The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five: Her

Mack had to crane her neck to look into the blood-red eyes of death. The tall female was intimidating, so intimidating that she felt like bending her head down in submission but she then reminded herself that she will be queen soon, and a queen does not allow themselves to show fear or intimidation.

No matter how much fear she is feeling inside.

This woman held particular energy however that Mack couldn’t shake. A kind of energy that didn’t feel like her own but someone else and She didn’t know how to feel about it as this woman was getting more and more impatient the more she stood and stared.

“I uh...” Mack started as she avoided eye contact and began to look around the room to find any kind of distraction possible. “I uh... I was looking for someone but I guess I went into the wrong room.”

The girl scowled, the turn of her lip almost seemed like she had hissed and Mack had to keep herself from jumping back in fright. “He is here, isn’t he?”

Mack frowned and eyed the girl again. If she was talking about August then he is one brave man. One very strong and courageous man to be mated to a scary woman like this one. “August? Yeah, he is here.”

The girl slightly reacted to hearing his name and that caused Mack to internally celebrate. That slight movement meant that she wasn’t completely heartless and she can talk her into coming back with them. “Look, I get it. When Zack marked me and forced me onto his ship where he kept me locked up until we got to the castle and then tried to lock me up in the said castle, I was pissed.” She started, her eyes didn’t leave the glaring red ones but she needed to hear it. “I convinced myself for a long time that I will never accept him and that I hated his guts but the longer I stayed, the more I allowed myself to let go of how things had started and I started to realise that he wasn’t a bad guy. The mate bond helped but most of it was me, I let go of that anger and hatred and allowed myself to like him... even possibly love him. I don’t know yet but I am getting there and so could you. August is a good guy, a nice guy and he helped me in ways that he doesn’t know about. He is sweet and all he has done from the moment he found you, was worry. He just wants to know if you are okay, he needs to know that you are okay because not having you by his side is slowly killing him.”

All Mack got was silence when she finally finished. She stood there staring into this girl’s eyes with so much hope that she started to wonder what was wrong with herself. She wasn’t normally this sentimental but for August she just shared a part of herself that she didn’t like to share and if this didn’t work then she will pull a Zack and tackle her to the ground and hope she passes out.

“It is not that I don’t want to try.” She finally mumbled. Mack felt her heart jump from her sudden change of mood and felt like stepping back when she came closer and exposed her arms. Long black markings lined her skin like a tattoo and for a split second Mack could have sworn she saw them spreading. “I am trying to find a cure as I am cursed. Touching anyone means that you die and if I allow him to go near me, he will die.”

She stared at those lines as if her own life was on the line. Fear hit her scenes and she wanted to cry on the behalf of the two people who can’t be together because of a curse. “I can fix it!” She suddenly said, Mack could barely hear her own voice from how hard her heart was pounding inside of her body. “I... I have demon blood. I don’t know how to use my abilities nor have I ever figured out what I can do but I can try. I need to try, let me help you.”

“Nobody can fix a witch’s curse.”

“And nobody could have saved my sister when she allowed her soul to get sucked into that crystal to help save the entire dragon shifter kind but here we are. Standing here breathing while she could be dead!”

Mack’s sudden outburst caused the girl’s eyes to widen. “Marley is your sister?”

“How do you know her?”

She stood there for a moment and tucked her arms back under her cloak. “I helped them get that crystal. I warned her about what she had to do and what the consequences are but she still did it anyway.”

“Because she was selfless.” Mack softly said.

“And you are willing to help me despite me being the reason why Marley is trapped?”

Mack hadn’t considered her being the reason because Marley would have done anything to help her mate. Even sacrifice her life and that is what she did. “I don’t blame you, she would have done it without your warnings.”

She eyed Mack one last time before she sighed and dropped her head before lifting her hood to cover her face. “Figus, Pipèe. You win.”

“Yes! I knew sending Mack here would work!”

The sound of Figus’s voice made Mack turn around and find both felines standing behind her with wide grins on their faces. It was kind of creepy seeing expressions like that on cats but Mack tried to ignore it. “So this means that you will come back to the castle?”

Figus’s grin widened as if that was even possible. “Yes, yes it does.”

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