The Sin's Virtue

Chapter The Deal


"Not much. Just you." He said grinning.


"Shye?" I jerked upon hearing my name. Looking up from my plate, I saw Kian giving me a concerned look. I frowned. I drifted off, didn't I? That horrible night was adamant to plague my existence again. Reliving is not at all my choice.

"I am fine." I replied little too quickly and went to concentrate on my dinner. He didn't dwell much either and I was grateful for it without any complains.

"So," Yes. How can he leave without questioning me? "Who do you think it is?"


"Diablers. Who do you think it may be?" Oh. I shrugged. I can just tell him who is it but then I will have to tell him about everything and he does not need to know that.

"Don't know." I replied not looking at him.

"It can be both." He said musing. Yeah it can be. Or just him? He is enough to be blamed without even proving it. I just nodded in response.

"Okay that is it. What happened?" Kian asked slapping his hands down on the table. I did not look up from my food. "You are acting weird Shye."

"I am not." I said calmly continuing to eat.

"Really? Then why don't you look me in the eye and tell me so?" He said, his tone acid like. I cringed mentally. He knows I can't lie to his face, to those eyes which are oddly pulling me to him every time I look into their velvety depths and it has become frustrating. He makes me so mad by being this attractive.

You did not just say that!

See? I feel like a stupid teenage girl crazy over her new boyfriend. I can't stop thinking about his lips on my neck from when he kissed that unknown spot that I never knew existed and it angers me even more that he seems to be knowing my body more than me.

It starts from his subtle teasing to full blown chase around his apartment to him messing with my head and body which leads me to think about his past experiences and then me being sad about it for no good reason and him comforting me even though I know that its just out of pity and I don't want pity but I can do nothing because apparently my body reacts to him in the ways I did not know existed. I am a fool to deny those looks that are fantastic at deceiving eyes and that care? Good lord I am going go lunatic if I think he cares because thats what Sins do right? They pull you in and make you fall without catching you!

Wow. You can rant.

This is the very problem! My thought process has lost its way. I am going insane.

I fisted my palms and looked up dead in his eyes, ignoring that look of frustration he was giving me and I won't deny that somewhere it really satisfied me that he was equally frustrated like I was.

"I don't need to tell you what does not concern you." I said calmly, opposite to what I really was feeling. Oh how have I become like this? I can feel all the Sins rubbing off on me. Its like I am forgetting to be Humility. To be myself.

Something flickered in his eyes. Ire?

"You don't mean that." He said quietly but there was an under current of promise in his words. Promise of snapping me in two?

"Oh I do." I said getting up to clear my plates. "I understand you are a Sin and all but that does not make you my 'report to' unit." I said using air quotes. I dropped all the plates in kitchen and turned around to see his clenched face. I bet he is not habitual to such behaviour, just like me. I swear I don't know why I am being so hostile to him all of a sudden?

Maybe because I am done with all the messing around and distractions. I am here on a mission to find my sisters and not be diverted by my mate.

Yes mate. He is your mate for heaven's sake!

The one I can not be with.

You are sick. You are just doing this because you are afraid of him. Afraid of Chao, aren't you?! You just want someone to let it out onto.

I stilled when I realised what my conscience snapped at me.

"You have got some mouth on your little self, haven't you Humility?" He said. His tone was dark. That sinister accent back from its la la land. The way he referred me as Humility and not Shye, warned me to run for my life.

"And what are you going to do about that?" I snapped narrowing my eyes like the stupid one I am. His eyes lightened up and a smirk grew on his lips. This is not good. So. Not. Good.

He stood up from his place and walked in my direction which alarmed me. His intention was clear, he would invade in my personal space just like every time and make me fall for his work on me physically.

Not this time.

"Stop." I said walking out of the kitchen to assure that I have maximum place to not get cornered again.

"You know I can gladly chase you again, if you want?" He shoved his hands in his pocket and followed me out lazily like he had all the time in the world but either way I didn't and he know that.

"STOP IT OKAY?!" I burst out surprising both of us. His expression didn't change but I could tell he did not see that one coming. An odd silence fell over us, suppressing my scream as an aftermath.

"What is bothering you, Shye?" He asked in a whisper. And that care is back. My Creador! This is so confusing!

"You!" I decided to be honest this time. There is no point in beating around the bush.

"Me?" He asked. It certainly took him off guard, didn't it?

"Yes, you!" I said throwing my hands in the air. All the stress which was taking a toll on me was getting out in not a very nice way. Much importantly it was getting out on him and I couldn't do anything. I had lost all the control on myself. "You make me so mad! One second you are all nice and caring and gentle and the next second? You will be all seductive and tease me! You play with my head and mess with my senses! You try to be so nonchalant about the bond which we found out just a few days ago! For heaven's sake its a mate bond, do you get that? No! Infact you use it to your advantage and dangle it right in front of my eyes! And I am sorry that I can't be the same, that I can't be so calm about it when all you are trying to do is help me but excuse me when its so over bearing! You are so confusing!"

I let it all out in one go, breathing heavily. My words had rendered him speechless. Both him and I stood there saying nothing. I guess thats what happens when you pour your heart out. You tend to leave a pause which can't be covered. A gap which can't be filled with anything said or done. Thats a space you need to leave for some fresh air to come and clean every thing so you could start again.

This was exactly one of those moments where nothing could be done about anything. He knows I am right, that in fact all of this is real hard on both of us but he needs to understand that our existence will always be separated by the line drawn between us. A line of being a different emotion from each other.

So I turned around afraid that I will break down again.

"You don't get to turn your back on me." Yeah? I turned around to look at him like he was crazy. Did he get what I said? He came near me and this time I held my ground, looking up at him confidently.

"I confuse you?" He asked softly and I nodded, unsure of where he was going with this. "Our bond is overbearing for you?"

My jaw clenched. Why is he so....thickhead?

"Sometimes." I said trying to be calm.

He didn't say anything just kept looking at me with his searching eyes. Like I would just crack up and tell him that how he has been pranked but that wasn't the case now. With each passing second I was only feeling one thing and that was guilt for bursting out.

Maybe it was too much? Maybe I am being too hard on myself and him as well? Maybe I just need some time to let it sink.

"So you think this is all just an act to play with you?" Ah the theory of self blaming? A brilliant way to make me doubt my words.

I sighed.

"No. I am just saying that we should keep our distance." I said despite my soul begging me to spare her this torture.

"And what? Deny that we are mates?" He said folding his arms over his chest and I followed his veins flexing up his skin and disappearing under the sleeves that were rolled up half way. "Shake your head all you want to Shye, but you do stop yourself from crossing the line which keeps us apart. You are scared to be called mine. You don't want to be with a Sin. Do you?

Look at what you made him believe?!

His words hit like arrows.

"If it weren't for this bond, Would you have ever considered us being together?" I asked instead. "Its just an attraction between us. Due to bond. We are not supposed to like each other but this bond? Oh this is ruining everything."

I could see that my words were equally hurting him and I think thats what we were trying to do. Hurt till one of us gives up. Just for different motives.

"Take it back." He snapped at me.

I just jutted my chin out in response. His jaw clenched.

Feeling like nothing was making sense, I decided to just walk away. I turned around to go and just lock myself in the room but I felt his hand grabbing my arm and suddenly I collided with his chest.

I looked up to meet that familiar gaze meeting mine with an intensity which could possibly burn all my defences and right now I could not afford that.

Yes you can. Just let it go.

And what? Give in?


"You need to be tamed baby and trust me I have quite a few ways to do that so help and don't ever try to walk away when I am talking to you." He said in a menacing tone like I had overstepped some imaginary line. Or maybe he was mad that I wasn't crossing that imaginary line?

"You are no God for me." I said as a matter of fact. He shook his head smirking. His tightened his grip on my wrists and held them behind my back. At his mercy. I should just stop digging the whole any deeper than I have because I have a feeling that he is going to throw me head first in it but my smart mouth isn't ready to comply with me today.

"I am Pride." He said, his eyes were gleaming more than ever. "Half man, half God."

And now I knew why it was Pride, the cause of all the Sins. I could never match him. Counterpart, however I may be, it was his own wish to be calm and not my powers that pacified him. Not now, and, not ever has.

I gulped when the realisation hit me.

"I like the way you quiver in my hands Shye, it makes me want you so much." His lips touched that gentle spot on my neck and just like the last time, I was doomed. Locked and done in his arms.


"If this ruins you Shye, then let me ruin you completely." And he let go. Took a step away from me. Leaving me on the edge of falling apart from the scandalous sensation.

I frowned not understanding his intention.

He grinned. A feral one.

"I'll stay away, until you beg me on your knees to touch you."

I raised a brow at him. Challenging him to back out and when he didn't, I stepped near him careful to not touch him. My lips found his ears and a whisper echoed in his sinister being.



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