The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 16: Camp secrets

The siren marking the start of the day went, rudely awakening everyone at camp. Tanya had slept late playing chess with her new found friend Shiva. They had met in the second week and had gotten along quite well. Shiva was a lean but curvey young adult two years older than Tanya. She had come to camp from Nancefield three days after the tragedy. Being one of the people who had been left by the military she had suffered trauma.

“Aaargg damn I hate when that happens” Tanya said stretching her arms

“Well, theres no place like home don’t you agree” Shiva commented as she got out of her blankets

The camp was divided into sections which were called houses. There were areas for couples and for singles. The area for singles ranged from house 1 to 20 each house consisting of forty people. The singles section was further divided into male and female of which eighty percent were females. Tanya and Shiva were from house 14 while Rodrigas resided in house 20.

Walking between the long stretch of beds in house 14 Rodrigas smiled as Tanya came into view.

“Wakey wakey how are you today” he smiled

“Hey Rod, wasup” Tanya responded casually

“Just wanted to check if you needed anything I managed to get some toiletries”

“Im great thank you, so far so good” she replied

“After breakfast drop by my tent pronto” he said

Shiva just kept darting her eyes back and forth from Rod to Tanya. After a short while Rodrigas left for the eating area.

“So what is he like, your dad or something?” Shiva asked as they walked to their table

“No more like an older brother” replied Tanya confidently

“But you’ve just known him for one month and you already consider him that close”

“I’ve known you for a shorter period but i trust you don’t I” she said raising her eyebrow at Shiva

“Damn, you got me” she admitted defeat

They arrived in the eating area that had rows and rows of tables. Each house had four tables of ten people.

“You know honestly, this place feels like jail sometimes” Shiva commented

“Like you would know anything about jail” said Tanya

“I have been”

Tanya’s eyes widened “what?”

“Yea, I found with drugs and served 6 months in the Nance field prison” she said casually

“How was it?” Tanya asked curiously

“Like here” she said looking around “well the only difference is how you get to live without people bothering you, in prison in order to survive you needed a gang”

“So what was yours?”

“They called themselves the Shinigami meaning Deathgods” she sighed “ i hope they all died in this whole mess”

“Why weren’t they your crew?”

“I had no choice trust me” she said

Breakfast, lunch or supper took ages to end due to the high number of people at the camp. They were served five slices of bread, half done eggs, bacon and juice, tea or coffee. For those who were homeless before the apocalypse this was a safe haven.

After breakfast people were allowed to mix and do whatever recreational activities within the camp premises. Even though the place was run by the military it wasn’t too strict. The only thing they were critical about was curfew and immediate treatment of anyone who was ill.

“See you back at the tent” Shiva waved at Tanya who was going to check on Rodrigas

He sat outside his tent reading a war novel “The blue and grey”. They were his favorite especially on calm days like this one. Noticing Tanya he closed it and went inside to get another chair for her.

“Here follow me” he said handing her a chair

They went and sat under a secluded mango tree a short distance from their tent.

“Is everything okay?” Tanya asked noticing how edgy he seemed

“Hows Shiva?” he asked leaning back in his chair

“She’s fine”

“What kind of a person is she?”

“Mmmmm not so sure but i like her”

“Okay” he said with a look on his face

“What is it?” she asked

“Something about her doesn’t sit right with me, be careful of her” he said

“Owwkeyy I’m sure if someone is dangerous Im old enough to see myself” she said in her defense “is that what you called me for?” she was getting irritated

She felt as though he was too controlling and thats one of the things she hated the most.

“Forget i said that anyway to what I called you here for” he cleared his throat “has anyone in your tent fallen ill recently?”

She stopped to think and shook her head “no not that i know of, what’s up?”

“Something isn’t right about this camp” he lowered his voice and moved closer to her “it started unnoticeable but now the cases have risen, but everyone” he cleared his throat again

Tanya could see he was nervous because sweat was slowly accumulating on his forehead. It was odd to see him like this, he always seemed to be the brave type.

“Calm down whats wrong?” she asked

“The people who fall ill and go for treatment never come back” he finally said

Immediately something hit Tanya, she recalls hearing a man demanding to see his wife after she had been taken for treatment. The man was taken to his wife but did not return so she just thought maybe they were now living together in quarantine.

“Isn’t it odd how there aren’t any elderly or ill people here”

“No wait” her pupils dilated

“They are killing everyone who they even think is sick”

“we need to get out of here” she said already feeling hot

“Its not that easy, I know a guy who found out and tried to flee they collected him. I never saw him again. His last words to me were ‘they are gonna kill me’” he said running his fingers through his beard

“Oh no, this can’t be happening” Tanya covered her face

“What is it?” Rodrigas asked

“I went to the clinic yesterday after I contracted a flu” she said her words sending a chill down Rodrigas’ spine

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