The Trade (Coastal Rivals Book 1)

The Trade: Chapter 41

Whoever fabricated all that nasty shit about long distance⁠—how it’s undeniably stressful, how it’s taxing on your relationship, how every damn day is a fight to stay connected⁠—well, they must not have felt the way I feel.

Of course I’ve missed Jade over these last few months, but it’s only her physical presence that’s been absent. I still get to hear the sounds of her sweet laughter, see the pretty smile on her face, and listen to those witty little quips I’ve grown to love.

Although I don’t get to feel her, touch her, taste her as often as I’d like . . . I sure do spend plenty of time thinking about it. Actually, I think about Jade pretty much nonstop⁠—on the field, in the locker rooms, and late at night from the safety of my own bedroom.

That’s when I get so fucking lost in the memories of her, in the sweet sounds of her moaning my name.

Theo. Theo. Theo.

I wish I could bottle that sound and drink it before every big game. I’d definitely be a shoo-in for the first draft pick.

Honestly, my prospects are pretty fucking ace anyway.

Coach has positioned me in a solid spot for scouting this season. He’s been pushing me toward the feature back title. He also put me on a two-week speed challenge to shave time off my forty-yard dash.

It’s the best chance I have of making the draft. We’ve been developing my highlights reel, and now we’re cutting down on my run time. In the past week and a half, I went from a 4.49 to a 4.44. For now, my time beats the average, but I know I can still do better.

I just need to keep my eyes on the fucking prize.

In reality, I need to shut off my brain for a few minutes and stop daydreaming about my gorgeous girlfriend. The same one who’s headed back to campus as we speak.

I scrub a towel across my still-damp hair, lightly gelling the strands while I stare down my reflection. My lips curve into a full-out grin as I recite my daily mantra: “My name’s Theo, and I’m smart as hell.”

Jade was right⁠—that silly affirmation has helped me manifest all the best shit in my life. This last year, I passed all my classes. I kept my scholarship. And most importantly, I got my fucking girl back.

I think I owe it to the mantra now.

Once I spot Jade’s familiar curls bobbing in the crowded terminal, my heart starts pumping wildly against my chest, my stomach filling with that same giddiness I felt on our first date.

She perches onto her tiptoes, scanning the sea of unfamiliar faces until our eyes catch. Then she breaks into a clumsy sprint as I fling my arms out. A moment later, her body collides with mine.

“I missed you so much, baby.” I tuck my nose against the crown of her head, breathing in that sweet, floral scent.

“It’s only been ten days,” she murmurs, capturing my lips in a chaste kiss.

“Mhm, and I thought about you every second.”

A light flush of pink colors her cheeks. “I’m sure you thought about me while Coach was kicking your ass out there.”

“Hell yeah, I did.” I pull back, threading our fingers together. “Especially afterward⁠ . . . you know, while I showered in the locker rooms.”

Her head drops back with a teasing groan. “You’re relentless.”

“And? You love that about me.”

“You know, if you do end up sharing the field with my brother, then you’re gonna need to keep that shit on lockdown.”

She’s right. After watching Mica play in Baltimore, I’ve been itching for a spot on his team. Not only does he love his job, but the Bobcats have been killing it their last few seasons. Mica also promised to put in a good word for me.

Apparently, he’d love for us to be teammates⁠, although his reasons might be selfish. Before I flew back to Dayton, he cornered me and said, “If you’re on my team, then it’ll just be easier to kick your ass if you hurt my baby sister.”

Fortunately for both of us, that’s never gonna happen. Not again, anyway.

I bring our joined hands to my mouth, lips pressing against her skin. “Jade.”


“You know, I’ve been thinking . . . we still have a few days before term starts. I’ll have some time off. What do you think about a road trip? We could drive up the coast, hit up Amber Isle, maybe.”

She blinks in surprise before a slow smile curls the edges of her lips. “You want to take me to the beach?”

“Yeah,” I say, squeezing her hand gently. “Maybe it could be our thing. Every year, no matter where life takes us, we take a long weekend and head to the coast. Just you and me.”

“That sounds perfect.”

“Then it’s a deal.” I pull her in for another kiss. “Our annual tradition, no matter what.”

“I’m excited.” She shifts on the balls of her feet, eyes shining. “I’ve actually never been there before.”

“I’d be happy to pop your cherry, babe.”

She snorts a laugh, swatting me on the arm. “Of course you would.”

“You know, I also heard that Amber Isle’s a good place to get married.”

Her eyes go wide. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“No, I know.” I flash her a warm smile, my heart clenching. “But don’t worry, in a few years, I’ll find the most perfect way to propose to you⁠. And when I finally get that ring on your finger, it’s gonna be because I deserve it.”

She pulls back, blinking up at me with those pretty brown eyes. “You think so?”

“Yes,” I say. “And don’t think I won’t come to collect.”


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