The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 25

"Mel?" Erik asked, "Am I dreaming or something?"

"No," I laughed, "I'm alive. It's a long story. We can talk about it at the castle." About that time, the door swung open to the bar and the council began to file in. The front man looked all around at the dead vampires and then his eyes stopped on me. I swallowed hard as uncle Harry peered around in shock. I looked at Erik nervously as he wrapped his arm around me and we walked toward the council.

"What happened?" the front man asked.

"Sir Patrick," Erik answered, "Malachi took Melody. She managed to escape, fled here, and then he tracked her down again. As you can see she finally defeated him." I held up Malachi's head nervously as I tried to stand tall.

Sir Patrick looked me up and down. "Looks like there was some damage dealt."

"I'm fine," I replied, "Just tired." I set Malachi's head down on the ground and looked at the council with my hands behind my back.

"Well you made our job easy," he said, motioning for the council to go about their business, "So thank you." The men started to pick up bodies and carry them out the back door, more than likely to burn them and destroy evidence. Uncle Harry brought Malachi's body over to Patrick. Patrick grabbed his body and his head. "We will be having a hearing after this, and I expect the both of you to be there."

"Yes sir," I answered.

"Just let me know when," Erik added, "And we will be there." The council then left, leaving Erik and me alone. I reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing the top of my head. "Mel, I thought you were gone."

"I know," I whispered, "I did too."

"It literally felt like my heart broke," Erik said, taking a step back and scratching the back of his head, "It was physically painful."

"I can explain that," I said, "But first let's head home. I'm super tired." He nodded and we went outside, getting in his jeep.

The ride back to the castle was quiet. I wasn't sure if he was just deep in thought or in shock, but I wasn't too keen on the silence. I looked out the window, thinking about my parents. They looked exactly like they did the night they died. I was sad to leave them behind, but it wasn't a feeling of sadness I felt; I still felt connected to them. It was more than likely the connection I now shared with their world since Queen Iris gave me the powers of the original vampires.

When we got back to the castle everyone was waiting outside to see my return. Maya ran outside and grabbed me in a hug as soon as I stepped out of the truck.

"Melody!" she cried, "I was so worried. When Erik told everyone what happened I thought you were a goner."

"I was for a minute," I replied, chuckling, "But I'm fine. And Malachi is gone forever."

"Oh thank goodness," she said, still holding on tightly. I had to pry myself away from her to get a breath. "Maya, I'm fine. Really."

"I'm sorry," she apologized, smiling at me, "I just was so worried." I put my hand on her arm. "I know. I just want a hot bath and a good nap. I'll catch you up on all the details later, okay?"

"Sounds perfect!" she exclaimed, giving me another hug. Erik was already on his way inside so I hurried to catch up with him. He went toward his room and did not slow down for me, so I stopped walking. He kept going, so I decided maybe he needed some alone time. I turned around and headed for my room, closing the door behind me.

I went into the bathroom and started to run the water in the bathtub. I began to take off my clothes when something caught my attention in the mirror.

My tattoo was not only on my neck, but had extended all the way down my spine to right above my crack. It was the same as what was on my neck before my death experience, but all the way down my back. I looked in awe as I made it light up, watching the intricate details glow from the nape of my neck to the end of my spine.

I smiled as I felt a warmth inside; the connection to the other world and my parents. I took the rest of my clothes off and slipped into the hot water. I had put some lilac bubble bath under the running water, so I sank down to where the bubbles were touching my nose. I closed my eyes and held my head back, trying to push away the memories of everything that had happened the past few days.

I opened my eyes when I heard my bathroom door open and Erik walked in. I sat up a little and looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he whispered, closing the door behind him, "Just...I don't know. Confused, maybe?"

"About what?" I asked, pulling my knees to my chest. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub and put his head in his hands. "Everything. I don't understand how you're alive, I don't understand that pain I felt when you died, and I don't understand what I'm feeling now. It's so calm, when I should be angry or over the moon."

"It's me," I whispered, "You're feeling what I'm feeling." He looked at me with a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"When I died," I said, "I went to a whole other world. My parents were there, and so were all of the dead Royal families." His eyes grew wide.

"The original vampires were there too," I continued, "Including Queen Iris. She's the one who told me why I am the way that I am, and why we are connected. It turns out the Originals picked me to be the one to have ancient powers because apparently I'm the one to unite all the kingdoms. Iris told me that I had strong Royal blood in my veins passed down from generations, and when I reached the age of transformation my powers evolved.

"When it was time for me to return, she gave me the whole of the ancient powers. She informed me that I am to use them for good to unite all vampires and basically terminate those like Malachi." I paused for a moment before I looked down. "She also said we are soulmates."

Erik nearly jumped out of his skin. "That's impossible. I thought that was only hearsay?"

"It's real," I replied, "That's why we felt what we did the first night we touched. The only thing we have to do to complete the bond is drink from each other."

"And Queen Iris told you this?" Erik asked, astonished. I nodded my head. "She did." I reached my hand out for Erik to hold it. He hesitated, but once he did we felt that spark again like the first night our fingers touched. I looked up at Erik to see that a tear was streaming down his face.

"Don't cry," I whispered, "Please, don't. Everything is going to be okay. Malachi is dead, and it's just you and me." He then pulled his hand away and began to take off his clothes. He slid down in the bathtub with me, embracing me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him as well, letting a few sobs out.

I felt whole; I was safe from Malachi, my parents were okay, and it was just us two here and now. I pulled away from him and kissed him gently on the lips. He put his hands on both sides of my face and held us together for a few minutes before we both stopped and pressed our foreheads together.

"I love you," he whispered, "So much."

"And I love you," I replied, smiling, "More than anything. You're my everything, Erik. I promise you I will never leave you again."

"You better not," he chuckled, "I don't think my heart could take that again." We sat in the bathtub for a little longer before getting out and relaxing in my bed, falling asleep in each others' arms.

I want this for the rest of my life.

I woke up feeling Erik's fingertips brushing my hair. I was on my back with him to my right, so I rolled over and snuggled up close to him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

"We have been asleep for a while," he chuckled, "We slept for about 14 hours." I peeked over his shoulder and noticed it was two in the afternoon. "We had a long night."

He traced his fingers down my spine, sending shivers throughout my body. I then remembered my tattoo.

"Hey," I said, propping myself up on my right arm, "Want to see something cool?" One of his eyebrows went up in curiosity. I rolled over onto my stomach as the covers fell down to my butt. "Look at this."

I moved my hair out of the way so he could get a better view. I heard his breath stop short as he sat up and examined my new tattoo on my back. I felt his fingers as they traced the symbols and swirls all the way down.

"This is incredible," he breathed, "You are incredible." I smiled, thinking the same thing about him. His fingers kept exploring the new art on my back until they slipped gently down my crack and slowly entered me. My breath halted in my throat as he worked his magic between my legs.

I spread my knees apart slightly and arched my back as one of his fingers went in and out and the other rubbed my most sensitive spot. I gripped the pillow with both hands as a moan escaped my lips.

"I love the way this feels," he whispered as he put his lips to my neck. He stroked his finger a few more times before he flipped me over onto my back and devoured my lips with his.

I wanted him so badly. My core tightened as his lips ran from my lips, to my neck, between my breasts, to my stomach, and finally between my legs. He began to lick slowly, causing my hips to buck in response. His hands slid their way up to my breasts as his tongue delved into me. I threw my head back and let out a moan in response.

He kept going with his tongue a little while longer before he moved back up and started with his finger again. "How does that feel baby?"

Oh, his voice.

"So good," I moaned, nearly tipping over the edge as his beard moved against me while he spoke. He stuck another finger in and picked up the pace.

"Oh!" I yelled out as I reached the breaking point. I felt the convulsions move over my body as he licked slower and slower. Once I finally caught my breath he leaned over me, looking deep into my eyes. He slipped himself slowly inside as my eyes rolled back from the pleasure.

"Erik," I moaned, grabbing his thighs as he slowly pumped into me.

"I can't get enough of you," he whispered as he dipped down to kiss my neck.

"Don't stop," I replied, My breathing became ragged as I felt my climax coming again. He began to pick up the pace and we both were sent over the edge. He gave one last thrust before he collapsed on his elbows with his forehead against mine.

We tried to calm our breathing down together as we sat there for a few moments. He then rolled over on his back and I let my legs fall down. Erik let out one long breath before we looked at each other.

"I could do that every morning," he said, propping himself on his arm and putting the other around me. I rolled over to face him and smiled. "Oh, most definitely." He kissed my forehead slowly and then gave me one on my lips. I put my left arm around him and buried my face in his chest.

"So what's on the agenda today?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair. I shrugged my shoulders. "Probably visit with Maya for a bit, since she was so worried about me. What about you?"

"I've got some interviews to attend," he sighed, "I lost about 23 guards when Malachi's men attacked us that night, so I need to replace them." His cell phone started to ring and he rolled his eyes, picking it up.

"What?" he answered gruffly. I could hear Rex on the other end almost yelling at him.

"I told you," he growled, "I've been busy. I'll be down shortly." He hung up the phone and rubbed his face with his hands. "That woman irritates me."

"But she's your best guard," I replied, pointing my finger at him, "Don't talk bad about her."

"I won't," he chuckled, throwing the covers off of him and getting out of bed. He began to put his clothes back on and I sat there, staring in awe.

This man is absolutely gorgeous.

He turned around and lifted an eyebrow as he looked at me. "Something you would like to say?"

I shook my head no and looked up at him through my eyelashes. "Just enjoying the view." He began to laugh loudly and leaned down to kiss me gently. "I'll see you tonight."

"Sounds like a plan," I replied, smiling. He was almost out of the door before he turned around and looked at me again. "I have one more question."

"What's that?" I said, sitting up in bed with the covers around me.

"Would you like to move your things to my room?" he asked, "Or would you like to stay here? I know you like your privacy and all, but I do enjoy sleeping next to you every night. Amongst other things." His eyes flashed golden for a moment and I smiled. "You are my privacy. I would love to move my stuff to your room."

"I'll have the maids on it shortly," he replied, smiling from ear to ear. He then turned on his heel and left my room. I flopped back onto the bed on my back and sighed.

This is the best.

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