The Scarred Luna by Laura-Rave

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

Derrick stepped out of the office, bringing his hand up to his shoulders and gently massaged it. He felt stiff and know he needs some sort of relief. With the way he has been feeling, he has an inclination to check the calendar for his next rut. He is sure it is closer than it is right now. 

“Alpha.” He paused, turning to see Erin behind him, head lowered a bit. A smile made it’s way to his lips. instinctively. 

“Oh, it’s late and you’re still awake?” He asked. He had been awake and trying to sort out accounts with Alex and Dylan. They only just left moments ago. 

“Yeah, I feel a bit restless.” She replied, her hand caressing the bump on her stomach. It’s just hitting him now! that Erin is actually pregnant. She’s pregnant and her bump is showing now. It’s been more than two months since she was inducted into the pack and now. 

“Is there something I can help you with?” Erin asked, her gaze falling to the hand he had over his shoulder. 

“-Ah, no. My shoulders are just very stiff.” He replied and she nods. 

“Well, I’ll…” he doesn’t get to complete his words as she cut him off. 

“Would you like to come on a walk with me?” She blurts out. Derrick gaped openly at her as Erin flushes, her 

cheeks burning a right red. 

“I Um..was wondering..Um” 

“I uh, sure. I don’t mind.” His gaze trailed over her body and sees she’s already wearing something appropriate 

for the cold weather. 

“I’ll just grab a sweat shirt and we can leave.” Erin nods, watching him rush towards his room while she stood by the office door, waiting for him to come back. 

He jogs back after some minutes, wearing a black sweatshirt. He looked like he washed his face and hair? She can’t say but looking at him now, he looked really fluffy, it made her heart flutter with butterflies. 

“Sorry I took a while but we can go on.” He urges and she nods, hoping her cheeks wasn’t a burning shade of red. 





Emergency calls only MO 

Chapter 28 

2010% 14:42 

They both walk out of the pack house, oblivious to the eyes following them. Erin dipped her hand into the sweater’s pockets, blowing out a considerably amount of air from her mouth. Everywhere was peaceful. The entire pack was quiet, the people would be in their homes sleeping and well, it’s very late again. 


She looked to her side and sees Derrick, she could tell he was thinking, if not overthinking everything. His eyes seemed focused and yet unfocused if one were to go by the determination set in them. 

“Are you fine?” Erin asks after some minutes of silence, not bothering to ask where they were heading to. 

A few minutes passed and Erin had even began to wonder if Derrick heard her at all. She opened her mouth to speak but he cuts her off “Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied, glancing at her, their eyes meeting for a second. 

Erin looks away, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. 

“It’s been some months since you joined the pack. How has it been so far?” He asked and if Erin hadn’t been expecting these sort of questions for him, then she’s clearly deceiving herself. She realized she pays attention to what he does, either unconsciously or consciously. 

Erin inhaled deeply “It’s been a roller coaster and I like it.” She smiled, her thoughts running back to Amelia, Maria and even some of the maids she has made friends with. 

“I like it a lot.” She whispered after a second. Derrick glanced at her, he could tell he was thinking even as they walked but with the smile on her face, it’s something she likes. He decided to break the ice. 

“Do you want to shift?” He asks. Erin but the inner of her cheeks, the doctors orders came rushing back to her. 

“I’m sorry but I can’t.” She replied, feeling about angry at the fact. 


“The doctor advised that I try not to shift because of my pregnancy. He says it’s to make sure the pup is safe since shifting is a bit..” she trailed off. Hoping he understood what she meant and thankfully it seemed like he 


“Do you not enjoy being the luna? The luna of the blue moon pack?” he asked her after a beat, letting his feet lead him towards the lake. He only realized the direction they headed after he saw the marks. The same ones he had ingrained in one of the trees during his playtimes while he was younger. 

“I don’t.” Erin replied without hesitating. That’s new. How does one not miss being a luna? A luna where you 





Emergency calls only Mu 

Chapter 28. 

have everyone at your beck and call. It’s something. 

*010% 14:42 

Erin looks up to see Derrick staring at her, “I mean, being a luna and especially the luna of the Blue moon pack was definitely. It’s kind of easy when you hear it. Being a luna, that is, but it was one of my great weakness.” Now, Derrick is intrigued. They were so closer to the river bank now. The air getting colder by the second. 

“How do you mean?” He asked, keeping his ear out for anything unusual as they walked. 

Erin sighs, knowing she would have to respond to the question sooner or later and if this is it then so be it. 

“I was betrothed to Liam. He wasn’t my true mate. His father who was the Alpha of the blue moon pack thought! would be the perfect wolf for him. I am an orphan and didn’t have much say in the matter. I’m an omega and he- he thought getting his son mates to me would give them a lifetime of sons. I was betrothed to him so I could bare him pups. She replied, smiling albeit wistfully. Her thoughts running back to when she as living in the blue moon pack. It’s as really something and she wondered just how she survived there. 

“Oh..” Derrick trailed off, unable to come up with something intelligent. He knew she had suffered and all but 

didn’t know it would be.. 

“I couldn’t bare pups for him. I was barren and it was..” she trails off, chuckling bitterly. 

-The doctors said something was wrong with my hormones. They said I had a problem and that’s why I couldn’t conceive even I’ve during my heats like any normal omega.” 

“But you’re pregnant now.” Derrick pointed out. They both weren’t aware of the fact that they had stopped walking nor were they aware of the fact that they had gotten to the river bank. 

“Yes I am but it’s too late. Liam got himself a mistress and she got pregnant. He told me himself the same say I found out I had taken in and was finally going to give the kingdom it’s heir, I rushed to the pack house, hoping to see Liam and surprise him but instead I was surprised.” Derrick had anger boiling inside of him. 

How could a Liam have been so stupid and callous? 

“I couldn’t tell him and honestly, I felt horrible about what happened and so I walked to the balcony for some air. His mistress, Melissa came after me and we got into an argument. She almost tried to push me over the balcony but by accident I pushed her instead.” By this time, Erin had tears streaming down her cheeks as she retold her ordeal. She was reliving it again and it was worse. The emotions she felt that period wasn’t a joke, 




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Emergency calls only Mu 

Chapter 28 

010% 14:42 

“Liam got to know what had happened and he didn’t wait to throw me into the dungeon. No matter how much I tried to make him see it, he wouldn’t listen and it was even worse when he lost his pup. He went ballistic.” 

Derrick takes a step closer to her, unaware of their close proximity. He lifts his hands and gently wipe the tears 

off her cheeks. 

“You aren’t barren, you have an healthy pup on its way. It’s Liam’s loss anyways.” Derrick tried to comfort her. 

Erin chuckled, lifting her head to look at him, she’s able to tell he is one of those awkward people that don’t know how to comfort people and yet, here he is trying to comfort her. She felt a tug in her chest as the thought 

came into her mind. 

Now looking into his eyes, Erin’s throat constricted of air, finally realizing the close proximity between them. Finally realizing how close they were standing. Derrick’s frame hovering over her. His hot breathe fanning against her nose. She parted her lips slightly, suddenly feeling an influx of butterflies in her stomach. She’s never felt this way, ever and so it’s strange. It’s very strange to feel these things for him when she shouldn’t. 

She steps back, knowing whatever was about to happen shouldn’t. Finally she turns, taking a look around. A gasp escaped her lips as she looks around. The lake was blue and beautiful, the moon shining brightly on it, 

making it even more beautiful than it was. She looks up, a smile making its way to her lips as she stared at the thousands of stars scattered on the sky. 

“This is so beautiful.” She says in awe. 

Derrick hum, unable to keep his eyes off her. The way her eyes lit at seeing the stars, the way she giggled and clapped like an overexcited baby. The strings in his heart tugged again. 

He wills himself to look away and finally get drowned in nature. He shuts his eyes, allowing the night air breeze on his face. Erin had stopped what she was doing to also look at him. How is it possible for her to feel this many things for him. How is it possible that she feels all of these things for someone she knows she can’t have especially with the baggages in her life. 

She’s shocked when Derrick turns to look at her, now their eyes met. He knows she’s been looking at him and she doesn’t find it in her to feel embarrassed. Instead she smiles at him, feeling more lighter and better after what she told him. 

Derrick turns to her, lifting hand up to her face and gently tucks a strand of air behind her ear. He couldn’t find it in him to speak, just staring at her had it’s own healing. He is Abel to appreciate her beauty even more. The freckles spread against her cheekbones and nose, the night of her nose, her thin yet plump lips. The mole on the 






Emergency calls only MO 

Chapter 28 

corner of her bottom lip. The birthmark beside her eyes. She’s simply breathtaking. 

011% 14:42 

His tongue darts out, licking his dry lips. Erin’s gaze follows the movement, suddenly feeling very patched. Derrick finds himself unable to look away, his eyes stuck on hers. 

He throws caution to the wind. Taking another step closer to her, his lips Hovering dangerously against hers that with just a slight tilt of head, their lips would be meeting. 

“I’m going to kiss you now, Erin.” Derrick says but Erin could hear the warning in his voice. If she wanted step back away and pretend like all of these didn’t happens then she could but would she? She wouldn’t and so she shuts her eyes, tilting her head up just a bit and their lips meet for the first time. It’s sorta off slow, unsure for Erin but confident with Derrick. He snakes his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he ran his tongue over her bottom lip, Erin swallowing the choked up gasp that left her lips. Her lips was warm and soft, a soft as butter. Her kisses was addicting and consider Derrick addicted already. 





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