The Rotting Flesh Book 2: Deadman’s Wonderland

Chapter 24: Retaliation

“Boy, you chew more than you can swallow” said Blaze spitting blood to the ground

“I’m going to kill you” Lucce said ignoring the blood flowing from his face from his head

“We took you in and spares your retched life and this is how you pay us back” Blaze said leaning against a tree where he was impaled to

Lucce clenched his fists as the memories of the day he lost his friend flashed in his head. He corked the shotgun he had and the empty clips fell to the ground. Those clips had been emptied on Blaze’s chest. The skin on there was tattered to an extend that the ribs were visible.

“Any last words” said Lucas pointing the gun

“Wait wait wa wait we we can talk about this, spare me I promise I won’t……. I won’t kill again” Blaze suddenly began to beg for his life.

“Filth, you think I can trust the likes of you” Lucce frowned glaring at him

“Loo look wha what do you want, I can tell Lord Ceaser and he can grant you anything, you can even become one of us” he tried to negotiate

“I’d rather die than become a monster” tears flowed down Lucce’s cheeks “you took everything from me, now I’ll tale away the one thing you can’t do without, your life” he adjusted his position

“You son of bitch I arrh” Blaze was cut off by the shotgun fragments destroying his chest and piercing his heart

He began to death rattling, as blood and saliva collected in his throat. The veins all over his body faded and his head slumped forward. To make sure Lucce picked up a machete and savored the head. It rolled and stopped next to his feet.

I’m sorry I know this won’t bring you back but at least it can bring you peace...Travis

“Lucce we have a problem!” a man rushed into the rusty metal shack he was standing in

“What is it” he turned with agency “is it Ceaser?” he asked his pulse already beginning to race

“That bastard Edwardo switched sides and wants to tell Ceaser”

Lucce’s brows drew together “Where is he?!?” he yelled

“He he he” the man stumbled upon his words

“Calm down Blessed” said Lucce biting on his thumb nail

“But Ceaser Lucas he’s” spoke Blessed his eyes reddening

“I already took into account that someone might betray us so I prepared in advanced. I just didn’t imagine it being Edwardo. Too bad” sighed Lucce while scowling in disappointment

Blessed’s closed his eyes and sighed in relief.

“Damn I almost lost it there didn’t I” he admitted

“Ceaser is one to be feared greatly. Your reaction was called for” Lucce eased things for him

He reached for his belt and took a walkie from there. Slowly bringing it closer to his lips he pressed the button. It made a scratching sound and a voice came from it

“Sanchez here is everything alright Lucce. Donald has taken down Lysias but the bastard he held back and also died” she gave a report immediately

“What about the other deadmen, heard they went after the others groups” said Lucce

“You won’t believe it but Charlotte and Silus were all taken out. Whoever those other groups are, they are damn powerful.” She spoke with impress in her voice

Lucce’s eyes glazed when he heard this and his mind rewinded to the time when he was giving out weapons.

“Could it be that girl” he bit his lower lip contemplating “El”

“Come again” asked Charlotte

“Oh sorry I called to inform you Blaze is dead too here. And” he sighed again “Edwardo” he spoke reluctantly

“Got it” she replied “Go out boys its Edwardo, if you got a soft spot for him just remember all those you’ve lost. Fire at will” she commanded with audible irritation in her voice “damnit that bastard”

“I know, I’m disappointed too” said Lucce

“We all are but this is a small price to pay for salvation. You did good Lucce…over” she said and hung up

His eyes watered and he looked up at Blessed who gently lay his hand on his shoulder.

“No war comes without losses. You’re a good leader and we will follow you to the grave.” Comforted Blessed and he walked out of the room

Lucce looked up to fight tears from coming out but they flowed out anyway

Go get them El he smiled.

Frowning with tears in her eyes Sanchez looked out for Edwardo. She knew the path they were waiting for her was the one he would likely use. Just as she predicted he appeared. Their eyes met before she lifted up her sniper. She could see his lips say I’m sorry. Like her heart had been burst she almost couldn’t pull the trigger but breathed in and recollected herself.

“Its sad it had to end this way” she whispered and pulled the trigger

The bullet went and almost missed because Edwardo swaved his bike. It hit him in the back hitting the lungs a vital organ. The bike swerved sideways but he retained balance and kept on riding.

“Let it rip boys” she said and her men made it rain

The bullets ripped through their ex-comrade’s bare back.

His bike went out of sight but the damage was too much

The bike raced through the woods in such an unsteady manner which

Bursting through the entrance blood drenched, Joseph the remaining of Blaze’s men he fell in front of Ceaser. The cold king’s blood boiled as more and more reports of losses came in.

“Lord Ceaser I’m sorry I I tried, they killed General Blaze” he said coughing out blood

“Who!!!??” Ceaser promptly stood up from his seat

“The other humans have switched sides and attacked anyone on our side, they swarmed the General and killed him…..they haaaa” he coughed blood “Lu Lucce” he added and fell face down

Gustavo stood up from his seat, crouched next to him and checked his pulse.

So this is why we couldn’t find out where Lysias was damn

Purple veins began protruding on top of his skin and he began growling. Without a word he walked out of the room. Ceaser breathed so heavily it was audible to even someone outside the room.

“Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr bloody bastards” Ceaser screamed with rage

He punched the wall and broke the wall leaving a large gap on it. Veins were becoming visible all over his skin and his eyes turned black.

“First Charlotte then Silus now Blaze damnit aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh” he roared

You will all pay for this

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