his hold is strong and firm. I fight. Jay laughs and hits me on the head, I can hear my skull crack at the force. All of a sudden he is on top of me, I’m fighting him, he won’t have me. I won’t let him, I can’t. He unzips his pants and lifts my dress, Im still wearing a hospital gown. I scream for help but stop. 'Im wearing ahospital gown' I whisper.

I look up at Jay and he slaps me, Forcing me to forget my initial train of thought, Amera shifts withing me and pushes herself forward, she extends claws from my fingers and our eyes darken to the deep green. We claw his face and torso. We scream with rage and fight like hell.

He breaks free from us and launches a foceful punch at us, But before it hits us...

I wake up sweating dreading to see the end of my dream. I sit up straight in the darkroom.Amera is there, I can feel her awake within my head , She's upset.

' I have been searching through your mind whilst you sleep. I must have triggered a recent memory. I am so sorry. I am supposed to be one with your psyche and as we were not born as one, I have to Dig' she whimpered

' No, it’s ok. I Uhm, I don’t mind the digging part, But don’t Trigger any more Memories Please, Not any recent ones, Those I will share with you once Im used to you' I say breathlessly with a hint of sarcasm. She giggles and nods in agreement.

Its strange I can actually feel her digging through my memories it’s an odd feeling within my mind, knowing she is in there digging I cant seem to sleep. I remain seated and try to see if there is food on any table or even just water in this odd-looking hospital ward where I seem to be the only patient 'Thats odd' I whiper to myself.

I get up off the bed feeling shaky, I proceed to take my Drip out. I walk to the bathroom, Do my business, swallow a few liters of tap water and climb back in bed slightly confused, wondering where I was.

I was still wondering where I was when I starded to sense things. My sense of smell was insane, It’s strange because I can differentiate between odors and smells, Animal and Beast. I must still be with those wolves that found me in the middle of the road. I smell the strong scent of hospital sterilization products and I smell the snow. Snow has a smell?!

My mind registers all these scents, I feel like I was oblivious to these scents when I was human, Now I have Amera, The scents seem to become more important and hightened.

I don’t pick up Jay’s scent. I know his scent, It will be embedded in my mind forever. But I don’t smell him, I was overjoyed with this realization, He was dead, I killed him. Cliff's scent is also not here either, well I cant smell his scent anywhere close to me. I am safe from them. I sighed in relief and laid back into the not-so-comfortable pillows this facility provides.

Amera and I spent the night "Bonding" and merging our psyche's, I feel like the process was like syncing your new phone to your old one, Making sure all the data transfered over, But its just far longer and far harder. I remained awake with her the entire night, Not sure what will happen to us in the morning when the hospital staff come in to start the day. But Amera and I will go through it together.

Frankily we are kinda stuck together now.

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