The Shadow Alpha


“I thought I'd finally found them, after eleven years of searching and forming allies with those sick bastards I got information that they were being held here in Cali. When I got to California a few days ago, I found out that they had run away. Allie I can't tell you how happy I am that they're alive and finally away from those vile creatures, but I feel even more afraid now. They could be just about anywhere! They could be dead for all I know.” He said in a scared whisper.

“I just... I was so angry at myself for not having found them sooner, but what can I do now? I sent out people to look for them, but we came up with nothing. When I heard them speaking about your pack I realised that you're the only person who can help me, all the information I gathered was simply a bonus. You know how much I hate traitors, so I decided to sort your problem out for you.” he explained filling in all the blanks I had formed in my head.

A tear fell from his eye before I could engulf him in a hug, he isn't the type of guy that would open up to just anyone and show weakness, but we shared a strange bond that allowed us to be open with each other.

I exited the room and was immediately bombarded by everyone and a few more I had left waiting. “You reek of that mutt!” Devin growled angrily, I could see his eye turn colour as he fought his wolf for control.

I bit back a scoff; he decided to show some sort of emotion when he felt threatened I thought bitterly. The door behind me opened revealing Oliver who stared at everyone with a blank look plastered on his face as they glared at him.

“You good?” I asked him which he replied to with a curt nod, I turned to face Devin who had his eyes narrowed at Oliver glaring daggers at him, “If you want to know what's going on, you'll be quiet and follow us.” I said and gestured for everyone to exit the basement.

When we reached my office everyone found a seat and awaited my explanation. They still hadn't stopped glaring at Oliver and I couldn't blame them, to them he was nothing but a rogue who attacked a pack member.

“This is Oliver Clarke aka; one of the last remaining members of the Celestia Pack.” At the mention of the pack everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"How is that possible? The Celestia Pack was attacked years ago; no survivors have been reported till date.” Papa Jamie said in confusion with an undertone of accusation. I looked at Oliver who lifted his shirt to reveal the marking of what was once the most powerful pack in the world; the marking was something every member was born with, making them even more special. There were gasps and looks of shock plastered on everyone's faces, but Devin concealed his shock under his anger and hatred for Oliver.

"How?" Dristan asked in awe.

"My father; the Alpha, knew that he had a lot of enemies and so he kept my birth a secret from the world, only known to selective pack members. He sent me to live with his sister in a nearby pack when I was only a few months old in order to protect me and the pack. Six years later my mother found out she was pregnant again with twins this time, but unlike with me they failed to hide her pregnancy from the world, so they couldn't do much to protect them.

"When the girls were five years old, my family came to California for an Alpha meeting and decided to make a little holiday out of it. While they were out on the beach one day they were attacked by a large group of rogues. The rogues left my parents for dead, their bodies were discovered on the beach by the pack they had been staying with, but my sister's bodies were never found and so they assumed that the rogues kidnapped them.

“The Beta took over the running of the pack, but he found it difficult. I was still too young to assume the role as Alpha so naturally the pack was at its weakest and a group of rogues used that as an advantage, attacking and killing every last one of my pack members apart from the few children lucky enough to have gotten away when their parents told them to run. When I turned fifteen I turned rogue and set out to find my sisters and any remaining Celestia pack members in the hopes that we may rise again.

“Two years ago I met Allison when I crossed into the borders of a pack she was training in London, she picked up my scent and we got into a fight- which much to my amazement at the time, she won. She forced me to tell her who I was and why I was snooping along pack borders, but just as I was about to make up a lie, she saw my tattoo and formulated her own conclusion, I ended up telling her that I was looking for my sisters.” both of us smiled at the memory.

“I helped her locate a rogue camp and she along with a group of warriors attacked their base and after pretending to help them, I became an ally.” Oliver sent a smile in my direction and a low grow! erupted from Devin's chest.

"Over the years I made allies with various groups of rogues to try and track down my sisters and until a week ago I had gathered no information about their whereabouts. When I heard that they were still in California we flew up here, but when we got here they weren't anywhere to be found. I was desperate to find them so when I heard the rogues talking about the Blue Moon pack’s informant I knew that Allison was the only person who could help me. Firstly I owed her one and secondly I needed an in to the pack without the rogues getting suspicious, so what better way than to attack someone and get caught.” I saw understanding pass everyone's faces as hey nodded in acceptance

"So you chose to attack my Theta!” well almost everyone...

Oliver raised an amused eyebrow at me and was about to answer before I cut him off, “We'll meet again tonight; there is something important I need to discuss with you all. For now, Papa J; please get them to release the rest of the Oliver's gang and organise them some clean clothes and a place to rest. Everyone except for Devin and Hunter can get back to whatever till I call you for the meeting. Oliver, go with dad he'll show you to your room.” Within a matter of seconds the crowd had dispersed leaving Hunter Devin and I alone in silence.

Devin's hands were still balled up into fists and his teeth clenched, he looked up at me with anger written across his features.

“Devin, let me explain.” I said slowly testing the waters, “By all means.” He muttered angrily.

“If you haven't figured by now, I'm not exactly a normal wolf.” His nodded, albeit begrudgingly "Have you ever heard the story of the Shadow wolf?" he nodded again, with confusion maring his features.

“Well, long story short... I am the Shadow wolf.” His eyes widened as he thought about it but narrowed them before speaking, “How is that possible?” I sighed before explaining the events leading up to my shift as well as my abilities.

His face remained impassive throughout my entire monologue, when I finished his reaction didn't change “Prove it.” Was all he said, so I stood up and opened the lid on the jug of water that rested on my desk. I concentrated on the water and imagined it lifting out of the jug; I guided it till it was floating between both men who looked intrigued.

“Believe me now?" I said in his head which made him jump forward basically bumping into the bubble of water causing it to splatter across his face. Hunter and I burst out laughing that we were rolling on the floor at the look on Devin's face; he looked shocked, frightened and annoyed all at once.

I could hear the irritation in his voice as he attempted to get us to stop laughing; when suddenly he stopped talking all together. I finally got my laughter under control and wiped the tears from my face before looking at Devin. The sound of Hunter's laughter was drowned out as I stared at him and he stared back with equal if not more intensity than me, his chocolate brown hair was slicked back in a sexy way due to the water and his hypnotising grey orbs held so many emotions. I felt overwhelmed just thinking about it.

“I'm sorry.” He said softly.

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