The Unthinkable

Chapter Ryo

Lilie's POV

'How do you know my name?'

I ask Ryo as I rub away the tears embarrassed and annoyed to be seen at such a weak time. I hate his sympathy. He doesn't rush to answer my question but merely moves at all. He just scratches the back of his neck looking anywhere but me and it gave me a funny feeling.

'What are you not telling me? There is something going on here?' I say getting up and backing away.

He gets up to talk when a splashing sound comes from the distance followed by a group of screams. I start to panic but from the corner of my eye, I see Ryo panic as well.

'Hide up in trees now' He says pushing me to the nearest tree.

'Wait for what? Who are they and what about you?' I ask pushing against his grip.

'Just do it. You can't be found'

With confusion still flashed across my face I decide to follow Ryo's instructions, quickly rushing up the tree. I hide behind some branches giving me a good perspective but also staying hidden.

I watch as Ryo sits down with his plates and starts washing them in the wooden bucket of water. Two boys and a girl approach the camp with spears and knives. I knew exactly who they were by their wild red eyes that stalk over Ryo. They were apart of the Venatores.

One of the boys shoves Ryo to the floor making him drop his water and plate everywhere. They all snigger as he takes the humiliation and I sit speechless at the scene.

'Seen anything suspicious yet skimpy? You know the targets' The boy had a screechy sort of voice that was coated in hate and amusement as if mocking him.

'No' Ryo mumbled looking down.

'Of course, he hasn't Ricky. He would never be able to catch a butterfly let alone Lilie or Josh.'

They all burst into laughter kicking some random pots and pans on the forest floor.

'We will be back tomorrow skimpy and at least find something or maybe we will kill you first. I'm sure even Tanya will be okay with it.'

They run away together laughing hysterically in wild and cackling voices. Ryo gets up walking over to me and helping me down from the tree and I accept his help.

'You're one of them' I say looking at him dead in the eye and I can see the guilt washed all over his face. 'Why did you lie?'

He walks away from me collecting up the scattered plates and pans in a small pile.

'Ryo, answer me'

He drops the plates and pans staring at a tree in the distance. Staying completely still. I walk over to him looking into his eyes and seeing pain. A loose tear falls from his eyes and slowly dribbles down his cheek in a slow and dreary movement, but he stays strong leaving it to fall. I place a hand on his shoulder comfortingly and he slowly turns his head to me.

'I had no choice Lilie.' He pauses in between his sobs. 'I never wanted to be apart of the Venatores. I was fine alone in the arena. I am not weak.' He breaks a sob again letting more tears fall. 'I know how to survive. I was a dry-lander for goodness sake. It was in my nature.'

I lead him to sit and he does, collapsing to the floor and hugging his legs with shaky hands.

'Why did they add you to the group?' I ask him with sympathy but I quickly wash it away knowing how frustrating peoples sympathy is.

'I was living behind the mountains in the pine woods where I was placed in the beginning. I was the last person in my group to be placed so I didn't know where my group was. Instead of finding them I just set up camp myself unaware of the Venatores. When Tanya found out I was in the pine woods she ordered for me to be found and in the end, I was taken back here in the oak forests. That's when it got worse.

'I was kept in a small wooden cage with minimal food or water for days till I would agree to join and give information on peoples whereabouts but I refused. I grew skinny and weak which is where the nicknames came from, you know skimpy. Soon though Tanya became impatient and started giving me a cut in my back every time I declined. I couldn't take it. I gave in.'

He rolled up his shirt and there on his back was scars just like he said. They were drawn deep and in the shape of a tally. There were exactly 17 in total. All there permanently and huge forever.

'Ryo, that's awful. Why haven't you tried to escape?'

He laughs slightly. 'Believe me, I have but it's just giving me more torture when I get taken back.'

'I'm sorry' I whisper.

'No. I am sorry. I was only told to find you and bring you back to camp. I thought you were a dangerous criminal but obviously, that is not the case. Tanya is just crazy and always has been.'

I laugh lightly 'Yeah I feel bad for her parents having to raise such a child.'

'Yeah, she wasn't the easiest to live around for 14 years.'

I raise my eyebrows in shock and turn my head to Ryo. It couldn't be...

'Yes...Tanya is my sister. My older sister by 3 years since I am 14.'

Then it all popped into place. Ryo was a splitting image of Tanya. He had the same blonde hair and blue eyes but he acted so much kinder. He was more understanding and patient unlike the selfish satan herself who was nowhere near as wise and strong as her brother.

'How could your own sister torture you like this?' I almost shout standing up in rage. He follows but rushes over to the small stacks of pots and pans. He starts moving things around and rushing back and forwards. I look over to see him pilling things in two leather bags.

'What are you doing?' I ask him walking over to see him collecting weapons and food.

'We are leaving before they find us. And this time we are going to the mountains.'

'Why the mountains?'

He looks up smiling. 'To visit a friend of yours'

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