The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 32 : A Friend’s Funeral

The sound of rainfall roared with such intensity seeing was close to impossible. One could not stay in one place for too long before it would flood. The undead

“Where is this station you spoke of?!!” Tanya yelled seeing how much worse the rain was getting

“Down here follow me!” signalled Tom as he went down a small path

They walked for a bit and finally arrived there. Tanya was about to advance when Tom held her back. He took out one of the lights he had, broke it and threw it at the shop. In what felt like a split second the undead were coming out from everywhere headed for the sound.

“Two, Four, Six” he counted

“Why are you counting?” Tanya asked feeling her insides churning

“Here break it and throw when that one fades” Tom said handing her the remaining two lights


Before she could finish Thomas has walked into the lot of the fuel station. He picked up a bat which lay on the ground and walked to a body which lay in the middle of the lot. He knelt next to it, a stray tear flowed from his left eye

“Rest easy Jane, I promise I’m going to get her back” he whispered

What is he doing, can’t he see those things are already approaching him damnit Tom her eyes widened as she was about to yell he stood up

Tom breathed in and out then tightly gripped his bat. Just standing in this place filled him with rage.

“Hello boys missed me, been out of commission but I’m back” he smiled

What the fuck Tanya’s eyes widened impossible, how can he smile at a time like this

Memories of the past two months with Jane came flashing in his mind. He frowned and took his first swing. It hit with such impact it burst the head scattering brains everywhere. Tanya stared in awe. She never imagined him to be this efficient. There were fifteen zombies in total and they were in such close proximity using a bat was close to impossible. However for Tom it was not. The rage and regret he bear inside drove him. He efficiently dodged them taking out one after the other with one hit. Blood and flesh filled the ground in no time.

All that gore made Tanya feel like throwing up but she was shocked how much Tom was un phased, it was like he was doing something he had been doing for years. He grit his teeth as he annihilated them. Finally one zombie was left standing, it was stuck at the door of the shop. Tom approached it with such blood lust in his eyes. With all his might he gave it a haymaker blow which destroyed its head swinging the doors open. He stood waiting for more but they were all done. Tanya could not believe her eyes, he had taken them all out before the flare went out. It finally went out. She broke another and walked out the bushes she was hiding in.

Nomatter where she tried to step, there was either flesh or brains. She approached him and held his shoulder


He turned with the most terrifying look someone could have on their face. She could not only see that he was angry but she felt it. It sent a chill down her spine which made her take two steps back. Realizing he scared her, Tom snapped out of it and tried to lighten up the situation

“Next supply run you clear the ground” he smiled “get a jerican and fetch some fuel there, I gotta take care of something” he added

He went and gently carried Jane’s body to the back of the station. He searched for a shovel at the back room and began digging. Due to the rain, the soil was soft and easy to penetrate. Tanya collected enough gas and followed him

“Take a rest, its my turn” she said

“Don’t trouble yourself” he declined politely

Tanya went and held his shoulder. Remembering his words to her she said

“You aren’t alone anymore”

He stopped for a minute to think and finally gave in. She took the shovel and finished digging enough for a body to fit.

“I’ll be in the store checking for other things we might need” she said and gave him his space to mourn

Tom buried Jane. He stood by her grave, rain still pouring down on him.

“Jane, I’m glad I met you. Im sorry i never took the time to tell you this when you were alive. I never knew my mom that much so in some way i can say you were sent in her place.” He smirked as tears filled his eyes

“I’m sorry I quarreled or disagreed with you at times but i swear I heard each and every word you said. Its sad the memories we created together have to end here my friend.”

Tanya watched from the back office’s window.

“I promise you, I will get Theresa back nomatter what it takes after all you once told me this world is a battlefield. I won’t go down without a fight and I know you may not approve of this but I am going to find the person who did this to you and end them.” he grit his teeth as veins protruded from his forehead

I’ll never let anything happen to someone I love. I won’t lose anyone else again

He gripped his bat. Looked up, anger was rising within him, a kind he had never felt. Nomatter how hard he tried to hold it in it was too much to suppress it. He took a deep breath and as he breathed out a powerful warrior’s roar came out. Philosophers say emotional pain never truly heals but rather time teaches us to live with the pain. The day Jane died and Theresa was taken away, something died inside Thomas. Something changed and he could feel it. Even though he had lost a friend, he knew he had gained something much greater, resolve to survive. Instead of falling apart, he was reborn.

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