The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 4

I opened the box to find a mid-length dress inside, along with some makeup.

I guess he does think I look awful.

The dress was a satin spaghetti strap dress that went right to my knees. It was a fuchsia color and absolutely stunning. However, I was not wanting to show off so much skin. I walked over to the large closet adjacent to the bathroom and looked through the clothes that were in there.

A-ha, there we go.

I found a silver shawl to go around my shoulders. I did not want anyone gawking at my bumps and bruises, so I decided to cover the most delicate parts of my upper body. I looked at the clock on the bedside table to see it was already 6:30. Just enough time to fix my face.

I took the makeup palette to the bathroom and stared. I had not worn makeup since before I was taken, so I had no idea how some girls make themselves look like a different person. I knew the basics, however, so I just applied some concealer to my dark circles and my neck followed by some light pink eyeshadow and mascara.

Next was the hair. I noticed a claw clip in a tray between the sinks, so I brushed through my hair a few more times and did a simple up-do with the clip. I pulled a few strands of hair out to frame my face a little better and give it a little more shape. I examined my face in the mirror and decided it would work.

I looked in the box again once I went back into the bedroom and noticed two pairs of shoes: one pair was black stilettos and the other some comfortable black wedges.

Wedges, definitely. Don't want to break another bone trying to walk.

I slipped on the wedges and took a big breath before looking at the clock again. 7:00 on the dot. I opened the door and saw Maya waiting for me. Her eyes met mine and her jaw hit the floor. "Good gracious, you look like a whole new person!"

"Thanks Maya," I smiled, "I feel like a whole new person." She giggled and held out her hand to take mine. I grabbed her hand and wrapped the shawl closer to me. "So why does he want me for dinner? Is there going to be anyone else there?"

"I have no idea," Maya shrugged her shoulders, "The only thing he said to me was to give you the box and wait for you. I think they are having duck for dinner, and that's our chef's specialty. So you should enjoy it!" I looked down at the floor to make sure I didn't miss a step as we descended down the stairs. We then took a right down the hallway where it passed the kitchen on the right. The hallway then opened up into a large formal dining room.

The table looked as if it was too small for the room. There was about 5 chairs on each side and one on each end. The table itself was marvelous; there were several hors d'oeuvres scattered throughout with greenery and candles lit all over it. There was a place set at each end of the table.

Guess it's just the two of us.

I bit my lip, unsure of which seat was mine. I just decided to sit at the end closest to me when out of nowhere a waiter came over and began pouring a dark wine.

"Thank you," I said. He nodded and smiled. "Are there any allergies we should be aware of tonight, ma'am?" I shook my head no. "No sir, no allergies."

"Wonderful," he stated, "His Majesty should be joining us momentarily." He then walked away down the hall toward the kitchen. I took the wine glass and swirled it around in the glass like I had seen my parents do when we used to hold dinners. I then sniffed the glass and my tattoo sparked to life.

This is blood wine.

"I see you have found my tastes are exquisite." His voice was almost coming from what you would hear in a cave. I snapped myself out of my trance to watch him walk to the table and sit down.

I didn't think he could look any more alluring than before, but damn he can.

He was wearing a black silk button up shirt with only one button undone at the top, black slacks with dress shoes, and his hair was brushed back out of his face to really show his eyes. Even from all the way at the end of the table I could see the glow they had in them. The way that his eyes sent chills through my body made my legs quiver. I looked back down at the glass of wine and swallowed hard.

"I have," I said, "I must say I enjoy it."

"Then what are you waiting for?" he asked, a smile creeping across his face. He was waiting for my response when I took a drink; I could see it in his demeanor.

Okay, just take a sip. Keep your cool, Mel.

I eased the glass to my lips and took a small sip. My eyes went ablaze and I had to keep them closed to avoid unwanted attention. "It's delicious, your Majesty". My teeth were gritting so hard I could feel my canines growing and rubbing against the insides of my bottom lip. I tasted a hint of my own blood, knowing that my fangs had punctured the inside of my mouth from the force I was using to bite down.

Good, something to calm me down.

Vampire blood, to other vampires, is not enticing at all. It actually has a pungent taste to it. That is, unless you are mates. Some old stories tell of couples who were destined to be together and they are mates for life, so in that case your mate's blood tastes better than any human blood you can get your hands on.

"Well, I was not sure what you enjoyed eating," King Donovan states, "So I had the chef prepare his best meal: duck." I smiled at him as the waiter brought out some type of soup. "It sounds wonderful. Thank you for inviting me to dinner." I sniffed the soup discreetly, and it smelled like a broccoli cheddar soup. I took the spoon and began eating slowly, letting the warmth of the soup spread down my throat.

"I hoped you didn't have a preference on dress," he said again, taking a sip of wine, "I had Maya help me pick a color that would suit you." I almost spit out my soup. "And why are you trying to 'suit' me?"

He smiled, not looking up from his bowl. "Can I ask a question?" I put my spoon down and took another drink of wine to prepare for whatever the hell he was doing. "Sure, why not."

He took his napkin off of his lap and sat back in his chair, his hands in that praying form with the tips of his fingers on his lips. He was doing that staring thing again. I decided to play the game; I placed my hands across my lap and twitched my eyes to shine just a little while I stared back.

"Who are you?" he asked. I laughed a little bit. "I already told you my name. And I'm sure you have done some research on me, so you probably already know my last name along with my whole family. So why don't you cut the shit of being nice and just do whatever the hell it is you want?" His eyes flickered momentarily to show his golden glow he had in them and his jaw clenched. He placed his right elbow on the armrest of the chair and the other hand on his left leg. "You're partially right about that. I have been doing some research since I found out your name. But that's not the question I am asking: I'm asking who are you as a person? Because I can see obviously that you are strong, however much Malachi broke you down.

"He might have broken you down, but he didn't break your spirit. I can see it in your eyes. Something is different about you, Melody. I can see that. I can't put my finger on what that might be, but I do intend to find out."

He just read me like a damn open book.

How DARE he?

I'm sure at some point my mouth was almost touching my bowl of now-cold soup, so I snapped it shut. I had no words; no fiery comeback, no pissed off comment, nothing. The waiter then came around my right side to take my bowl and replace it with a grilled duck breast, asparagus, and potatoes. I looked down at the plate with eyes almost filled with tears. Was I hurt? Sad? Angry? Hell, I didn't know.

All I knew is that this man just exposed some of my deepest feelings and I had no idea what to do about it. I stuck the fork in the duck breast, took the knife, and began cutting slightly harder than normal. I kept my eyes on my plate as I began eating. I could hear King Donovan's silverware clinking against his plate as he began to eat as well, but my mind was already in another place.

Could I trust him to tell him the truth of who I really am? He did just tell me he basically intended to grill me about my past until I spit it out. On the other hand, he had me a place to stay until I was ready to leave-on my own. He didn't have me chained up or locked in a cell, so that was a plus. I guess I could start a conversation about the food.

"My last name is Raines." He didn't check up eating, so obviously he knew this already. I took a big breath, a long drink of wine, and decided to try for something else.

"I didn't kill them."

His eyes glanced up from his plate for a moment before he put the silverware down. I put my fork in my left hand and my knife in my right as I stared at my plate, trying to keep my hands occupied. I looked at him through my eyelashes to see curiosity spread across his face.

"Like I said, I didn't kill them," I started, "Malachi framed me to make it look like I killed my parents. He is the real monster-not me. That's why he has had me chained up all these years: so I wouldn't tell the truth." King Donovan then sat back in his chair with his hands between his knees. His arms were incredibly long.

And sexy, masculine, tattooed...

"I thought that would be brought up sooner than later," he said, "And I am glad you finally said something. When the incident happened my father was king. Apparently, he and your father were allies during the war going on in the 1950s. When my father heard what had happened, he put everything into finding out the truth.

"What he found was a bunch of evidence that just didn't make any sense. He went back a few days after it happened to interrogate you, but Malachi's men said you ran off because of what you had done. Father knew better, though. He kept saying he could tell something was off. So he finally decided to confront Malachi.

"Once he got to Malachi's kingdom, he was not greeted by a happy party; he was practically turned away by the guards. He made several more attempts to contact Malachi before he became ill and could no longer leave the castle."

My face was ice cold and stoic. I don't even know if it was possible to clench your jaw as hard as I was.

"Wh-what kind of evidence did he find?" I asked, "Or did he tell you?"

"He never got the chance to tell me," King Donovan answered, his face becoming somber, "He died when I was 17. My uncle stepped in to fill his shoes until I turned 18 and took the crown, but apparently father never revealed any information to him. Every time I asked he would act like he had no idea what I was talking about."

My blood was boiling; I could feel my tattoo searing into my skin. My eyes were for sure ice blue and glowing now, and I had to get the hell out of there before something went bad quickly.

"Excuse me," I mumbled, before jumping up from the table and running down the hall as fast as I could.

Fresh air-I need fresh air right now.

I went for the staircase I had noticed earlier that seemed to lead outside. The guards tried to stop me, but I shoved them away with force. Each one on either side slammed into the walls. The tears were pouring down my face as I burst through the doors that led outside. I had no idea which way was east, west, north, or south, so I just ran like hell toward what looked like a side gate to my left across the courtyard.

I reached the gate and noticed it was locked, so I jumped over it with ease. Motions were becoming more fluent since I had some blood and food in my system, so I broke into a sprint once my feet hit the ground. I was running through a meadow that was on the other side of the castle walls, and once I reached the woods I stopped and sniffed the air.

I could smell salt water, so I knew that I was close to the ocean. I remembered growing up that the ocean was far away from Malachi's kingdom, so I started running again.

It was a similar feeling to when I was running from Malachi's men, but this time I had no idea what or who I was running from. All I knew is that I had to get somewhere alone and safe.

Nearly there.

The smell of the salt from the sea was getting stronger, so I knew I was close now. I could see it on the other side of the trees; it was beautiful. Once I made it through the forest, I stopped when my feet hit sand.

I kicked my shoes off and slowly walked to the edge of the water where it was hitting my toes. I looked up at the sky to see stars shimmering in the night sky with a large, white moon beaming down at me. I fell to my knees and put my head in my hands, sobbing hysterically.

Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this awful, pitiful life?

My parents-gone.

Life as I knew it growing up-gone.

And I was the one who the finger was pointed at. I was the one who recieved beating after beating, rape after rape, torture after torture.

12 years. Over a decade of living in what seemed like the pits of hell.

It all came crashing down at once; I never had the chance to mourn the loss of my parents. I felt the pain and grief every single day, but I never had the opportunity to actually greive.

I let out a blood curdling scream; mad at the world for what has happened to me. I began to collapse in the sand until strong arms embraced me and held me tight. I didn't know nor did I care who it was, so I balled up into their lap as they held me. A hand began stroking my hair as my tears soaked their silk shirt.

"Shh," King Donovan said, "It's alright. Let it out Melody."

He followed me?

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