The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye)

Chapter 454

"What's wrong?"

Walter had finally calmed down after his ordeal.

The moment he found Mango, his entire body trembled with shock and it only got worse after Mango was sent into the operating theater. However, calmness permeated his body and he was as cool as a cucumber.

Terrance paused for a moment and he said, "Andrea's escaped."

"The Hans family employs many skilled people, and yet they allowed a woman to escape. Plus, Mango was found in one of the Hans family's clubs. Mr. Hans, do you think I would believe it if you said that your family has nothing to do with this?"

Walter's words were harsh and accusatory.

Then, Noah quickly cut in, "There might be other reasons for this. Despite what you think, the relationship between Mango and the Hans family isn't enough for them to do something like this."

"That might not necessarily be the case. Everyone saw how Madam Hans treated Mango earlier. Now that something like this has happened, I don't believe that it has nothing to do with Hans family. I'm making it clear today, if anything happens to Mango, I will have all of your heads!"

Walter's words caused everyone at the scene to pause momentarily.

Then, Thomas frowned as he thought that it wasn't a good idea for Walter to say that.

"Mr. Song, Mrs. Ye is part of the Ye family. You've done a great service for the Ye family, and I will definitely tell Madam Ye about this. This good deed will not go unrewarded. However, I must ask you to avoid associating with this in the future."

"Avoid? Who are you to tell me to avoid this? Did the Ye family find Mango? You're the ones who lost her in the first place! Who knows what she's been through over the last four days? Where is Mr. Ye, hm?" As soon as Walter brought it up, anger flooded his veins.

It would be fine if it was anyone else, but Mango cared the most about Nathaniel. Alas, he still wasn't here, nor was there any news from him.

Was he dead?

Walter did not believe that no one had informed Nathaniel that his wife had been kidnapped for four days.

Since he already knew, where was he?

Why was there no sign of him?

Walter felt that all of Nathaniel's promises to love Mango for the rest of her life and to treat her right were all nonsense.

He only saw Mango lying on the floor alone as if she'd been forsaken by the entire world.

Was there anyone who could understand how desperate and lonely she was?

Where was Nathaniel when Mango needed him the most?

Walter's questions rendered Thomas speechless.

Meanwhile, Rainie had also stopped trying to defend Nathaniel.

She had also waited for four days in the hopes that Nathaniel would suddenly appear before them and bring Mango home.

However, there was radio silence from Nathaniel, and Walter turned out to be the one who brought Mango back.

Sensing Walter's aggression, Noah quickly defended Nathaniel, "Nathan is not a heartless person. He must have gotten caught up with something, and that's stopping him from coming home. It could be very likely that he doesn't know that Mango was kidnapped. So please, Mr. Song, mind your words."

"Mind my words? I admire your skills as a doctor, Noah, but I'm sure you know how I feel about Nathaniel. I don't blame you for defending him, but don't get involved in my affairs. From now on, Mango's business is my business. I'll be handling everything from now on! Since the Ye family have proven themselves useless, I will protect Mango myself!"

It was clear that Walter did not care for anyone else's objections when he said this.

Earlier, he put aside his feelings for Mango after seeing how much she loved Nathaniel.

However, being passive about his feelings didn't bring Mango any happiness. So, what was there to be afraid of?

"Mr. Song, have you considered Mango's feelings when you say things like this?"

When Madam Ye heard the news about Mango, she rushed over just in time to hear Walter say this.

If it was anyone else, Walter wouldn't be bothered, but he frowned at Madam Ye's suggestion of Mango's feelings.

"Madam Ye, do you think that Mango would still be infatuated with your son after he failed to save her during her time of need?"

Walter's question rendered Madam Ye speechless as she had no idea how to answer him.

She didn't know where Nathaniel went or how to get in touch with him.

After that, Zion peeked out his head from behind Madam Ye. He bowed deeply when he saw Walter before saying, "Uncle Song, thanks for saving my mother." Since he saved Mango, Walter didn't know where to direct his anger. However, he did not expect a child like Zion to appease him.

"You're welcome."

He gently stroked Zion's head, and his eyes brimmed with some tears.

Then, Zion spotted the blood staining Walter's body and he was frightened. He asked, "Does all this blood belong to my Mommy?" "Your Mommy will be fine."

For the first time, Walter had no idea how to comfort a child.

This was Mango's son!

Then, Zion fell silent and he silently waited next to Walter. He watched the lights of the operating theater steadily as unknown thoughts ran through his head.

Madam Ye wanted to say something still, but in the end, she failed to get the words out. Thus, she could only wait.

Later, the doors of the operating theater opened and Genevieve walked out. She was slightly surprised by the number of people waiting for her.

"How is she?"

Noah was more nervous than anyone else in the room.

Genevieve looked at her husband before switching over to Madam Ye. Nathaniel was nowhere to be found, so that meant that he didn't know about Mango's present condition. "Is she okay or not?"

Walter couldn't hold back his anxiety.

Then, Zion took a firm grasp of Walter's clothes. It was clear how strong and calm this child was.

Next, Walter subconsciously held onto Zion's hand. This time, Zion did not fling his hand away and let him hold it, but his hand was slick with sweat.

Genevieve couldn't help but say something when she saw Zion in front of her, "She's not doing too well, so I need to speak with the patient's family in private."

Then, Madam Ye stepped forward and she said, "I'm her mother-in-law. I haven't informed her mother, so please tell me what's going on."

"I need to know as well."

Walter's tone was rigid and fierce, and it dared everyone in the room to challenge his authority.

Thus, Genevieve didn't have much choice and she started to speak, but Terrance cut in.

"No matter what, Mango is part of the Hans family and we deserve to know what is happening." Seeing that no one was willing to back down, Genevieve was in a rather awkward situation. Noah sighed before saying, "Zion, can we go out for a while?"

He only wanted Zion to be away from the whole affair since Zion was still a child.

Then, Zion looked at Walter with a reliant look in his eyes.

Right now, Madam Ye was greatly saddened.

Her grandson was looking to someone like Walter for guidance at this time. Although Walter was the one who brought Mango here, there was still something upsetting about all this. On the other hand, Terrance didn't feel comfortable either.

Zion was a very opinionated child, and he was very good to the Hans family initially. If it wasn't for Madam Hans hurting Mango, he wondered if Zion would look to him for guidance now. Terrance gazed at Zion as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out in the end.

Rainie wanted to take Zion from Walter, but then Walter said, "You are a man, so you have to act like one no matter what happens, okay? Your Daddy is not by your Mommy's side, but you can't be scared as you're her son!"

"Yes! I want to stay!"

Zion said firmly.

Genevieve then glanced over at Noah.

At this stage, Genevieve knew that the crowd before her would not give up even if Noah didn't say anything.

Then, she cleared her throat before saying, "Mango's not doing too well. She has a persistent high fever, and her already frail body has to deal with massive uterine bleeding now. We managed to stop it, but her

fever is the result of experiencing cold temperatures. I don't know if we can stop it. Our last resort is to perform a hysterectomy, but I need someone with the power of attorney to do it! So, I still hope that her husband can be here forthat decision."

Genevieve said that last sentence mainly for Noah to hear.

Then, Noah frowned.

Of course, he knew what Genevieve meant.

However, was it worth it to alert Nathaniel to this?

Mango was already like this.

Even if Nathaniel made it back, what could he do? Stopping Nathaniel's treatment would make him an addict for the rest of his life, and there was a possibility that Mango would die after her hysterectomy. Therefore, whether or not Nathaniel returned did not matter to Mango now. On the contrary, it would harm Nathaniel for the rest of his life.

Noah was Nathaniel's good friend, and naturally, he wouldn't want his friend's life to be controlled by a drug for the rest of his life. Hence, he still needed to keep Nathaniel's state and location a sworn secret despite how much Mango needed him by her side.

When Genevieve saw Noah acting like this, she knew that he'd made up his mind.

The both of them rarely had any difference in opinion, but this time Genevieve was rather angered.

She was a woman, and she knew that a woman needed a man's love and care the most during a time like this. However, Noah insisted on cutting off the connection between Nathaniel and Mango. Despite the action was for their good, Genevieve was still rather pissed off at this decision.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Genevieve's words, especially Rainie.

"What? A hysterectomy? Dr. Bay, you and I both know what will happen to a woman's body when you do that. Mango can't have a hysterectomy!"

"I know, I'm also trying my best to help her. But if it doesn't work, I don't have any other choice. So please contact the patient's family members for me."

After she spoke, Genevieve turned around to enter the operating theater once again. Meanwhile, everyone else looked at Madam Ye.

It was as if Madam Ye was the only one who could find Nathaniel now!

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